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UCSB Course Reviews

University of California, Santa Barbara

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
HIST 46BThe Middle East: From the Nineteenth Century to the Present43321
HIST 107SHistory of Biology and Society00000
HIST 223ASeminar in Modern European History00000
HIST 121QCultures of Renaissance Europe, 1450-165000000
HIST 196JAInternship in Scholarly Publishing00000
HIST 594HSColloquium in the History of Science00000
HIST 46AThe Middle East from Muhammad to the Nineteenth Century00000
HIST 168NInterracial Intimacy00000
HIST 184RUndergraduate Research Seminar in Early Chinese History00000
HIST 122Reformation and Counter-Reformation00000
HIST 135RUndergraduate Research Seminar in Modern Russian/Soviet Hist...00000
HIST 184AHistory of China00000
HIST 253BSpecial Seminar in Latin American History00000
HIST 201DHTheories and Practices of 'Digital History'00000
HIST 151CLatin American History00000
HIST 500Laboratory for Teaching Assistants00000
HIST 28Gandhi: Nonviolence, Resistance, Truth00000
HIST 108LTLaw and Technology in Contemporary History00000
HIST 123CEurope Since Hitler00000
HIST 135CHistory of Russia00000
HIST 175DAmerican Family History00000
HIST 129QReadings in Early Modern Europe00000
HIST 129AEurope in the Seventeenth Century00000
HIST 189EHistory of the Pacific00000
HIST 145CThe Middle East III: Early Modern Empires and Transformation...00000
HIST 151ALatin American History: Pre-Hispanic and Colonial Periods00000
HIST 174BWealth and Poverty in America00000
HIST 201LAAdvanced Historical Literature: Latin America00000
HIST 187RUndergraduate Research Seminar in Japanese History00000
HIST 146THistory of Israel/Palestine00000
HIST 201CAdvanced Historical Literature: Comparative00000
HIST 292BFoundations of U.S. History, 1846 to 191700000
HIST 210RBRace, Religion, & Revolution00000
HIST 115BThe Worlds of Renaissance Italy, 1300-150000000
HIST 275AAmerican Cultural History00000
HIST 4BMedieval and Early Modern Europe00000
HIST 5The History of the Present00000
HIST 164IBAmerican Immigration00000
HIST 101MQReadings in the Social History of Money and Debt00000
HIST 100HHistorical Writing00000
HIST 115RUndergraduate Research Seminar in Medieval European History00000
HIST 101Historical Fiction00000
HIST 129EEurope in the Eighteenth Century00000
HIST 115XMedieval Scandals00000
HIST 121FFrance in the Seventeenth Century00000
HIST 127FThe French Revolution00000
HIST 125Medieval Medicine: The Discourse and Practices of Medicine i...00000
HIST 178BAmerican Urban History00000
HIST 133ANineteenth Century Germany00000
HIST 104GThe Trial of Galileo00000
HIST 141RUndergraduate Research Seminar in Modern British History00000
HIST 187SThe Samurai00000
HIST 148APre-Colonial Southern Africa00000
HIST 133QReadings on the Holocaust00000
HIST 193CThe Early Caribbean in the Atlantic World (ca. 1500 - ca. 18...00000
HIST 156RUndergraduate Research Seminar in Mexican History00000
HIST 162RResearch in U.S. Antislavery00000
HIST 171CThe United States and the World, 1898-194500000
HIST 200ASHistorical Literature: Asia00000
HIST 177RUndergraduate Research Seminar in California History00000
HIST 141BTwentieth-Century Britain00000
HIST 185AQing Empire00000
HIST 201HSAdvanced Historical Literature: History of Science00000
HIST 193FFood in World History00000
HIST 112CDisaster and Reform in Rome00000
HIST 199Independent Studies00000
HIST 277ATopics in the History of Science00000
HIST 201ASAdvanced Historical Literature: Asia00000
HIST 148AUAfrican Urban History: From the Ancient City State to the Co...00000
HIST 205AHistorical Literature: Public History00000
HIST 295ALPermanent Seminar in Latin American History00000
HIST 215EResearch Seminar in Medieval Social History00000
HIST 80Chinese Civilization00000
HIST 250BFoundations of Latin American History: the Nineteenth Centur...00000
HIST 2BWorld History00000
HIST 289BSeminar in Chinese History00000
HIST 159BWomen in American History00000
HIST 2CWorld History00000
HIST 17AThe American People00000
HIST 17CThe American People00000
HIST 121ETopics in Early Modern European History00000
HIST 74Poverty, Inequality and Social Justice in Historical and Glo...00000
HIST 56Introduction to Mexican History00000
HIST 102BFSpecial Topics00000
HIST 166RUndergraduate Research Seminar in 20th Century U.S. History00000
HIST 112DThe Roman World in Late Antiquity00000
HIST 102HDThe History of Documentary Photography00000
HIST 121DCrime and Punishment in Early Modern Europe00000
HIST 20Science and the Modern World00000
HIST 123QTopics in Twentieth-Century Europe00000
HIST 111RUndergraduate Research Seminar in Greek History00000
HIST 130Slavery in the Premodern World00000
HIST 172APolitics and Public Policy in the United States00000
HIST 136WWomen and Revolution00000
HIST 174CWealth and Poverty in America00000
HIST 121RUndergraduate Research Seminar in Early Modern Europe, 1450-...00000
HIST 102PHSpecial Topics00000
HIST 123RUndergraduate Research Seminar in the History of Europe, 178...00000
