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UCalgary Course Reviews

University of Calgary

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
CHEM 203General Chemistry: Change and Equilibrium42531
CHEM 201General Chemistry: Structure and Bonding12111
CHEM 627Theoretical Inorganic Chemistry00000
CHEM 357Industrial Organic Chemistry for Engineers00000
CHEM 353Organic Chemistry II00000
CHEM 321Environmental Chemistry00000
CHEM 301The Chemical World00000
CHEM 209General Chemistry for Engineers00000
CHEM 669Selected Topics in Applied Chemistry00000
CHEM 653Advanced Organic Spectroscopy00000
CHEM 373Physical Chemistry: Quantum Chemistry00000
CHEM 617Advanced Analytical Chemistry00000
CHEM 603Research Seminar00000
CHEM 559Organic Spectroscopy00000
CHEM 551Organic Synthesis00000
CHEM 533Advanced Inorganic Chemistry: Main Group Elements00000
CHEM 515Advanced Instrumental Analysis00000
CHEM 423Green Chemistry: Principles and Techniques00000
CHEM 409Applied Chemistry and Chemical Pathways for Engineers00000
CHEM 425Industrial Chemistry00000
CHEM 433Inorganic Chemistry: Transition Metals00000
CHEM 502Research in Chemistry00000
CHEM 531Advanced Inorganic Chemistry: Transition Metals00000
CHEM 541Concepts in Biochemical Toxicology00000
CHEM 555Advanced Organic Laboratory00000
CHEM 573Nature of the Condensed Phase in Chemistry00000
CHEM 601Research Seminar00000
CHEM 615Analytical Separations00000
CHEM 623Chemistry of the Main Group Elements00000
CHEM 651Advanced Organic Stereochemistry00000
CHEM 659Selected Topics in Organic Chemistry00000
CHEM 681Crystallography00000
CHEM 402Introduction to Research in Chemistry00000
CHEM 213Foundations of Chemistry: Change and Equilibrium00000
CHEM 315Analytical Chemistry: Introductory Instrumental Analysis00000
CHEM 571Physical Chemistry of Interfaces00000
CHEM 579Surface and Colloid Chemistry for Engineers00000
CHEM 613Electrochemical Fundamentals and Methodologies00000
CHEM 619Selected Topics in Analytical Chemistry00000
CHEM 641Concepts in Biochemical Toxicology00000
CHEM 655Advanced Organic Synthesis00000
CHEM 701Independent Study00000
CHEM 211Foundations of Chemistry: Structure and Bonding00000
CHEM 311Analytical Chemistry: Quantitative Analysis00000
CHEM 351Organic Chemistry I00000
CHEM 355Organic Chemistry II (for Chemists)00000
CHEM 371Physical Chemistry: Thermodynamics Chemistry00000
CHEM 453Advanced Organic Chemistry00000
CHEM 417Modern Chromatographic Analysis00000
CHEM 431Inorganic Chemistry: Main Group Elements00000
CHEM 471Physical Chemistry: Kinetics and Spectroscopy00000
CHEM 521Introduction to Atmospheric Chemistry00000
CHEM 535Advanced Inorganic Laboratory00000
CHEM 553Bio-organic Chemistry00000
CHEM 575Advanced Electronic Structure Theory00000
CHEM 599Selected Topics in Chemistry00000
CHEM 621Organometallic Chemistry00000
CHEM 629Selected Topics in Inorganic Chemistry00000
CHEM 657Theoretical Organic Chemistry00000
CHEM 689Selected Topics in Physical Chemistry00000
CHEM 379Materials Chemistry for Engineers00000