ART 2301C
Drawing Fundamentals II
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Prof: Kevin Haran / Spring 2023
Oct 13, 2023
Had to take it. I'm glad I got what I did out of it, but I'd not want to have to take it again.
Figure drawing and minimal still life. Focus is placed on using gesture, line weight, perspective, proportion, and value. Self-portraiture is a common theme in homework assignments.
Had valuable feedback to give on assignments. Not generally chatty. If you talk to him he'll converse with you but if you mind your own he's likely to leave it at that other than giving advice or during critiques.
For the love of God, I hope you have patience and the willingness to bust your ass for a class. There is literally so much work needed to succeed in this class.
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Prof: Theresa Lucey / Spring 2022
Apr 8, 2022
This course builds on drawing 1 and is set up the same, so if you took drawing 1 at ucf you should be good. Pretty hefty workload as homework can take up to 7 hours. Requires lots of dedication.
Was useful, learned different techniques to drawing as well as specializing in drawing the human body.
This professor was a very good teacher. She demos what needs to be done and helps the individual students who need it, while still building you up. Also uses lots of metaphors to explain drawing easier.
This course uses live, nude models every week, so get comfortable with that or drop out.
Class Ratings
Professor Rating
Prof: Diaz / Fall 2020
Apr 5, 2022
Hard class but very fun. Defiantly a dedication to pass
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