HIST 176RUndergraduate Research Seminar in the History of Drugs and A...00000
HIST 129CEurope in the Seventeenth Century00000
HIST 129DEurope in the Eighteenth Century00000
HIST 129FEurope in the Eighteenth Century00000
HIST 184THistory of Traditional Chinese Thought00000
HIST 133CTwentieth Century Germany, Part II00000
HIST 46Survey of Middle Eastern History00000
HIST 140AEarly Modern Britain00000
HIST 185RUndergraduate Research Seminar on Modern China00000
HIST 144JRace and Juvenile Justice in U.S. History00000
HIST 133RUndergraduate Research Seminar in German or Genocide History00000
HIST 146RUndergraduate Research Seminar in Middle Eastern History00000
HIST 187AJapan Under the Tokugawa Shoguns00000
HIST 149IAIslam in Africa00000
HIST 107CThe Darwinian Revolution and Modern Biology00000
HIST 151FQLatin American History through Film00000
HIST 192RUndergraduate Research Seminar in Public History00000
HIST 159CWomen in Twentieth Century American History00000
HIST 135BHistory of Russia00000
HIST 195IBSenior Thesis - Public Policy00000
HIST 164CCivil War and Reconstruction00000
HIST 166CUnited States in the Twentieth Century00000
HIST 168BHistory of the Chicanos00000
HIST 197LASpecial Topics00000
HIST 172BPolitics and Public Policy in the United States00000
HIST 141ANineteenth-Century Britain00000
HIST 175BAmerican Cultural History00000
HIST 201OHAdvanced Historical Literature: Oral History00000
HIST 179BNative American History, 1838 to the Present00000
HIST 111TTopics in Greek History00000
HIST 184BHistory of China00000
HIST 201REAdvanced Historical Literature: Race and Ethnicity00000
HIST 187BModern Japan00000
HIST 145AThe Middle East I: From the Origins of Islam to the Year 100...00000
HIST 192Public History00000
HIST 201MEAdvanced Historical Literature: Middle East00000
HIST 194BHSenior Honors Seminar00000
HIST 49ASurvey of African History00000
HIST 196Internship in History00000
HIST 267ASeminar in American Economic History00000
HIST 200EHistorical Literature: Europe00000
HIST 147RUndergraduate Research Seminar in African History00000
HIST 201CBAdvanced historical Literature Middle Period China00000
HIST 289ASeminar in Chinese History00000
HIST 201STopics in the History of Science00000
HIST 115AThe Worlds of Medieval Italy00000
HIST 203ASeminar in Comparitive History00000
HIST 294Colloquium in Work, Labor, and Political Economy00000
HIST 209HHistorical Editing and Publishing: The Journal00000
HIST 150CLColonialism and Language in the Atlantic World00000
HIST 215FResearch Seminar in Medieval Social History00000
HIST 295Workshop in Environmental History00000
HIST 221AResearch Seminar in Transnational Empire00000
HIST 17BThe American People00000
HIST 224BResearch Seminar in Race, Gender, and Inequality00000
HIST 599Ph.D Dissertation Preparation00000
HIST 266BResearch Seminar in Recent U.S. History00000
HIST 156AHistory of Mexico: Pre-Hispanic and Colonial Periods00000
HIST 282GGlobal South Asia00000
HIST 2AHWorld History - Honors00000
HIST 295PHColloquium in Public History00000
HIST 118BMuslims, Christians, and Jews in Medieval Spain: Conquest, C...00000
HIST 595FLForeign Language Preparation00000
HIST 8Introduction to History of Latin America00000
HIST 2AWorld History00000
HIST 162BAntislavery Movements in the United States00000
HIST 9Historical Investigations: Methods and Skills00000
HIST 22Technology and the Modern World00000
HIST 99Introduction to Research00000
HIST 167CAHistory of the American Working Class, 1800-190000000
HIST 49BSurvey of African History00000
HIST 49CSurvey of African History00000
HIST 88Survey of South Asian History00000
HIST 166LBAmerican Legal History00000
HIST 101GComparative Histories of Same-Sex Practices and Gender Varia...00000
HIST 87Japanese History Through Art and Literature00000
HIST 105RUndergraduate Research Seminar in History in Atomic Age Prob...00000
HIST 121CFrance in the Sixteenth Century00000
HIST 111BHistory of Greece00000
HIST 101WRUndergraduate Research Seminar in World History00000
HIST 115QSpecial Studies in Medieval European History00000
HIST 168CRUndergraduate Research Seminar in Chicano History00000
HIST 118AThe Crusades in Cross-Cultural Perspectives00000
HIST 105CWScience and Technology in the Cold War00000
HIST 121ARenaissance Italy, 1300-155000000
HIST 4CModern Europe00000
HIST 123AEurope in the Nineteenth Century00000
HIST 111FAchaemenid Persia, 559-330BCE00000
HIST 127AHistory of the French Empire00000
HIST 170AA History of Social Policy in the United States00000
HIST 129BEurope in the Seventeenth Century00000
HIST 114AHistory of Christianity: Beginning to 80000000
HIST 133DThe Nazi Holocaust and Other Genocides00000
HIST 124AWomen, Gender, and Sexuality in Europe, 1750-191400000
HIST 117CWomen, The Family, and Sexuality in the Middle Ages00000
HIST 2CHWorld History - Honors00000
HIST 7Great Issues in the History of Public Policy00000
HIST 46MIModern Iran and Global Politics00000
HIST 108WWildlife in America00000
HIST 136MHistory of U.S.-Mexican Relations00000
HIST 196JCInternship in Scholarly Publishing00000
HIST 168MMiddle Eastern Americans00000