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UCSB Course Reviews

University of California, Santa Barbara

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
EEMB 146Biometry53441
EEMB 157BAnimal Physiology00000
EEMB 142BEnvironmental Processes in Oceans and Lakes00000
EEMB 142BLChemical and Physical Methods of Aquatic Environments00000
EEMB 144Marine Microbiology00000
EEMB 145Terrestrial Microbiology00000
EEMB 147Coral Reef Biology and Ecology00000
EEMB 150AMicrobial Diversity I00000
EEMB 153Ecology of Lakes and Wetlands00000
EEMB 142ALMethods in Aquatic Community Ecology00000
EEMB 157CPlant Physiology00000
EEMB 163Deep-Sea Biology00000
EEMB 165Fields Studies in Marine Ecological Physiology00000
EEMB 171Ecosystem Processes00000
EEMB 179Ecological Modeling00000
EEMB 183Introduction to Teaching in Biology00000
EEMB 185Field Work in Oceanography00000
EEMB 189Nature and Science Education Practicum00000
EEMB 116Invertebrate Zoology: Higher Invertebrates00000
EEMB 50Biology of Non-Infectious Disease00000
EEMB 92Special Topics in Biology00000
EEMB 98Readings in Biological Sciences00000
EEMB 102Macroevolution: Biodiversity in Deep Time00000
EEMB 103AFlora and Vegetation of California00000
EEMB 108Vertebrate Evolutionary Morphology00000
EEMB 111HParasitology-Honors00000
EEMB 113Vertebrate Biology, Ecology and Evolution00000
EEMB 194MReproductive Ecology and Evolution00000
EEMB 120Introduction to Ecology00000
EEMB 127LPlant Biology and Biodiversity Lab00000
EEMB 129Introductory Genetics00000
EEMB 130Population Genetics00000
EEMB 133Biodiversity and Conservation Biology00000
EEMB 136LPrinciples of Paleontology Laboratory00000
EEMB 137LPlant Paleobiology Laboratory00000
EEMB 595CAConstruction and Analysis of Ecological Models00000
EEMB 290Introduction to Faculty Research00000
EEMB 501Practicum in Instruction00000
EEMB 503Research Practium in Biology00000
EEMB 509Levels of Biological Organization II: Communities and Ecosys...00000
EEMB 511Writing Science00000
EEMB 595EPEcological Physiology00000
EEMB 595BDSpecial topics in Microbial Ecology & Physiology00000
EEMB 595EVEvolutionary Biology00000
EEMB 285Field Work in Oceanography00000
EEMB 595TParasitology00000
EEMB 595DPlant Ecology00000
EEMB 595RRResearch Reviews in Aquatic Ecology00000
EEMB 595CBConservation Biology00000
EEMB 596Directed Reading and Research00000
EEMB 598Master's Thesis Research and Preparation00000
EEMB 595RR Seminar - Coding for Ecological and Evolutionary Analyses00000
EEMB 198Directed Readings00000
EEMB 3LIntroductory Biology Laboratory III00000
EEMB 194GCGlobal Change and Ecology00000
EEMB 194MMMarine Microbiology00000
EEMB 194QAquatic Biology00000
EEMB 194MSGroup Studies for Advanced Students00000
EEMB 194RRResearch Reviews in Aquatic Ecology00000
EEMB 194EVEvolutionary Biology00000
EEMB 194CAConstruction and Analysis of Ecological Models00000
EEMB 192Special Topics in Biological Sciences00000
EEMB 199Independent Studies00000
EEMB 211Parasitology00000
EEMB 228Ecological Constraints to Ecosystem Restoration00000
EEMB 242Marine Ecology and Conservation00000
EEMB 247Quantitative Methods in Biology00000
EEMB 253Ecology of Lakes and Wetlands00000
EEMB 279Ecological Modeling00000
EEMB 152Applied Marine Ecology00000
EEMB 136Principles of Paleontology00000
EEMB 137Plant Paleobiology00000
EEMB 138Ethology and Behavioral Ecology00000
EEMB 142CEnvironmental Processes in Oceans and Lakes00000
EEMB 142CLMethods of Aquatic Biology00000
EEMB 142AAquatic Communities00000
EEMB 144LMarine Microbiology Lab00000
EEMB 148Ecology of Running Waters00000
EEMB 131Principles of Evolution00000
EEMB 155CCGlobal Change Biology00000
EEMB 157Cell Physiology00000
EEMB 158Climate Change Impacts on Marine Ecosystems00000
EEMB 168Conservation Ecology00000
EEMB 174Advanced Biostatistics using Bayesian Methods00000
EEMB 180Evolutionary theory and models of behavioral processes00000
EEMB 184Internship in Biological Sciences00000
EEMB 106Biology of Fishes00000
EEMB 2ZSelected Topics from EEMB 200000
EEMB 3ZSelected Topics from EEMB 300000
EEMB 7Principles of Evolution and Animal Physiology for Brain Scie...00000
EEMB 40Ecology of Infectious Disease00000
EEMB 84Internship in Biological Sciences00000
EEMB 96Introduction to Curation of Natural History Collections00000
EEMB 99Introduction to Research00000
EEMB 102HMacroevolution-Honors00000
EEMB 188REConservation and Restoration Seminar00000
EEMB 111Parasitology00000
EEMB 112Invertebrate Zoology00000
EEMB 113LLaboratory in Vertebrate Biology, Ecology, and Evolution00000
EEMB 119Ecology and Management of California Wildlands00000
EEMB 127Plant Biology and Biodiversity00000
EEMB 128Foundations of Ecosystem Restoration00000
EEMB 130CAquatic Food and Resource Management00000
EEMB 595MMMarine Microbial Ecology00000
EEMB 508Levels of Biological Organization i: Individuals and Populat...00000
EEMB 510Professional Development for Graduate Students00000
EEMB 590EEMB Colloquium00000
EEMB 595MSMarine Science00000
EEMB 595CECommunity Ecology00000
EEMB 595PAdvanced Population Ecology00000
EEMB 595FFFoundations and Frontiers in Ecology00000
EEMB 595QAquatic Biology00000
EEMB 502Techniques of Teaching and Laboratory Class Supervision00000
EEMB 595TETheoretical Ecology and Evolution00000
EEMB 595MReproductive Ecology and Evolution00000
EEMB 597Individual Study for Master's Comprehensive Examinations and...00000
EEMB 599Ph.D. Dissertation Preparation00000
EEMB 2Introductory Biology II--Ecology and Evolution00000
EEMB 3Introductory Biology III00000
EEMB 2LLIntroductory Biology Laboratory II00000
EEMB 194PPopulation Ecology00000
EEMB 190EEMB Colloquium00000
EEMB 194CBConservation Biology00000
EEMB 194TParasitology00000
EEMB 194CECommunity Ecology00000
EEMB 194TETheoretical Ecology and Evolution00000
EEMB 194DPlant Ecology00000
EEMB 194BDSpecial topics in Microbial Ecology & Physiology00000
EEMB 194BCAdvanced Community Ecology00000
EEMB 22Concepts and Controversies in the Biological Sciences00000
EEMB 197Directed Studies00000
EEMB 243Biological Oceanography00000
EEMB 250AMicrobial Diversity I00000
EEMB 274Advanced Biostatistics using Bayesian Methods00000
EEMB 280Evolutionary theory and models of behavioral processes00000
EEMB 288RERestoration Ecology Seminar00000
EEMB 500Teaching Assistant Orientation00000