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UCSB Course Reviews

University of California, Santa Barbara

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
PSY 221ADesign and Measurement00000
PSY 160HKPsychology of Choice00000
PSY 163ISContemporary Issues in Biopsychology - Neuroethology00000
PSY 163RKNeuroscience of Learning and Motivation00000
PSY 196Honors Seminar in Psychological & Brain Sciences00000
PSY 197BHonors Research in Psychological & Brain Sciences00000
PSY 199Independent Research in Psychological & Brain Sciences00000
PSY 202Advanced Social Psychology00000
PSY 211Basic Concepts in Behavioral Neuroscience00000
PSY 160NASpecial Topics in Psychology - Adult Development and Aging00000
PSY 221BDesign and Measurement00000
PSY 227Human Memory and Cognitive Processes00000
PSY 233Electroencephalography00000
PSY 235Neuroendocrinology00000
PSY 238Social Perception00000
PSY 247Human Mating Psychology00000
PSY 254Evolutionary Psychology00000
PSY 146Human Mating Psychology00000
PSY 124Educational Psychology00000
PSY 129LLaboratory in Perception00000
PSY 132Visual Neuroscience00000
PSY 134Psychopharmacology: Drugs of Abuse00000
PSY 137Behavioral Endocrinology00000
PSY 139Emotions00000
PSY 140Social Influence00000
PSY 143The Evolution of Human Relationships00000
PSY 160SKExamination of Key Constructs in The Psychological & Brain S...00000
PSY 148Self and Identity00000
PSY 150LLaboratory in Social Psychology00000
PSY 153Social Neuroscience00000
PSY 155LLaboratory in Evolutionary Psychology00000
PSY 159Health Psychology00000
PSY 160AFSpecial Topics in Psychology - History of Psychology00000
PSY 265Computational Neuroscience00000
PSY 160ZLLanguage and Thought00000
PSY 103Introduction to Psychopathology00000
PSY 108Introduction to Cognitive Psychology00000
PSY 111Fundamentals of Behavioral Neuroscience00000
PSY 116Learning00000
PSY 118LLaboratory in Attention00000
PSY 123Cognitive Neuroscience00000
PSY 130Perception: Vision00000
PSY 133Psychopharmacology: Psychotherapeutic Drugs00000
PSY 99PIndependent Research in Psychological & Brain Sciences00000
PSY 160JSScience of Consciousness00000
PSY 160DSSpecial Topics in Psychology - Addressing Social Problems in...00000
PSY 163RENeuroanatomy00000
PSY 163MGContemporary Issues in Biopsychology - Systems Neuroscience00000
PSY 183Psychopathology00000
PSY 197CHonors Research in Psychological & Brain Sciences00000
PSY 199PIndependent Research in Psychological & Brain Sciences00000
PSY 594BRSpecial Topics00000
PSY 269Neuroanatomy00000
PSY 590BSeminar On Teaching Of Psychology00000
PSY 591MGResearch Presentation00000
PSY 594RKSpecial Topics00000
PSY 594QMSpecial Topics00000
PSY 594DSSpecial Topics00000
PSY 594MESpecial Topics00000
PSY 594GZCurrent topics in Cognitive Neuroscience00000
PSY 120LLaboratory in Advanced Research Methods00000
PSY 594BMSpecial Topics00000
PSY 596Directed Reading And Research.00000
PSY 597Individual Study For Ph.D. Examinations.00000
PSY 599Dissertation Research And Preparation00000
PSY 3The Biological Basis of Psychology00000
PSY 10BStatistical Methods in Psychological & Brain Sciences00000
PSY 90AFirst-Level Honors Seminar00000
PSY 149Close Relationships00000
PSY 152Social Cognition00000
PSY 154Cultural Psychology00000
PSY 155Evolution and Cognition00000
PSY 160RLAffective Neuroscience00000
PSY 160TGPsychology of Conspiracy00000
PSY 160RMComputer Games for Learning00000
PSY 163TSModels of Working Memory00000
PSY 147Intergroup Relations00000
PSY 163EJHormones and Cognition00000
PSY 197AHonors Research in Psychological & Brain Sciences00000
PSY 198Readings in Psychological & Brain Sciences00000
PSY 210Motivation in Social Psychology00000
PSY 215Neuropharmacology of Psychoactive Drugs00000
PSY 221CMultivariate Analysis in Psychology and Related Social Scien...00000
PSY 221EStatistical Analysis of fMRI Data00000
PSY 121Mindfulness00000
PSY 7Introduction to Experimental Psychology00000
PSY 90CFirst-Level Honors Seminar00000
PSY 98Readings in Psychological & Brain Sciences00000
PSY 102Introduction to Social Psychology00000
PSY 106Introduction to Biopsychology00000
PSY 111LLaboratory in Behavioral Neuroscience00000
PSY 115Neuropharmacology00000
PSY 117Memory00000
PSY 228Perception00000
PSY 125Multimedia Learning00000
PSY 131Perception: Audition00000
PSY 135Development and Plasticity of the Brain00000
PSY 136Neurobiology of Brain States00000
PSY 138LLaboratory in Behavioral Endocrinology00000
PSY 142Cognitive Development00000
PSY 145Cognitive Science of Supernatural Concepts00000
PSY 598Master's Thesis Research And Preparation00000
PSY 594EJHormones and Cognition00000
PSY 594JRAdvanced Topics in Human Behavioral Endocrinology00000
PSY 594DMSpecial Topics00000
PSY 594TSModels of Working Memory00000
PSY 594MGContemporary Issues in Biopsychology - Systems Neuroscience00000
PSY 594RMSpecial Topics00000
PSY 594ISSpecial Topics - Neuroethology00000
PSY 595Readings For M.A.00000
PSY 594BGSpecial Topics00000
PSY 5Introductory Statistics00000
PSY 10AResearch Methods in Psychological & Brain Sciences00000
PSY 90BFirst-Level Honors Seminar00000
PSY 99Independent Research in Psychological & Brain Sciences00000
PSY 105Introduction to Developmental Psychology00000
PSY 113LLaboratory in Brain Cell Analysis00000
PSY 117LLaboratory in Memory and Cognition00000
PSY 1Introduction to Psychology00000
PSY 593Professional Skills for Academic Psychologists00000
PSY 592NBSpecial Interest Group Research Seminar00000
PSY 592CGSpecial Interest Group Research Seminar00000
PSY 592FSSpecial Interest Group Research Seminar00000
PSY 592SPSpecial Interest Group Research Seminar00000
PSY 592DVSpecial Interest Group Research Seminar00000
PSY 592QMSpecial Interest Group Research Seminar00000
PSY 592CPSpecial Interest Group Research Seminar00000
PSY 590ASeminar On Teaching Of Psychology00000
PSY 590CSeminar On Teaching Of Psychology00000
PSY 268Development and Plasticity of the Brain00000
PSY 252Advanced Research Methods In Social Psychology00000
PSY 245Cultural Psychology00000
PSY 237Cognition00000
PSY 234Computer Programming For Experimental Psychologists00000