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UCI Course Reviews

University of California, Irvine

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ART 51Basic Ceramic Sculp00000
ART 126BIssues Techno-Arts00000
ART 123BMedia Violence&Fear00000
ART 121BAfro-Futurism II00000
ART 110CMechatronic Art III00000
ART 108Digifilm Project I00000
ART 101WArtists As Writers00000
ART 95Speculative Design00000
ART 81ADigifilm Prod I00000
ART 71AIntro To Photo I00000
ART 65AFdns Media Design00000
ART 128Issues In New Genre00000
ART 50BInteract & Expernce00000
ART 30ABasic Painting I00000
ART 20ABasic Drawing I00000
ART 12BSteam To Steampunk00000
ART 12AElectronic Culture00000
ART 9BCulture Divided00000
ART 9AMedia Art&Tech00000
ART 1BArt In Context00000
ART 1AArt In Context00000
ART 190Sr Proj & Critique00000
ART 280Exhibition Systems00000
ART 264Crit&Curatorial Exh00000
ART 262Thesis Indep Study00000
ART 255Collaborative Proj00000
ART 250Reading & Research00000
ART 236Directed Group Stud00000
ART 220Contemp Art Seminar00000
ART 2101St Yr Grad Seminar00000
ART 198Honors Exhibition00000
ART 399University Teaching00000
ART 189Critical Aesthetics00000
ART 154Adv Perform Art00000
ART 152FSeminar Production00000
ART 152CThe Public Image00000
ART 151Advanced Sculpture00000
ART 150CAdvanced Drawing00000
ART 144Artists Book00000
ART 138Public Art00000
ART 132ADigifilm Pre-Prod00000
ART 65EMechatronic Art I00000
ART 125Issues In Photogrpy00000
ART 121AAfro-Futurism I00000
ART 115WWriting Nearby00000
ART 109Perf & The Camera00000
ART 106AProgrmg For Artists00000
ART 100Collab Projects00000
ART 91Basic Perform Art00000
ART 81BDigifilm Prod II00000
ART 71BIntro To Photo II00000
ART 127BIss Exp Film Hist00000
ART 65CGizmology &Kinetics00000
ART 50AMatter And Media00000
ART 40Basic Sculpture00000
ART 30BBasic Painting II00000
ART 20BBasic Drawing II00000
ART 12CIntelligences Arts00000
ART 11AHistory Contemp Art00000
ART 9CThematic Investigtn00000
ART 8Changing Creativity00000
ART 190BSr Projects: Photo00000
ART 280AIntro Exhibt Systms00000
ART 263Thesis Exhib Critq00000
ART 261Thesis Writing Sem00000
ART 251Directed Study00000
ART 240Interdisc Projects00000
ART 230Graduate Critique00000
ART 215Interdisc Seminar00000
ART 199Independent Study00000
ART 197Internship00000
ART 1CArt In Context00000
ART 170Advanced Projects00000
ART 153Digifilm Advproj II00000
ART 152BDocumentary Photo00000
ART 152AAdv Topics Photo00000
ART 150Advanced Painting00000
ART 150FAdv Figure Drawing00000
ART 141Digifilm Adv Proj I00000
ART 132BDigifilm Post-Prod00000
ART 130AProj New Technology00000