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ZOO 3733C

Honors Human Anatomy

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Class Ratings

3.3OK Class
1Very Hard
5Very Useful

Prof: Samsam / Spring 2020

Dec 21, 2020

Comments on the course

this is arguably one of the hardest classes UCF has to offer. don’t let this scare you, but keep in mind that you’re going to have to develop new study habits and skills. use the possibility of failing to motivate you to study, taking this for more than a semester sounds like hell on earth lol


really make yourself a schedule to divvy up the content and STICK TO IT. this class is extremely heavy in content and i found that staying disciplined and going to the library rather than staying in my room helped a lot. also, join the zoo3733c facebook!!! there are lots of reviews and notes that people have posted from past years.

Grade: BAttendance: MandatoryTextbook Use: Yes

Class Ratings

4.3Good Class
3Avg. Difficulty
5Very Interesting
5Very Useful

Prof: Tina Dow / Fall 2020

Dec 21, 2020

Comments on the course

Snarky, but nice. Works with students giving them opportunities for good grades during COVID/online. Definitely a lot of material but she gives study guides. You have all the materials to succeed.


Look at the atlas she uploads!!! Go over the PowerPoints till Know them like the back of your hand. Look at the study aids!! You can do very well in this class if you put in the effort and perfect study habits.

Grade: AAttendance: Non-MandatoryTextbook Use: No

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