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UCalgary Course Reviews

University of Calgary

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
GRST 209Classical Mythology and Literature43321
GRST 525Advanced Topics in Greek and Roman Studies00000
GRST 457Topics in Latin Literature in Translation00000
GRST 651Directed Studies00000
GRST 347Late Roman Antiquity00000
GRST 419Topics in Late Antiquity00000
GRST 425Topics: Greeks, Romans and Other Cultures00000
GRST 447Topics in Roman Art and Archaeology00000
GRST 483Practicum00000
GRST 499Topics in Ancient and Medieval Historiography00000
GRST 601Graduate Seminar00000
GRST 205Introduction to Greece and Rome00000
GRST 306Roman Religion00000
GRST 313The Ancient Novel and Its Predecessors00000
GRST 321Ancient Technology00000
GRST 327Roman Art and Architecture00000
GRST 339History of Classical Greece00000
GRST 355Warriors and Lovers: Greek Literature in Translation00000
GRST 421Topics in Greek and Roman Political and Military History00000
GRST 431Studies in Ancient Myths00000
GRST 455Topics in Greek Literature in Translation00000
GRST 491Field Work00000
GRST 504Honours Thesis00000
GRST 603Research and Professional Training00000
GRST 305Greek Religion00000
GRST 309Comparative Mythology00000
GRST 315Women and the Family in the Greek and Roman World00000
GRST 323Ancient Medicine and the Mind00000
GRST 335The Ancient Near East to Alexander the Great00000
GRST 341History of Rome's Expansion into the Mediterranean to 30 BCE00000
GRST 357Myths, Slaves and Heroes: Roman Literature in Translation00000
GRST 417Topics in the History of the Roman Empire00000
GRST 433Topics in Greek and Roman Religion, Intellectual and Cultural History00000
GRST 459Topics in Ancient Greece and Rome on Film00000
GRST 501Majors’ Special Topic00000
GRST 551Directed Research00000
GRST 494Field Work00000
GRST 311Sport in Ancient Greece and Rome00000
GRST 317Humorous Prose: From Rome to the Renaissance00000
GRST 325Greek Art and Architecture00000
GRST 337Early Greece00000
GRST 345Rome: The Late Republic and Early Empire00000
GRST 413Topics in Early and Classical Greek History00000
GRST 415Topics in Hellenistic and Roman Republican History00000
GRST 423Topics in Greek and Roman Social and Economic History00000
GRST 445Topics in Greek Art and Archaeology00000
GRST 211Technical Terms of Medicine and the Life Sciences00000