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UCSB Course Reviews

University of California, Santa Barbara

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
PHYS 21General Physics312.54.52
PHYS 240Statistics, Data Analysis, and Machine Learning for Physicis...51451
PHYS 110BElectromagnetism00000
PHYS 29Introduction to Computer Programming for the Physical Scienc...00000
PHYS 32Mechanics and Waves00000
PHYS 34Electromagnetism00000
PHYS 36Quantum Physics00000
PHYS 99Introduction to Physics Research00000
PHYS 102Linear Algebra and Applications00000
PHYS 104Advanced Mechanics00000
PHYS 23General Physics00000
PHYS 115CQuantum Mechanics00000
PHYS 115BQuantum Mechanics00000
PHYS 119AThermal and Statistical Physics00000
PHYS 123ACondensed Matter Physics00000
PHYS 125Elementary Particle Physics00000
PHYS 127BLDigital Electronics00000
PHYS 25General Physics00000
PHYS 128BLAdvanced Experimental Physics00000
PHYS 20General Physics00000
PHYS 20BLExperimental Physics00000
PHYS 20ALExperimental Physics00000
PHYS 15AIntroduction to Experimental Physics00000
PHYS 15CExperimental Physics00000
PHYS 15BExperimental Physics00000
PHYS 13CHHonors Experimental Physics00000
PHYS 13ALHonors Introduction to Experimental Physics00000
PHYS 13BLHonors Experimental Physics00000
PHYS 13BHHonors Experimental Physics00000
PHYS 13AHHonors Introduction to Experimental Physics00000
PHYS 10Physics Colloquium00000
PHYS 8Introduction to Mathematical Methods for Physics00000
PHYS 221BRelativistic Quantum Field Theory00000
PHYS 596Directed Reading and Research00000
PHYS 594Special Topics00000
PHYS 260GGraduate Seminar00000
PHYS 260JPhysics Outreach00000
PHYS 236Cosmology00000
PHYS 234High Energy Astrophysics00000
PHYS 232Stellar Structure and Evolution00000
PHYS 231CGeneral Relativity00000
PHYS 230AString Theory00000
PHYS 229AGauge Theories of Elementary Particles00000
PHYS 228Atomic and Molecular Physics00000
PHYS 225AElementary Particle Physics00000
PHYS 223BConcepts and Phenomena of Condensed Matter Physics00000
PHYS 221ARelativistic Quantum Field Theory00000
PHYS 6CIntroductory Physics00000
PHYS 219Statistical Mechanics00000
PHYS 217BThe Many Body Problem in Condensed Matter Physics00000
PHYS 215CQuantum Mechanics00000
PHYS 210BElectromagnetic Theory00000
PHYS 205Classical Mechanics00000
PHYS 199RAIndependent Research Assistance00000
PHYS 160JPhysics Outreach00000
PHYS 145LExperimental Research in Astrophysics00000
PHYS 143LExperimental Research in Elementary Particle Physics00000
PHYS 141Optics00000
PHYS 140VATopics in Physics: Vector Analysis with Application to Physi...00000
PHYS 135Biophysics and Biomolecular Materials00000
PHYS 133Galaxies and Cosmology00000
PHYS 131Gravitation and Relativity00000
PHYS 110AElectromagnetism00000
PHYS 198Directed Reading00000
PHYS 150Special Topics in Physics00000
PHYS 144LExperimental Research in Biophysics00000
PHYS 142LExperimental Research in Condensed Matter Physics00000
PHYS 140Special Topics00000
PHYS 140TASpecial Topics - Tensor Analysis00000
PHYS 134LObservational Astrophysics00000
PHYS 132Stellar Structure and Evolution00000
PHYS 129LIntroduction to Scientific Computation00000
PHYS 128ALAdvanced Experimental Physics00000
PHYS 127ALAnalog Electronics00000
PHYS 123BCondensed Matter Physics00000
PHYS 120Physics of California Waves, Weather, Quakes and Fires00000
PHYS 119BThermal and Statistical Physics00000
PHYS 115AQuantum Mechanics00000
PHYS 199Research in Physics00000
PHYS 106Nonlinear Phenomena00000
PHYS 103Intermediate Mechanics and Special Relativity00000
PHYS 101Complex Variables and Fourier Transforms00000
PHYS 98Readings in Physics00000
PHYS 35Electromagnetics and Optics00000
PHYS 33Waves, Kinetic Theory and Relativity00000
PHYS 31Newtonian Mechanics00000
PHYS 25LExperimental Physics00000
PHYS 24General Physics00000
PHYS 22General Physics00000
PHYS 16Undergraduate Seminar00000
PHYS 5LPhysics Laboratory00000
PHYS 4Basic Physics00000
PHYS 3LPhysics Laboratory00000
PHYS 235Extragalactic Astrophysics00000
PHYS 6BLIntroductory Experimental Physics00000
PHYS 6BIntroductory Physics00000
PHYS 6ALIntroductory Experimental Physics00000
PHYS 6CLIntroductory Experimental Physics00000
PHYS 6AIntroductory Physics00000
PHYS 5Basic Physics00000
PHYS 4LPhysics Laboratory00000
PHYS 3Basic Physics00000
PHYS 2Basic Physics00000
PHYS 599Dissertation Preparation00000
PHYS 595Group Studies00000
PHYS 500Teaching Assistant Seminar00000
PHYS 260AColloquium00000
PHYS 250Special Topics in Physics00000
PHYS 237Galactic Dynamics00000
PHYS 1Basic Physics00000
PHYS 233The Interstellar Medium00000
PHYS 231AGeneral Relativity00000
PHYS 231BGeneral Relativity00000
PHYS 230BString Theory00000
PHYS 229BGauge Theories of Elementary Particles00000
PHYS 225BElementary Particle Physics00000
PHYS 223CConcepts and Phenomena of Condensed Matter Physics00000
PHYS 223AConcepts and Phenomena of Condensed Matter Physics00000
PHYS 221CRelativistic Quantum Field Theory00000
PHYS 220Advanced Topics in Statistical Mechanics00000
PHYS 217AThe Many Body Problem in Condensed Matter Physics00000
PHYS 215AQuantum Mechanics00000
PHYS 215BQuantum Mechanics00000
PHYS 210AElectromagnetic Theory00000