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UCSB Course Reviews

University of California, Santa Barbara

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
FAMST 188ABasic Screenwriting55551
FAMST 165MSFilm and Social Reality00000
FAMST 124Indian Cinema00000
FAMST 127MMexican Film and Television00000
FAMST 143Science Fiction Film00000
FAMST 150FTTopics In Film Genre00000
FAMST 150HBTopics In Film Genre00000
FAMST 155SWDirectors: Star Wars00000
FAMST 155CNDirectors: Christopher Nolan00000
FAMST 155NHDirectors00000
FAMST 165ACFilm and Social Reality: Algorithms and Culture00000
FAMST 122ITTopics in National Cinema00000
FAMST 165DJFilm and Social Reality00000
FAMST 166DASpecial Topics in Cultural Studies: American Democracy on Sc...00000
FAMST 166CCSpecial Topics in Cultural Studies00000
FAMST 166GGSpecial Topics in Cultural Studies00000
FAMST 169Film Noir00000
FAMST 175Experimental Film00000
FAMST 184Film Music00000
FAMST 187ANTopics in Film and Television Analysis: American Films of th...00000
FAMST 106BCrew Production00000
FAMST 54Hollywood: Anatomy of an Industry00000
FAMST 55BEMedia Arts: The High and the Low: The Beatles00000
FAMST 70Media Criticism00000
FAMST 96Advanced Film Analysis00000
FAMST 101CHHistory of Cinema: New Waves and Beyond00000
FAMST 101EHistory of Electronic Media: Network TV to the Digital Era00000
FAMST 101CHistory of Cinema: New Waves and Beyond00000
FAMST 101BHHistory of Cinema: The Development of Sound - Honors00000
FAMST 104Introduction to Production Technology00000
FAMST 187WLTopics in Film and Television Analysis: Wirelessness00000
FAMST 108Short Project Production00000
FAMST 109GASpecial Topics in Film Production00000
FAMST 109EASpecial Topics in Film Production: Impact Media00000
FAMST 111AThe Business of Movies: The Hollywood Studio System00000
FAMST 113PWSpecial Topics in Film and Media Studies: Pilot Writing00000
FAMST 115Sound Production00000
FAMST 118Sponsored Campus Production00000
FAMST 119MLFilm Programming: Magic Lantern00000
FAMST 252AVSpecial Topics in Cultural Studies: Animal, Vegetable, Miner...00000
FAMST 192SSTopics in Film and Media Theory: Sound, Media, and Society00000
FAMST 195PIPollock Theater Event and Production Internship00000
FAMST 199Independent Studies00000
FAMST 220Critical Analysis00000
FAMST 230Philosophy of Film History00000
FAMST 232GESpecial Topics in Film and Media History: Global Film Exhibi...00000
FAMST 240Film Theory00000
FAMST 242DPSpecial Topics in Film and Media Theory: Distance and Proxim...00000
FAMST 248Digital Media Theory and Practices00000
FAMST 192PMTopics in Film and Media Theory: Popular Music and Youth Cul...00000
FAMST 252MRSpecial Topics in Cultural Studies: Media Risk00000
FAMST 252FTSpecial Topics in Cultural Studies00000
FAMST 252OMSpecial Topics in Cultural Studies: Oil Modernity00000
FAMST 252PGSpecial Topics in Cultural Studies00000
FAMST 262EISpecial Topics in Film and/or Media Globalization: Energy Ju...00000
FAMST 295IProfessional Internship00000
FAMST 593Programming and Curation Practicum00000
FAMST 596Directed Reading and Research00000
FAMST 598Preparation for Dissertation Prospectus00000
FAMST 187BKTopics in Film and Television Analysis00000
FAMST 187CCTopics in Film and Television Analysis: Global Chaplin00000
FAMST 187CATopics in Film and Television Analysis: Cinema and Modernism00000
FAMST 187ARTopics in Film and Television Analysis: Archiving00000
FAMST 187OCTopics in Film and Television Analysis: Oil Culture00000
FAMST 187MFTopics in Film and Television Analysis: Marxist Film00000
FAMST 187FBTopics in Film and Television Analysis: Flesh and Blood00000
FAMST 187SHTopics in Film and Television Analysis: Short Format Film00000
FAMST 187RZTopics in Film and Television Analysis: Media Art and Activi...00000
FAMST 187YCTopics in Film and Television Analysis: Youth Culture00000
FAMST 599Dissertation Research and Writing00000
FAMST 188BAdvanced Screenwriting00000
FAMST 188TVWriting for Television00000
FAMST 189FXTopics in Contemporary Media Theory Special Effects: Spectac...00000
FAMST 189CDTopics in Contemporary Media Theory: Contemporary Documentar...00000
FAMST 189SWTopics in Contemporary Media Theory: Sounding the World00000
FAMST 189SMTopics in Contemporary Media Theory: Sound, Media, and Socie...00000
