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UCSB Course Reviews

University of California, Santa Barbara

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
RGST 4Introduction to Buddhism55541
RGST 10AElementary Arabic I53541
RGST 65EIntermediate Turkish Language V00000
RGST 190DBIntroduction to Heidegger00000
RGST 133EIntroduction to Modern Hebrew Literature00000
RGST 13Religion and Popular Culture00000
RGST 157CPContemporary Persian Literature and Translation00000
RGST 110MReligion and Music in Cuba00000
RGST 116CArchaeology and the Study of Religion00000
RGST 190FSThe Fatigue is the Shari?a: Old and New Debates00000
RGST 128AReligion and Spirituality in the Roman Empire00000
RGST 200DProseminar in the History and Theory of Religion00000
RGST 2Islam and the West00000
RGST 150BReligion and Tourism in Modern America00000
RGST 35Introduction to Religion and Politics00000
RGST 104Problems in the Study of Religion00000
RGST 98Internship00000
RGST 165Vedic Traditions of India00000
RGST 124GThe Virgin of Guadalupe: From Tilma to Tattoo00000
RGST 58DIntensive Intermediate Persian II00000
RGST 147Religion and the American Experience00000
RGST 125Special Topics00000
RGST 195Senior Honors Thesis00000
RGST 65DIntermediate Turkish Language IV00000
RGST 206JSeminar on Contemporary Issues in South Asian Religions00000
RGST 131HPolitics and Religion in the City: The Case of Jerusalem00000
RGST 223Religion and the Question of Subjectivity in Contemporary Eu...00000
RGST 594RSSpecial Topics00000
RGST 10Introduction to Biblical Law00000
RGST 99Independent Study in Religious Studies00000
RGST 20Indic Civilization00000
RGST 156CEEthics and the College Experience00000
RGST 58AIntensive Elementary Persian I00000
RGST 47Introduction to Taoism00000
RGST 70AElementary Kazakh I00000
RGST 159FIntermediate Sanskrit00000
RGST 102AMuslim Diasporas and Law00000
RGST 111BMongolian Buddhism00000
RGST 116AThe New Testament and Early Christianity00000
RGST 181FShi'ism Before and After the Iranian Revolution00000
RGST 132AHoly Delight: Eros and the Sacred in Jewish and Christian In...00000
RGST 14Introduction to Native American Religious Studies00000
RGST 140DIslam in South Asia00000
RGST 190SYThe Symbol, or the Problem of Meaning in the Modern World00000
RGST 190EOEthics of the Other: Løgstrup, Levinas, MacIntyre and Darwa...00000
RGST 65BIntroduction to Turkish Language II00000
RGST 190NSThe Novels of Neal Stephenson: Science, Literature, Ethics00000
RGST 127BChristian Thought and Cultures of the Middle Ages00000
RGST 199Independent Studies in Religion00000
RGST 17CIntroduction to Biblical Hebrew III00000
RGST 206LSeminar on Subaltern Traditions and Counter-Traditions in So...00000
RGST 130Judaism00000
RGST 210MReligion and Music in Cuba00000
RGST 70DIntermediate Kazakh IV00000
RGST 237Seminar in the Scientific Study of Religion00000
RGST 132CRepresentations of Jesus in Jewish Thought from Late Antiqui...00000
RGST 240FSeminar on Modern Islamic Movements00000
RGST 593Colloquium00000
RGST 140FModern Islamic Movements00000
RGST 598Master's Project Research and Preparation00000
RGST 84Introduction to Islamic Civilization00000
RGST 10DIntermediate Arabic IV00000
RGST 148BAdvanced Arabic00000
RGST 11BElementary Hindi II00000
RGST 28Gandhi: Nonviolence, Resistance, Truth00000
RGST 17BIntroduction to Biblical Hebrew II00000
RGST 156AAnthropology of Religion00000
RGST 27Varieties of Mystical Experience in the Abrahamic Religions:...00000
RGST 100CSeminar in Religion in America00000
RGST 57AElementary Persian I00000
RGST 157FIntensive Persian VI00000
RGST 62Dark Goddesses and Black Madonnas00000
RGST 11AElementary Hindi I00000
RGST 70BElementary Kazakh II00000
RGST 159GReligious Literature in Sanskrit00000
RGST 81Modern Iran and Global Politics00000
RGST 110Religion and Literature00000
RGST 99RAIndependent Research Assistance in Religious Studies00000
RGST 160AReligious Traditions of India00000
