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UCalgary Course Reviews

University of Calgary

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ARCH 504Graphics Workshop I00000
ARCH 602Introduction to Design Theories00000
ARCH 610Structures for Architects II00000
ARCH 618Architectural Professional Practice00000
ARCH 674Experiential Learning in Architecture00000
ARCH 682Special Topics in Architecture00000
ARCH 690Studio Research Selective00000
ARCH 698Taylor Workshop00000
ARCH 792Directed Study in Architecture00000
ARCH 402Design, Digital Technology and the Built Environment00000
ARCH 500Sustainability in the Built Environment00000
ARCH 508Building Science and Technology I00000
ARCH 512Graphics Workshop II00000
ARCH 600Structures for Architects I00000
ARCH 608Architectural Lighting Design00000
ARCH 616Comprehensive Architectural Design Studio00000
ARCH 672Experiential Learning in Architecture00000
ARCH 680Special Topics in Architecture00000
ARCH 686Topics Course in Architecture00000
ARCH 692Gillmor Theory Seminar00000
ARCH 700Senior Research Studio in Architecture I00000
ARCH 799Preceptorship in Architecture00000
ARCH 400Introduction to Architecture, Planning and Landscape Architecture00000
ARCH 404Architecture and Life Cycle Thinking: Climate Change and Beyond00000
ARCH 502History of Architecture and Human Settlements I - Premodern Traditions of the World00000
ARCH 510History of Architecture and Human Settlements II – The Rise of Modernity, 1750 to Present00000
ARCH 606Intermediate Architectural Design Studio00000
ARCH 612Building Science and Technology II00000
ARCH 670Experiential Learning in Architecture00000
ARCH 676Experiential Learning in Architecture00000
ARCH 684Special Topics in Architecture00000
ARCH 694Studio Research Selective00000
ARCH 790Directed Study in Architecture00000
ARCH 201Architecture and the Future of Cities00000
ARCH 406Design Thinking in the Built Environment Studio I00000
ARCH 506Studio I in Architecture00000
ARCH 514Studio II in Architecture00000
ARCH 604Leadership in Architecture00000
ARCH 614Environmental Control Systems00000
ARCH 675Urban Systems00000
ARCH 688Special Studio Topics in Architecture00000
ARCH 696Somerville Design Charrette00000
ARCH 702Senior Research Studio in Architecture II00000
ARCH 408Design Thinking in the Built Environment Studio II00000