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UCSB Course Reviews

University of California, Santa Barbara

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
CMPSC 138Automata and Formal Languages32321
CMPSC 148Computer Science Project44451
CMPSC 279Advanced Topics in Security00000
CMPSC 24Problem Solving with Computers II00000
CMPSC 5AIntroduction to Data Science 100000
CMPSC 597Individual Studies for Master of Science Comprehensive Exami...00000
CMPSC 595NGroup Studies in Computer Science: Faculty Research Seminar00000
CMPSC 592Group Studies: Controls, Dynamical Systems, and Computation00000
CMPSC 293KSpecial Topics in Computer Science, Systems, Machine Learnin...00000
CMPSC 293GSpecial Topics in Computer Science, Systems, Security and Cr...00000
CMPSC 293CSpecial Topics in Computer Science, Systems, Programming Lan...00000
CMPSC 293SSpecial Topics in Computer Science, Systems, General00000
CMPSC 292FSpecial Topics in Computer Science, Foundations, General00000
CMPSC 292GSpecial Topics in Computer Science, Foundations00000
CMPSC 291ISpecial Topics in Computer Science, Applications, Visual Com...00000
CMPSC 291ASpecial Topics in Computer Science, Applications, General00000
CMPSC 281BAdvanced Topics in Computer Vision00000
CMPSC 40Foundations of Computer Science00000
CMPSC 273Data and Knowledge Bases00000
CMPSC 271Advanced Topics in Distributed Systems00000
CMPSC 265Advanced Topics in Machine Intelligence00000
CMPSC 254Advanced Computer Architecture00000
CMPSC 231Topics in Combinatorial Algorithms00000
CMPSC 211DNumerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations--Finite...00000
CMPSC 209Logic and Applications in Computer Science00000
CMPSC 196Undergraduate Research00000
CMPSC 190DASpecial Topics in Computer Science00000
CMPSC 190DSpecial Topics in Computer Science: Information Management00000
CMPSC 190ISpecial Topics in Computer Science: Intelligent and Interact...00000
CMPSC 190ASpecial Topics in Computer Science: Foundations00000
CMPSC 190DESpecial Topics in Computer Science00000
CMPSC 598Master's Thesis Research and Preparation00000
CMPSC 595HGroup Studies in Computer Science: Scientific Computing00000
CMPSC 595GGroup Studies in Computer Science: Security00000
CMPSC 595JGroup Studies in Computer Science: General00000
CMPSC 593Computer Science Graduate Tutorial00000
CMPSC 501Techniques of Computer Science Teaching00000
CMPSC 293ESpecial Topics in Computer Science, Systems, Computer Archit...00000
CMPSC 263Runtime Systems00000
CMPSC 240AApplied Parallel Computing00000
CMPSC 225Information Theory00000
CMPSC 211CNumerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations--Finite...00000
CMPSC 199Independent Studies in Computer Science00000
CMPSC 193Internship in Industry00000
CMPSC 184Mobile Application Development00000
CMPSC 190JSpecial Topics in Computer Science: General00000
CMPSC 190NSpecial Topics in Computer Science: General00000
CMPSC 185Human-Computer Interaction00000
CMPSC 181Introduction to Computer Vision00000
CMPSC 176CAdvanced Topics in Internet Computing00000
CMPSC 174BDesign and Implementation Techniques of Database Systems00000
CMPSC 171Distributed Systems00000
CMPSC 165AArtificial Intelligence00000
CMPSC 154Computer Architecture00000
CMPSC 140Parallel Scientific Computing00000
CMPSC 111Introduction to Computational Science00000
CMPSC 99Independent Studies in Computer Science00000
CMPSC 64Computer Organization and Logic Design00000
CMPSC 190DFSpecial Topics in Computer Science00000
CMPSC 291KSpecial Topics in Computer Science, Applications00000
CMPSC 285Advanced Image Synthesis00000
CMPSC 280Computer Graphics00000
CMPSC 276Advanced Topics in Networking00000
CMPSC 272Software Engineering00000
CMPSC 270Operating Systems00000
CMPSC 260Advanced Topics in Program Analysis00000
CMPSC 235Computational Geometry00000
CMPSC 211BNumerical Simulation00000
CMPSC 211AMatrix Analysis and Computation00000
CMPSC 196BUndergraduate Research00000
CMPSC 192Projects in Computer Science00000
CMPSC 190DDSpecial Topics in Computer Science00000
CMPSC 291DSpecial Topics in Computer Science, Applications, Database a...00000
CMPSC 190BSpecial Topics in Computer Science: Software Systems00000
CMPSC 189ASenior Computer Systems Project00000
CMPSC 180Computer Graphics00000
CMPSC 176AIntroduction to Computer Communication Networks00000
CMPSC 174AFundamentals of Database Systems00000
CMPSC 170Operating Systems00000
CMPSC 160Translation of Programming Languages00000
CMPSC 153AHardware/Software Interface00000
CMPSC 110Introduction to Research in Computer Science00000
CMPSC 90DBSpecial Topics in Computer Science00000
CMPSC 56Advanced Applications Programming00000
CMPSC 32Object Oriented Design and Implementation00000
CMPSC 16Problem Solving with Computers I00000
CMPSC 24AProblem Solving with Computers II00000
CMPSC 5BIntroduction to Data Science 200000
CMPSC 178Introduction to Cryptography00000
CMPSC 177Computer Security00000
CMPSC 176BNetwork Computing00000
CMPSC 174NIntroduction to Databases00000
CMPSC 165BMachine Learning00000
CMPSC 162Programming Languages00000
CMPSC 156Advanced Applications Programming00000
CMPSC 130BData Structures and Algorithms II00000
CMPSC 130AData Structures and Algorithms I00000
CMPSC 100Introduction to Teaching Methods in Computer Science00000
CMPSC 90DASpecial Topics in Computer Science00000
CMPSC 48Computer Science Project00000
CMPSC 189BSenior Computer Systems Project00000
CMPSC 9Intermediate Python Programming00000
CMPSC 8Introduction to Computer Science00000
CMPSC 599Ph.D. Dissertation Research and Preparation00000
CMPSC 596Directed Research00000
CMPSC 595AGroup Studies in Computer Science: Foundations00000
CMPSC 594Seminar in Computer Science00000
CMPSC 502Teaching of Computer Science00000
CMPSC 293BSpecial Topics in Computer Science, Systems00000
CMPSC 293NSpecial Topics in Computer Science, Systems00000
CMPSC 293DSpecial Topics in Computer Science, Systems, Database and In...00000
CMPSC 292CSpecial Topics in Computer Science, Foundations, Programming...00000
CMPSC 292ASpecial Topics in Computer Science, Foundations, Algorithms00000