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UCSB Course Reviews

University of California, Santa Barbara

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
MATH 8Transition to Higher Mathematics43341
MATH 122AIntroduction to Theory of Complex Variables53551
MATH 118AIntroduction to Real Analysis00000
MATH 117Methods of Analysis00000
MATH 119AOrdinary Differential Equations00000
MATH 120FOSpecial Topics in Mathematics - Linear Optimization00000
MATH 120Special Topics in Mathematics00000
MATH 120FGSpecial Topics in Mathematics: Graph Theory I00000
MATH 120FNSpecial Topics in Mathematics: Number Systems00000
MATH 120AGSpecial Topics in Mathematics - Algebraic Geometry00000
MATH 121Probability00000
MATH 124BFourier Series and Numerical Methods00000
MATH 132AIntroduction to Operations Research00000
MATH 145Introduction to Topology00000
MATH 182History of Mathematics00000
MATH 193Internship in Mathematics00000
MATH 197ASenior Thesis00000
MATH 199Independent Studies in Mathematics00000
MATH 201CReal Analysis00000
MATH 115BIntroduction to Number Theory00000
MATH 113Non-euclidean Geometry00000
MATH 111CAbstract Algebra00000
MATH 108CMatrix Analysis00000
MATH 108AIntroduction to Linear Algebra00000
MATH 104BNumerical Analysis00000
MATH 103Introduction to Group Theory00000
MATH 102AModern Euclidean and Noneuclidean Geometry00000
MATH 101AClassical Number Systems00000
MATH 94Group Studies in Mathematics00000
MATH 34ACalculus for Social and Life Sciences00000
MATH 7HHonors Seminar-Calculus00000
MATH 6AVector Calculus with Applications, First Course00000
MATH 4BDifferential Equations00000
MATH 3BCalculus with Applications, Second Course00000
MATH 236BHomological Algebra00000
MATH 598Master's Thesis Research and Preparation00000
MATH 510Reading for Area Examinations00000
MATH 501Teaching Assistant Training00000
MATH 260ISeminars in Mathematics00000
MATH 260QSeminars in Mathematics00000
MATH 260EESeminars in Mathematics00000
MATH 260AASeminars in Mathematics00000
MATH 246APartial Differential Equations00000
MATH 246CPartial Differential Equations00000
MATH 243COrdinary Differential Equations00000
MATH 241CTopics in Differential Geometry00000
MATH 241ATopics in Differential Geometry00000
MATH 240CIntroduction to Differential Geometry and Riemannian Geometr...00000
MATH 237CAlgebraic Geometry00000
MATH 237BAlgebraic Geometry00000
MATH 599Dissertation Preparation00000
MATH 232AAlgebraic Topology00000
MATH 231ALie Groups and Lie Algebras00000
MATH 227BAdvanced Topics in Geometric and Algebraic Topology00000
MATH 227CAdvanced Topics in Geometric and Algebraic Topology00000
MATH 225BTopics in Number Theory00000
MATH 221AFoundations of Topology00000
MATH 221BHomotopy Theory00000
MATH 220AModern Algebra00000
MATH 215APartial Differential Equations00000
MATH 214BChaotic Dynamics and Bifurcation Theory00000
MATH 209Set Theory00000
MATH 206AMatrix Analysis and Computation00000
MATH 206DNumerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations - Finit...00000
MATH 202BComplex Analysis00000
MATH 201AReal Analysis00000
MATH 124APartial Differential Equations00000
MATH 118CIntroduction to Real Analysis00000
MATH 119BChaotic Dynamics and Bifurcation Theory00000
MATH 120MLSpecial Topics in Mathematics: Mathematical Logic00000
MATH 120HGSpecial Topics in Mathematics - Hyperbolic Geometry00000
MATH 120SYSpecial Topics in Mathematics - Symmetry00000
MATH 120CTSpecial Topics in Mathematics: Category Theory00000
MATH 120CSpecial Topics in Mathematics: Combinatorics00000
MATH 122BComplex Variables II00000
MATH 118BIntroduction to Real Analysis00000
MATH 128Introduction to the Higher Mathematics00000
MATH 137AGraph and Network Theory00000
MATH 147AIntroductory Differential Geometry00000
MATH 190Special Topics in Mathematics00000
MATH 194GSGroup Studies for Advanced Students00000
MATH 197BSenior Thesis00000
MATH 199RAIndependent Research Assistance00000
MATH 201BReal Analysis00000
MATH 116Combinatorial Analysis00000
MATH 115AIntroduction to Number Theory00000
MATH 111AIntroduction to Abstract Algebra00000
MATH 111BAbstract Algebra00000
MATH 108BIntroduction to Linear Algebra00000
MATH 104CAdvanced Topics in Numerical Analysis00000
MATH 104AIntroduction Into Numerical Analysis00000
MATH 102BModern Euclidean and Noneuclidean Geometry00000
MATH 101BProblem Solving II00000
MATH 100AMathematics for Elementary Teaching, I00000
MATH 34BCalculus for Social and Life Sciences00000
MATH 6BVector calculus with Applications, Second Course00000
MATH 5Group Studies00000
MATH 4ALinear Algebra with Applications00000
MATH 3ACalculus with Applications, First Course00000
MATH 236AHomological Algebra00000
MATH 2BCalculus with Algebra and Trigonometry00000
MATH 596Directed Reading and Research00000
MATH 502Teaching Associate Practicum00000
MATH 500Teaching Assistant Practicum00000
MATH 260HSeminars in Mathematics00000
MATH 260HHSeminars in Mathematics00000
MATH 260LSeminars in Mathematics00000
MATH 260JSeminars in Mathematics00000
MATH 246BPartial Differential Equations00000
MATH 243AOrdinary Differential Equations00000
MATH 243BOrdinary Differential Equations00000
MATH 241BTopics in Differential Geometry00000
MATH 240AIntroduction to Differential Geometry and Riemannian Geometr...00000
MATH 240BIntroduction to Differential Geometry and Riemannian Geometr...00000
MATH 237AAlgebraic Geometry00000
MATH 2ACalculus with Algebra and Trigonometry00000
MATH 232BAlgebraic Topology00000
MATH 231BLie Groups and Lie Algebras00000
MATH 228AFunctional Analysis00000
MATH 227AAdvanced Topics in Geometric and Algebraic Topology00000
MATH 225CTopics in Number Theory00000
MATH 225ATopics in Number Theory00000
MATH 221CDifferential Topology00000
MATH 220BModern Algebra00000
MATH 220CModern Algebra00000
MATH 215BFourier Series and Numerical Methods00000
MATH 214AOrdinary Differential Equations00000
MATH 206CNumerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations--Finite...00000
MATH 206BNumerical Simulation00000
MATH 202AComplex Analysis00000
MATH 202CComplex Analysis00000