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UCR Course Reviews

University of California, Riverside

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
MATH 009AFirst-Year Calculus55541
MATH 046Introduction to Ordinary Differential Equations42441
MATH 207AOrdinary Differential Equations00000
MATH 009CFirst-Year Calculus00000
MATH 007BCalculus for Life Sciences00000
MATH 004Introduction to College Mathematics for Business and the Soc...00000
MATH 302Apprentice Teaching00000
MATH 290Directed Studies00000
MATH 246BAlgebraic Topology00000
MATH 241Mathematical Physics: Classical Mechanics00000
MATH 230Deformation Theory00000
MATH 226Algebraic Analysis00000
MATH 217Theory Of Probability00000
MATH 212Partial Differential Equations00000
MATH 210AComplex Analysis00000
MATH 126Combinatorics00000
MATH 206BNumerical Analysis00000
MATH 205ATopology00000
MATH 198IInternship In Mathematics00000
MATH 172Modern Algebra00000
MATH 153History Of Mathematics00000
MATH 151CAdvanced Calculus00000
MATH 149BProbability and Mathematical Statistics00000
MATH 146AOrdinary And Partial Differential Equations00000
MATH 145AIntroduction to Topology00000
MATH 135BInroduction to Numerical Analysis00000
MATH 010ACalculus of Several Variables00000
MATH 206ATheory Of Probability00000
MATH 299Research for Thesis or Dissertation00000
MATH 289Colloquium In Mathematics00000
MATH 246AAlgebraic Topology00000
MATH 243AAlgebraic Geometry00000
MATH 232AGeometry I (Introduction To Manifolds)00000
MATH 227BLie Algebras00000
MATH 224Introduction To Homological Algebra00000
MATH 213BNumerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations II00000
MATH 211AOrdinary Differential Equations00000
MATH 209AReal Analysis00000
MATH 207CPartial Differential Equations II00000
MATH 011Introduction to Discrete Structures00000
MATH 201AAlgebra00000
MATH 197Research for Undergraduates00000
MATH 171Introduction to Modern Algebra00000
MATH 165AIntroduction to Complex Variables00000
MATH 151AAdvanced Calculus00000
MATH 148Introduction To Chaotic And Complex Dynamical Systems00000
MATH 146BOrdinary and Partial Differential Equations00000
MATH 144Introduction to Set Theory00000
MATH 135AInroduction To Numerical Analysis00000
MATH 131Linear Algebra I00000
MATH 120Optimization00000
MATH 205CTopology00000
MATH 006AIntroduction to College Mathematics for the Sciences00000
MATH 291Individual Study in Coordinated Areas00000
MATH 260Math Phys & Dyna00000
MATH 245Analytic Number Theory00000
MATH 232BGeometry II (Introduction To Differential)00000
MATH 227ALie Algebras00000
MATH 225Commutative Algebra00000
MATH 213ANumerical Methods For Partial Differential Equations I00000
MATH 210BComplex Analysis00000
MATH 209BReal Analysis00000
MATH 206CMethod Of Applied Mathematics00000
MATH 022Calculus for Business00000
MATH 201CAlgebra00000
MATH 194Independent Reading00000
MATH 165BIntroduction To Complex Variables00000
MATH 150AIntermediate Analysis00000
MATH 147Introduction To Fourier Analysis And Its Applications00000
MATH 140Polynomials and Number Systems00000
MATH 136Introduction to the Theory of Numbers00000
MATH 132Linear Algebra II00000
MATH 010BCalculus of Several Variables00000
MATH 09HBFirst-Year Honors Calculus00000
MATH 007ACalculus for Life Sciences00000
MATH 207BPartial Differential Equations I00000
MATH 005Precalculus00000
MATH 009BFirst-Year Calculus00000
MATH 006BIntroduction to College Mathematics for the Sciences00000
MATH 401Professional Development in Mathematics00000
MATH 297Directed Research00000
MATH 247Theory Of Distributions And Applications00000
MATH 242Mathematical Physics: Quantum Mechanics00000
MATH 228Functional Analysis00000
MATH 216ACombinatorial Theory00000
MATH 210CComplex Analysis (Riemann Surfaces)00000
MATH 209CReal Analysis00000
MATH 031Applied Linear Algebra00000
MATH 205BAlgebraic Topology00000
MATH 201BAlgebra00000
MATH 190Special Studies00000
MATH 168Introduction to Mathematical Modeling00000
MATH 151BAdvanced Calculus00000
MATH 149AProbability And Mathematical Statistics00000
MATH 146COrdinary And Partial Differential Equations00000
MATH 145BIntroduction To Topology00000
MATH 138AIntroduction to Differential Geometry00000
MATH 133Geometry00000
MATH 121Game Theory00000