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UCalgary Course Reviews

University of Calgary

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
RELS 373Topics in Religious Studies32332
RELS 387Christian Monks, Mystics and Reformers53551
RELS 324Zen Buddhism00000
RELS 440Religion and Economic Systems00000
RELS 417Topics: Recent Religious Thought00000
RELS 397Religion and Science00000
RELS 385Pagans and Christians00000
RELS 377Research and Critical Inquiry in Religious Studies00000
RELS 363Cross-Cultural Philosophy of Religion00000
RELS 353Islam in the Modern World00000
RELS 345God and Transcendence00000
RELS 339Transformations of Religion in Africa00000
RELS 333Religious Perspectives on Death and Afterlife00000
RELS 463Advanced Topics in Cross-Cultural Philosophy of Religion00000
RELS 319Esoteric Buddhism00000
RELS 314Tibetan I00000
RELS 309Religious Experience00000
RELS 302Classical Hebrew II00000
RELS 205Religion and The Good Life00000
RELS 707PhD Departmental Colloquium00000
RELS 685Specialized Studies in the Nature of Religion00000
RELS 607Supervised Master's Thesis Inquiry00000
RELS 595Directed Independent Study00000
RELS 312Sanskrit II00000
RELS 705Studies in the Nature of Religion00000
RELS 681Specialized Studies in Western Religions00000
RELS 605Studies in the Nature of Religion00000
RELS 590Honours Thesis00000
RELS 367Topics: Comparative Studies in Western Religions00000
RELS 357Islam00000
RELS 346Chaos, Demons and Monsters00000
RELS 341New Religious Movements00000
RELS 331Religious Perspectives on Suffering00000
RELS 320Classical Chinese for Religious Texts I00000
RELS 447Theories of Religion00000
RELS 303Introduction to Hinduism00000
RELS 300Classical Hebrew I00000
RELS 200Religious Myths and Worldviews 00000
RELS 709Advanced Topics on Critical Discourses in the Study of Religion00000
RELS 701Studies in Western Religions00000
RELS 609Selected Topics on Critical Discourses in the Study of Religion00000
RELS 601Studies in Western Religions00000
RELS 577Senior Project Seminar00000
RELS 477Further Studies in the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament00000
RELS 474Advanced Topics in Religious Studies00000
RELS 360Buddhist Practice Traditions00000
RELS 491Topics: Reading Religious Texts in Primary Languages00000
RELS 479Contemporary Issues in Women and Religion00000
RELS 473Advanced Topics in Islam00000
RELS 461Advanced Topics in East Asian Religions00000
RELS 451Advanced Topics in Hinduism00000
RELS 444Existentialism00000
RELS 437Hermeneutics00000
RELS 398Religion and the Environment00000
RELS 381Gender, Sex and Religion00000
RELS 369Introduction to Judaism00000
RELS 603Studies in Eastern Religions00000
RELS 348Religion, Empire and Colonialism00000
RELS 343Religion and Social Morality00000
RELS 335Ritual and Religion00000
RELS 329Buddhism in East Asia00000
RELS 323Mahayana Buddhism00000
RELS 317Religion in South Asia00000
RELS 313Introduction to Buddhism00000
RELS 307Popular Hinduism00000
RELS 301Studies in the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament00000
RELS 344The Bible as Literature00000
RELS 203Asian Religions00000
RELS 469Advanced Topics in Judaism00000
RELS 453Advanced Topics in Buddhism00000
RELS 445Advanced Studies in Asian Thought00000
RELS 439Advanced Topics in New Religious Movements00000
RELS 399Topics: Religion in Popular Culture00000
RELS 389Christian Responses to Modernity00000
RELS 383From Jesus to Christ00000
RELS 359East Asian Religious Traditions00000
RELS 349Religion and Politics00000
RELS 484Advanced Topics in Christianity00000
RELS 338Atheism00000
RELS 327Tibetan Religious Traditions00000
RELS 322Classical Chinese for Religious Texts II00000
RELS 316Tibetan II00000
RELS 310Sanskrit I00000
RELS 305Greek Religion00000
RELS 201Jews, Christians and Muslims00000
RELS 703Studies in Eastern Religions00000
RELS 683Specialized Studies in Eastern Religions00000