FAMST 189DMTopics in Contemporary Media Theory: Disability and Media00000
FAMST 190PCStudies in Film, Media and the Other Arts00000
FAMST 165DKFilm and Social Reality: Don't Knock the Rock00000
FAMST 122JATopics in National and Transnational Media: Japanese Anime00000
FAMST 126Cuban Cinema00000
FAMST 127Latin American Cinema00000
FAMST 144The Horror Film00000
FAMST 150ADTopics In Film Genre: Adaptation00000
FAMST 154PGTopics in Film and Popular Culture00000
FAMST 155RWDirectors: R. W. Fassbinder00000
FAMST 155BKDirectors00000
FAMST 163Women and Film: Feminist Perspectives00000
FAMST 122METopics in National and Transnational Media: Middle East Medi...00000
FAMST 165BAFilm and Social Reality: Black Auteurs00000
FAMST 166TNSpecial Topics in Cultural Studies: Television Narrative For...00000
FAMST 166EMSpecial Topics in Cultural Studies00000
FAMST 166MESpecial Topics in Cultural Studies00000
FAMST 166IGSpecial Topics in Cultural Studies: Indie Games00000
FAMST 183Film and Media of the Natural and Human Environment00000
FAMST 187TPTopics in Film and Television Analysis Theme Park as Media O...00000
FAMST 187SSTopics in Film and Television Analysis:Adaptation Studies: S...00000
FAMST 187HMTopics in Film and Television Analysis00000
FAMST 106ACrew Production00000
FAMST 46Introduction to Cinema00000
FAMST 55QMMedia Arts: The High and the Low: Queen00000
FAMST 56ZMMedia Cultures and Thought: GenZ Media00000
FAMST 95Internship in Film/Television00000
FAMST 99Independent Studies.00000
FAMST 101DHistory of Electronic Media: Telegraphy to Early Television00000
FAMST 101BHistory of Cinema: The Development of Sound Film00000
FAMST 101AHistory of Cinema: The Silent Film00000
FAMST 102Acting and Directing Workshop00000
FAMST 187CMTopics in Film and Television Analysis: Conspiracy Media00000
FAMST 107Introduction to Animation00000
FAMST 109IDSpecial Topics in Film Production00000
FAMST 109IWSpecial Topics in Film Production00000
FAMST 110Professional Development00000
FAMST 112Lighting for the Moving Image00000
FAMST 113SWSpecial Topics in Film and Media Studies00000
FAMST 118GSGreen Screen00000
FAMST 118LPLaunch Pad00000
FAMST 252MDSpecial Topics in Cultural Studies: Media and Datification00000
FAMST 196Senior Honors Seminar00000
FAMST 199RAIndependent Research Assistnace in Film Studies00000
FAMST 226National Cinemas00000
FAMST 231Media Historiographies00000
FAMST 232PNSpecial Topics in Film and Media History00000
FAMST 241Television and New Media Theory00000
FAMST 242LASpecial Topics in Film and Media Theory: Latin America00000
FAMST 250Cultural Theory00000
FAMST 252EJSpecial Topics in Cultural Studies00000
FAMST 195IInternship in Film/Television00000
FAMST 252RIRace, Immigration, and White Supremacy in California00000
FAMST 252CJSpecial Topics in Cultural Studies00000
FAMST 252PMSpecial Topics in Cultural Studies: Political Media00000
FAMST 267Media Industries00000
FAMST 501Teaching Assistant Practicum00000
FAMST 595DDGroup Studies00000
FAMST 597MA Orals and PhD Exam Preparation00000
FAMST 46HIntroduction to Cinema - Honors00000
FAMST 189GNTopics in Contemporary Media Theory: Global News Media00000
FAMST 187WFTopics in Film and Television Analysis: Women in Film00000
FAMST 187FTTopics in Film and Television Analysis: Film and TV of the S...00000
FAMST 187ISTopics in Film and Television Analysis: Mediating Islam00000
FAMST 187JCTopics in Film and Television Analysis00000
FAMST 187NSTopics in Film and Television Analysis00000
FAMST 187NPTopics in Film and Television Analysis: Nazi Propaganda Film...00000
FAMST 187WWTopics in Film and Television Analysis: Cinema and World War...00000
FAMST 187FCTopics in Film and Television Analysis: Fan Culture00000
FAMST 188AUAutobiographical Screenwriting00000
FAMST 46MSMajor Seminar00000
FAMST 189MGTopics in Contemporary Media Theory: Media and Globalization00000
FAMST 189ACTopics in Contemporary Media Theory: Algorithms and Culture00000
FAMST 189MMTopics in Contemporary Media Theory: Media and Modeling00000
FAMST 189MDTopics in Contemporary Media Theory: Media/Empire_Decoloniza...00000
FAMST 189FTTopics in Contemporary Media Theory: FemTech Lab00000
FAMST 192DTTopics in Film and Media Theory: Digital Theory00000
FAMST 192FTTopics in Film and Media Theory00000
FAMST 192CTTopics in Film and Media Theory: Cultural Thory00000