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UCSB Course Reviews

University of California, Santa Barbara

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
GEOG 12Maps and Spatial Reasoning35321
GEOG 132Coastal Pollution00000
GEOG 183Cartographic Design and Geovisualization00000
GEOG 176CGIS Design and Applications00000
GEOG 176AIntroduction to Geographic Information Systems and Science00000
GEOG 172Intermediate Geographical Data Analysis00000
GEOG 165Waves and Tides in the Ocean00000
GEOG 162Environmental Water Quality00000
GEOG 159Geography of Europe00000
GEOG 153CEnvironmental Perception and Cognition00000
GEOG 150Geography of the United States00000
GEOG 148California00000
GEOG 144Form, Process, and Human Use of Rivers00000
GEOG 141APopulation Geography00000
GEOG 137Quantitative Geomorphology00000
GEOG 134Earth System Science00000
GEOG 191Introduction to Optimization Methods for Geographic Problems00000
GEOG 130The Urban Environment00000
GEOG 119Climatic Change and Its Consequences00000
GEOG 115CRemote Sensing of the Environment 300000
GEOG 115ARemote Sensing of the Environment 100000
GEOG 113Polar Environments00000
GEOG 111BTransportation Modeling and Simulation00000
GEOG 111ATransportation Planning and Modeling00000
GEOG 109Economic Geography00000
GEOG 104Physical Geography of the World's Oceans00000
GEOG 6Sex, Drugs, & Geography00000
GEOG 4Land, Water and Life00000
GEOG 3BLand, Water and Life00000
GEOG 260Global Biogeochemical Cycles00000
GEOG 598Master's Thesis Research and Preparation00000
GEOG 596Directed Reading and Research00000
GEOG 295Advanced Topics in Pedology00000
GEOG 291Optimization Models for Geographic Problems00000
GEOG 288SCSpecial Topics in Geography00000
GEOG 288WKSpecial Topics in Geography00000
GEOG 288NNSeminar in Stratified Turbulence00000
GEOG 288LCSpecial Topics in Geography00000
GEOG 287Seminar in Climate Sciences and Climate Change00000
GEOG 280Climate Research Meetings00000
GEOG 276Geographical Time Series Analysis00000
GEOG 268Seminar in Ocean Biogeochemistry00000
GEOG 264Seminar in Oceanography00000
GEOG 262Upper Ocean Physical Processes00000
GEOG 2World Regions00000
GEOG 254Demography00000
GEOG 246Earth Systems Science: Hydrologic Modeling00000
GEOG 237Quantitative Geomorphology00000
GEOG 214AAdvanced Remote Sensing: Passive00000
GEOG 211ATransportation Planning & Modeling00000
GEOG 210BAnalytical Methods in Geography II00000
GEOG 208Water Resource Systems Analysis00000
GEOG 200AIntroduction to Geographic Research00000
GEOG 200CIntroduction to Geographic Research00000
GEOG 199Independent Studies in Geography00000
GEOG 197Careers in Geography00000
GEOG 195SDSelected Topics in Geography00000
GEOG 133Tropical Meteorology00000
GEOG 190Location Theory and Modeling00000
GEOG 178Conceptual Modeling and Programming for the Geo-Sciences00000
GEOG 176BTechnical Issues in Geographic Information Systems00000
GEOG 175Measuring our Environment00000
GEOG 166Ocean Carbon Cycle and Climate00000
GEOG 163Ocean Circulation00000
GEOG 161Food, Agriculture, and the Environment00000
GEOG 155Geography of Latin America00000
GEOG 152Health Geography00000
GEOG 149The California Channel Islands00000
GEOG 145Society and Hazards00000
GEOG 142Global Biogeochemical Cycles00000
GEOG 140Environmental Impacts in Human History00000
GEOG 193Internship in Geography00000
GEOG 131Mountain Weather and Climate00000
GEOG 126Maps in Science and Society00000
GEOG 116Groundwater Hydrology00000
GEOG 115BRemote Sensing of the Environment 200000
GEOG 114ASoil Science00000
GEOG 112Environmental Hydrology00000
GEOG 111CSmart Green Cities00000
GEOG 110Introduction to Meteorology00000
GEOG 108Urban Geography00000
GEOG 20Geography of Surfing00000
GEOG 8Introduction to Global Warming00000
GEOG 5People, Place, and Environment00000
GEOG 3AOceans and Atmosphere00000
GEOG 261Ocean Optics00000
GEOG 599Ph.D. Dissertation Research and Preparation00000
GEOG 597Individual Study for Ph.D. Examinations00000
GEOG 500Teaching Assistant Training00000
GEOG 294Advanced Topics in Location and Transportation Systems00000
GEOG 290Advanced Location Theory and Modeling00000
GEOG 288ATSeminar on Ecological Modeling00000
GEOG 288KCSpecial Topics in Geography00000
GEOG 288CJSpecial Topics in Geography00000
GEOG 288SDAgent-based modeling for spatio-temporal simulation00000
GEOG 279Seminar in Applied Statistical Methods for Geography00000
GEOG 277Spatial Environmental Modeling00000
GEOG 271Ocean Biogeochemical Modeling00000
GEOG 266Introduction to Atmospheric Sciences00000
GEOG 263Introduction to Physical Oceanography00000
GEOG 3Oceans and Atmosphere00000
GEOG 258Conceptual Modeling and Programming for the Geo-Sciences00000
GEOG 249Earth System Science: Ocean-Atmosphere Dynamics00000
GEOG 243Vegetation-Atmosphere Interactions00000
GEOG 229Environmental Perception and Cognition00000
GEOG 214BAdvanced Remote Sensing: Active00000
GEOG 211BTransportation Modeling & Simulation00000
GEOG 210CAnalytical Methods in Geography III00000
GEOG 210AAnalytical Methods in Geography I00000
GEOG 201Seminar in Geography00000
GEOG 200BIntroduction to Geographic Research00000
GEOG 199RAIndependent Research Assistance in Geography00000
GEOG 198Readings in Geography00000
GEOG 195NNSelected Topics in Geography00000