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COP 4934

Senior Design I

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4Good Class
3Avg. Difficulty
3Kinda Interesting

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4Good Prof

Prof: Richard Leineker / Fall 2021

May 1, 2022

Comments on the course

You get to pick a project and then work at it for 2 semesters. You can propose your own or join one of the various proposed projects. There's around 50-70 projects so plenty to pick from. You can get put with a friend or two if you simp hard enough for them in the project picking document. After you pick a project, your entire life become writing a document thats 30 pages per person. It's honestly a lot of fluff and some actual design. For example, for 7/8 groups I spoke to, there's a part of the document that's just "we thought about doing x y z and then we decided not to for i j k reason haha". The document isn't bad, it's just a lot, so you should set page goals each week. You're also expected to actually start your project. This is the hard part. The writing burns people out and more

Course Content

Choose a project to do for 2 semesters, make a design document for that project, and start the initial parts of the project. Random lectures on ethics and grad school.

Comments on the professor

OK, doesn't really answer questions. Ask the other guy.


Pick an easy project. Do NOT pick a competition. Do NOT pick something interdisciplinary unless YOU are interdisciplinary, as you will ALMOST DEFINITELY have social loafers and you do NOT want that to be the guy doing stuff you don't know how to do. Don't bother picking something because it's interesting - pick something you know you will be able to do. Make your priority graduating without tearing all your hair out. Set realistic requirements that you know you can achieve and slap everything else in stretch goals. The stretch goals will probably get done, but all you care about is graduating. So make sure the requirements are 100% no doubt doable. Get started early and have consistent deadline with documentation of weekly tasks. This isn't to help you, it's to help you point out the more

Delivery: In personGrade: AWorkload: ModerateTextbook Use: No
Attendance HeavyEssay HeavyProject Heavy

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