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UCSB Course Reviews

University of California, Santa Barbara

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
POLS 170Public Policy Analysis52451
POLS 162Urban Government and Politics51551
POLS 598Master's Thesis Research and Preparation00000
POLS 503Directed Research00000
POLS 594AISpecial Topics00000
POLS 594PBSpecial Topics00000
POLS 594GPSpecial Topics: National Identity, Status and Group Psycholo...00000
POLS 594WESpecial Topics00000
POLS 596Directed Reading and Research00000
POLS 110ETPolitical Concepts: Environmental Political Theory00000
POLS 12American Government and Politics00000
POLS 106PPSpecial Topics in Political Science: Psychology in Internati...00000
POLS 106DISpecial Topics: Democracy and the Internet00000
POLS 106MISpecial Topics in Political Science00000
POLS 106BPSpecial Topics in Political Science00000
POLS 106LPSpecial Topics in Political Science00000
POLS 119JWEthical Issues in International Relations: Just War00000
POLS 500Practicum for Teaching Assistants00000
POLS 294Environmental Politics and Policy00000
POLS 286Seminar in Japenese Politics00000
POLS 275War, Diplomacy and International Security00000
POLS 270Theoretical Issues in International Political Economy00000
POLS 263Race, Ethnicity and Gender in American Politics00000
POLS 254Seminar in the Legislative Process00000
POLS 241Seminar on Modern Political Thinkers00000
POLS 235Comparative Political Institutions00000
POLS 230Comparative Political Systems00000
POLS 212Research Seminar II00000
POLS 206Political Research Methods II00000
POLS 199Independent Studies in Political Science00000
POLS 197CHonors Thesis Seminar in Political Science00000
POLS 196Senior Seminar in Political Science.00000
POLS 211Research Seminar I00000
POLS 597Individual Study for Master's Comprehensive Examination and...00000
POLS 594PCSpecial Topics00000
POLS 594CWSpecial Topics00000
POLS 594IISpecial Topics: Immigration and Identity00000
POLS 594PSSpecial Topics00000
POLS 502Practicum for Teaching Associates00000
POLS 296Comparative and International Environmental Politics00000
POLS 281Comparative Ethnic Politics00000
POLS 273International Political Economy00000
POLS 267Political Communication00000
POLS 261Seminar in American Institutions00000
POLS 243Seminar in Political Concepts00000
POLS 240Seminar on Classical Political Thinkers00000
POLS 231Qualitative Methods00000
POLS 110AMPolitical Concepts00000
POLS 205Political Research Methods I00000
POLS 197AHonors Thesis Seminar in Political Science00000
POLS 192Field Research in Political Science00000
POLS 187Classical Political Theory00000
POLS 176Energy Politics and Policy00000
POLS 172Political Communication in the U.S.00000
POLS 157The American Presidency00000
POLS 154Public Opinion00000
POLS 143Russian Domestic Politics00000
POLS 138Select Topics in Comparative Politics00000
POLS 130Politics of South Asia00000
POLS 124International Organization00000
POLS 188Modern Political Theory00000
POLS 161U. S. Minority Politics00000
POLS 295Environmental Politics Workshop00000
POLS 277American Foreign Policy00000
POLS 272Seminar on International Organizations and Society00000
POLS 266Contemporary Problems in American Government00000
POLS 258Seminar in American Political Behavior00000
POLS 242Seminar on Contemporary Political Thinkers00000
POLS 236Democratization in Comparative Perspective00000
POLS 225International Relations00000
POLS 207Advanced Political Research Methods00000
POLS 199RAIndependent Research Assistance in Political Science00000
POLS 197BHonors Thesis Seminar in Political Science00000
POLS 189Recent and Contemporary Political Theory00000
POLS 186Introduction to International Political Economy00000
POLS 175Politics of the Environment00000
POLS 501Teaching Assistant Training00000
POLS 155LCongress Simulation Lab00000
POLS 150APolitics of the Middle East00000
POLS 142Foreign Policy Decision Making00000
POLS 135Government and Politics of Japan00000
POLS 127American Foreign Policy00000
POLS 121International Politics00000
POLS 118Comparative Ethnic Politics00000
POLS 110DTPolitical Concepts00000
POLS 110CTPolitical Concepts00000
POLS 106ICSpecial Topics in Political Science00000
POLS 106MOSpecial Topics: The International Political Economy of Money00000
POLS 106HRSpecial Topics in Political Science00000
POLS 106IGSpecial Topics: Intergovernmental Relations00000
POLS 99Introduction to Research00000
POLS 110CDPolitical Concepts: Civil Disobedience00000
POLS 177Comparative Environmental Politics00000
POLS 173Media and Politics in Comparative and Historical Perspective00000
POLS 166US Immigration Politics and Policy00000
POLS 160Asian American Politics00000
POLS 155Congress00000
POLS 152American Political Parties00000
POLS 141Civil War00000
POLS 133Military Politics00000
POLS 126International Security00000
POLS 119HREthical Issues in International Relations: Human Rights00000
POLS 114Democracy and Diversity00000
POLS 110Political Concepts00000
POLS 110PCPolitical Concepts00000
POLS 7Introduction to International Relations00000
POLS 106EPSpecial Topics in Political Science00000
POLS 106EASpecial Topics in Political Science00000
POLS 106NGSpecial Topics in Political Science00000
POLS 106PWSpecial Topics in Political Science: Water Politics00000
POLS 15Introduction to Research in Political Science00000
POLS 6Introduction to Comparative Politics00000
POLS 1Introduction to Political Philosophy00000
POLS 599Ph.D. Dissertation Research and Preparation00000
POLS 595CGroup Studies00000
POLS 594MDSpecial Topics: The Politics of Migration and Forced Displac...00000
POLS 594IGSpecial Topics: Interest Groups in American Politics00000
POLS 594MPSpecial Topics00000
POLS 504Supervised Internship in Public Policy00000