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UCLA Course Reviews

University of California, Los Angeles

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
AOSCI 107Biological Oceanography00000
AOSCI 217Mesoclimates00000
AOSCI 212ANumerical Methods in Geophysical Fluid Dynamics00000
AOSCI 209Climate Change Assessment00000
AOSCI 202Introduction to Ocean Science00000
AOSCI 201AGeophysical Fluid Dynamics I00000
AOSCI 200AIntroduction to Atmospheric and Oceanic Fluid00000
AOSCI 189HCHonors Contracts00000
AOSCI 186Operational Meteorology00000
AOSCI 150Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences Laboratory00000
AOSCI 141Introduction to Atmospheric Chemistry and Air Pollution00000
AOSCI 130California's Ocean00000
AOSCI 121Climate Solutions00000
AOSCI 230BAtmospheric Chemistry II00000
AOSCI 103Physical Oceanography00000
AOSCI 101Fundamentals of Atmospheric Dynamics and Thermodynamics00000
AOSCI 90Introduction to Undergraduate Research in Atmospheric and Oc...00000
AOSCI 19Methane: Other Greenhouse Problem00000
AOSCI 3Introduction to Atmospheric Environment00000
AOSCI 2LAir Pollution Laboratory00000
AOSCI 1Climate Change: From Puzzles to Policy00000
AOSCI M120Introduction to Fluid Dynamics00000
AOSCI C144Atmospheric Boundary Layer00000
AOSCI M206Introduction to Biophysical Modeling of Land Surface Process...00000
AOSCI M105Introduction to Chemical Oceanography00000
AOSCI M100Earth and Its Environment00000
AOSCI 296MAdvanced Topics in Atmospheric Sciences: Radiation and Remot...00000
AOSCI M187Career in Earth System, Environment, and Space Sciences00000
AOSCI 599Research for PhD Dissertation00000
AOSCI 597Preparation for MS Comprehensive Examination00000
AOSCI 495Teaching Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences00000
AOSCI 296CAdvanced Topics in Atmospheric Sciences: Numerical Mesoscale...00000
AOSCI 296PAdvanced Topics in Atmospheric Sciences: Atmospheric Chemist...00000
AOSCI 296JAdvanced Topics in Atmospheric Sciences: Experimental Mesosc...00000
AOSCI 296EAdvanced Topics in Atmospheric Sciences: Numerical Modeling...00000
AOSCI 296AAdvanced Topics in Atmospheric Sciences: Ocean Dynamics of A...00000
AOSCI 296NAdvanced Topics in Atmospheric Sciences: Tropospheric Chemis...00000
AOSCI 296HAdvanced Topics in Atmospheric Sciences: Recent Advances in...00000
AOSCI 296DAdvanced Topics in Atmospheric Sciences: Climate Dynamics00000
AOSCI M203AIntroduction to Atmospheric Chemistry00000
AOSCI 296GAdvanced Topics in Atmospheric Sciences: Upper Atmosphere an...00000
AOSCI 296BAdvanced Topics in Atmospheric Sciences: Boundary Layers, Cl...00000
AOSCI 296LAdvanced Topics in Atmospheric Sciences: Geophysical Fluid D...00000
AOSCI 287Statistical Methods for Determining Causality in coupled Ear...00000
AOSCI 282Special Topics in Oceanography00000
AOSCI 276Seminar: Mesoscale Processes00000
AOSCI 271Seminar: Atmospheric Dynamics00000
AOSCI 259Space Weather00000
AOSCI 245Aerosol-Climate Interactions00000
AOSCI 238How to Write and Publish Scientific Paper00000
AOSCI 230AAtmospheric Chemistry I00000
AOSCI 1LClimate Change: From Puzzles to Policy--Laboratory00000
AOSCI 188Special Topics in Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences00000
AOSCI 180Numerical Methods in Atmospheric Sciences00000
AOSCI 145Atmospheric Physics: Radiation, Clouds, and Aerosols00000
AOSCI 135Ocean Change in the Anthropocene00000
AOSCI 123Climate Change Adaptation Challenge00000
AOSCI 112Climate Change Assessment00000
AOSCI 104Fundamentals of Air and Water Pollution00000
AOSCI 102Climate Change and Climate Modeling00000
AOSCI 99Student Research Program00000
AOSCI 51Fundamentals of Climate Science00000
AOSCI 3LIntroduction to Atmospheric Environment Laboratory00000
AOSCI 2Air Pollution00000
AOSCI 199Directed Research in Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences00000
AOSCI M235Ocean Biogeochemical Dynamics and Climate00000
AOSCI C227Advanced Dynamic and Synoptic Meteorology00000
AOSCI M275CSeminar: Space Physics00000
AOSCI C204Introduction to Machine Learning for Physical Sciences00000
AOSCI C110Advanced Dynamic and Synoptic Meteorology00000
AOSCI M71Introduction to Computing for Geoscientists00000
AOSCI C160Remote Sensing of Atmosphere and Oceans00000
AOSCI CM237Aquatic Geomicrobiology00000
AOSCI M7Perils of Space: Introduction to Space Weather00000
AOSCI C111Introduction to Machine Learning for Physical Sciences00000
AOSCI CM114Aquatic Geomicrobiology00000
AOSCI M275ASeminar: Space Physics00000
AOSCI 281Special Topics in Dynamic Meteorology00000
AOSCI M210Planetary Atmospheres and Climates00000
AOSCI C205AIntroduction to Solar System Plasmas00000
AOSCI M106Applied Climatology: Principles of Climate Impact on Natural...00000
AOSCI M275BSeminar: Space Physics00000
AOSCI C170Introduction to Solar System Plasmas00000
AOSCI C240BRemote Sensing of Atmosphere and Oceans00000
AOSCI 598Research for and Preparation of MS Thesis00000
AOSCI 596Directed Studies for Graduate Students00000
AOSCI 375Teaching Apprentice Practicum00000
AOSCI 296KAdvanced Topics in Atmospheric Sciences: Tropical Meteorolog...00000
AOSCI 296FAdvanced Topics in Atmospheric Sciences: Hierarchical Modeli...00000
AOSCI 286Statistical Prediction and Verification00000
AOSCI C222Atmospheric Boundary Layer00000
AOSCI 274Seminar: Atmospheric Composition and Processes00000
AOSCI 270Seminar: Atmospheric Sciences00000
AOSCI 250BSolar System Microscopic Plasma Processes00000
AOSCI 244AAtmospheric Radiation00000
AOSCI 236Terrestrial Biogeochemical Dynamics and Climate00000
AOSCI 219Statistical Analysis and Visual Explanation of Large Climate...00000
AOSCI 215Ocean Circulation00000
AOSCI 211Planetary Wave Dynamics and Teleconnections in Atmosphere/Oc...00000
AOSCI 203BIntroduction to Atmospheric Physics00000
AOSCI 201CAtmospheric and Oceanic Turbulence00000
AOSCI 200BIntroduction to Dynamics of Earth System00000