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UCR Course Reviews

University of California, Riverside

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ANTH 144NAnthropology Of Global Health00000
ANTH 290Directed Studies00000
ANTH 260Ethnographic Field Methods00000
ANTH 253Seminar in Physical Anthropology00000
ANTH 210ADescription And Inference In Anthropology00000
ANTH 202Topics in Southeast Asian Studies00000
ANTH 199HSenior Honors Research00000
ANTH 195BSenior Thesis00000
ANTH 189Gender And Power In Muslim Societies00000
ANTH 186War And Violence In The Ancient World00000
ANTH 171Anthropology Of Bodies00000
ANTH 165GMethods in Cultural Anthropology00000
ANTH 159Drugs And Culture00000
ANTH 153Evolution Of The Genus Homo00000
ANTH 299Research for Thesis or Dissertation00000
ANTH 142GCaribbean Culture And Society00000
ANTH 140EEthnographic Interpretations00000
ANTH 136Anthropological Perspectives On Gender In Southeast Asia00000
ANTH 131Applied Anthropology00000
ANTH 124Ritual And Religion00000
ANTH 120Language And Culture00000
ANTH 116Business Cultures And Identity00000
ANTH 115SArchaeology Of Western Mesoamerica00000
ANTH 112Settlement Patterns And Locational Analysis00000
ANTH 100WHistory of Anthropological Theory00000
ANTH 020Culture, Health, And Healing00000
ANTH 007Introduction To Linguistic Anthropology00000
ANTH 002Biological Anthropology00000
ANTH 142IAfro-American Experience in Us00000
ANTH 297Directed Research00000
ANTH 265Seminar On Anthropology Of Visual Culture00000
ANTH 259Seminar In Linguistic Anthropology00000
ANTH 218Ancient Maya History And Religion00000
ANTH 203Southeast Asian Cultures00000
ANTH 200ACore Theory In Anthropology00000
ANTH 195ASenior Thesis00000
ANTH 177Gender, Sexuality, And Music In Cross-Cultural Perspectives00000
ANTH 168Caribbean Culture And Society00000
ANTH 164Forensic Anthropology00000
ANTH 158Biological Approaches To Medical Anthropology00000
ANTH 152Evolution of the First Hominids00000
ANTH 144MPolitical Economy Of Health00000
ANTH 302Teaching Practicum00000
ANTH 140ICultures Of Southeast Asia00000
ANTH 135The Archaeology of African Diaspora History and Culture00000
ANTH 129AIntroduction To Maya Hieroglyphs00000
ANTH 123Linguistic Anthropology00000
ANTH 118Origins Of Cities00000
ANTH 115RArchaeology of Eastern Mesoamerica00000
ANTH 114Blackness And Mass Incarceration00000
ANTH 104Bioarchaeology00000
ANTH 050Human Evolution00000
ANTH 010Mysteries of the Ancient Maya00000
ANTH 005Introduction to Archaeology00000
ANTH 001Cultural Anthropology00000
ANTH 145Sexualities And Culture00000
ANTH 291Individual Studies in Coordinated Areas00000
ANTH 262Seminar In Medical Anthropology00000
ANTH 256Seminar in Cultural Anthropology00000
ANTH 252Seminar in Archaeology00000
ANTH 207Archaeology Of Power And Ideology00000
ANTH 201Critical Theories Of Gender,Race, And Blackness00000
ANTH 198IInternship in Anthropology00000
ANTH 191Cultural Resources Management00000
ANTH 188Islam, Women, and the State00000
ANTH 176Music Cultures Of Southeast Asia00000
ANTH 166Anthropology Of Global Health00000
ANTH 163Transnational And Global Communities00000
ANTH 155Human Osteology00000
ANTH 301Directed Studies In The Teaching Of Anthropology00000
ANTH 142EBlacknss & Mass Incarceration00000
ANTH 132Cultural Ecology00000
ANTH 134The Will To Adorn Dress And Identity00000
ANTH 127SPolitical Anthropology00000
ANTH 122Economic Anthropology00000
ANTH 119The Anthropology Of Tourism00000
ANTH 115XAncient Oaxaca00000
ANTH 115UAndean Prehistory00000
ANTH 109Women, Politics, And Social Movements: Global Perspectives00000
ANTH 101Contemporary Anthropological Theory00000
ANTH 100History Of Anthropological Theory00000
ANTH 020SCulture, Health And Healing00000
ANTH 006Introduction to World Music00000
ANTH 144OAnthropology Of Bodies00000
ANTH 292Concurrent Analytical Studies in Anthropology00000
ANTH 264Codices Of Ancient Mexico00000
ANTH 255Feminism, Gender, And Archaeology00000
ANTH 210BProfessionalism In Anthropology00000
ANTH 204Anthropology Of Identity00000
ANTH 200BCore Theory in Anthropology00000
ANTH 195CSenior Thesis00000
ANTH 190Special Studies00000
ANTH 187Anthropology Of Risk00000
ANTH 174Afro-American Experience In The U.S.00000
ANTH 165EMethods In Archaeology00000
ANTH 162Culture And Medicine00000
ANTH 154Research Methods In Biological Anthropology00000
ANTH 001HHonors Cultural Anthropology00000
ANTH 144JBiolgicl Apprchs to Medcl Anth00000
ANTH 140GAnthropological Perspectives In Africa00000
ANTH 139Change And Development00000
ANTH 127Political Anthropology00000
ANTH 121Anthropological Theories Of The Arts00000
ANTH 117Anthropology Of Cities00000
ANTH 115ENorth American Prehistory00000
ANTH 113Ancient Households and Communities00000
ANTH 108Anthropology Of Global Media00000
ANTH 027Art Of Pre-Columbian America00000
ANTH 007SIntroduction to Linguistic Anthropology00000
ANTH 003World Prehistory00000