RGST 109BChristianity, Judaism, and Islam in China00000
RGST 57DIntermediate Persian IV00000
RGST 113Religion and Film00000
RGST 172AReligion and Science00000
RGST 119AIntroduction to Islamic Law00000
RGST 115ALiterature and Religion of the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament00000
RGST 132BJewish Dream Interpretation from the Bible to Freud00000
RGST 188ASeminar in Civic Engagement and Deliberative Democracy00000
RGST 133DGender in Jewish Culture00000
RGST 10CElementary Arabic III00000
RGST 135Readings in Tibetan Buddhist Texts00000
RGST 190EIEthical Investing00000
RGST 141DChurch-State Relations00000
RGST 119FHistory of Islamic Theology00000
RGST 148CAdvanced Arabic00000
RGST 123Asian American Religions00000
RGST 190NWWriting Nature from the Sublime to the Anthropocene00000
RGST 17AIntroduction to Biblical Hebrew I00000
RGST 190FCFirst Contact00000
RGST 127CChristian Thought and Cultures of the Reformation00000
RGST 191ALatino Religious Thought00000
RGST 65FIntermediate Turkish Language VI00000
RGST 198ISIranian Studies Digital Internship00000
RGST 127AChristian Thought and Cultures of the Ancient World00000
RGST 200CProseminar in the History and Theory of Religion00000
RGST 10FIntermediate Arabic VI00000
RGST 200BProseminar in History and Theory of Religion00000
RGST 129Religions of the Ancient Near East00000
RGST 206BSeminar on Vedic Traditions00000
RGST 65CIntroduction to Turkish Language III00000
RGST 209ASeminar on South Asian Islamic Traditions00000
RGST 131FThe History of Anti-Semitism00000
RGST 212Mongolian Buddhism00000
RGST 19The Gods and Goddesses of India00000
RGST 232BMessianic Eschatology and Apocalyptic Time00000
RGST 131JIntroduction to Rabbinic Literature00000
RGST 240CIslamic Mysticism and Religious Thought00000
RGST 70CElementary Kazakh III00000
RGST 241DChurch-State Relations00000
RGST 137Gnosticism and Manichaeism00000
RGST 251AReligion in American History to 186500000
RGST 591T.A. and Associate Training Program.00000
RGST 140EIslam in America00000
RGST 594ASpecial Topics00000
RGST 80CReligion and Western Civilization III: Modern00000
RGST 597Individual Study for Master's or Ph.D. Examination for Advan...00000
RGST 141EReligious Liberty00000
RGST 26Introduction to Jewish Mysticism00000
RGST 6Islam and Modernity00000
RGST 148AAdvanced Arabic00000
RGST 10BElementary Arabic II00000
RGST 90BBTopics in Religious Studies00000
RGST 292IMProphecy, Protest, Protection: Indigenous Environmental Move...00000
RGST 149RIslamic Philosophy and Theology00000
RGST 11DIntermediate Hindi IV00000
RGST 11CElementary Hindi III00000
RGST 16Religion and Food00000
RGST 156BEBio-Medical Ethics00000
RGST 18Comparing Religions00000
RGST 99PLPersian Language Independent Study00000
RGST 24Jesus in Comparative Perspective00000
RGST 156African Religions in the Americas00000
RGST 30Judaism00000
RGST 31The Religions of Tibet00000
RGST 48Self, Society, and Nature in Chinese Thought00000
RGST 157PPClassic Persian Literature and Translation00000
RGST 57CElementary Persian III00000
RGST 101ANew Religious Movements00000
RGST 58CIntensive Intermediate Persian I00000
RGST 157JPersian Translation00000
RGST 65AIntroduction to Turkish Language I00000
RGST 7Introduction to American Religion00000
RGST 70FIntermediate Kazakh VI00000
RGST 158FIntensive Advanced Persian II00000
RGST 70EIntermediate Kazakh V00000
RGST 107Black Gods of Cuba, Brazil, and Beyond: The Orishas00000
RGST 73Introduction to Japanese Religion: Texts, Concepts, and Repr...00000
RGST 159DIntermediate Sanskrit00000
RGST 90AAIntroduction to Kazakh Language I00000
RGST 57BElementary Persian II00000
RGST 99PSPersian Support00000
RGST 159LReligious Literature in Sanskrit: Philosophical Literature00000
RGST 101BReligious Experience00000
RGST 110LLGBT Religious History: Queering the Spirit00000
RGST 106Modernity and the Process of Secularization00000
RGST 162DIntroduction to Jainism00000
RGST 110FReligion and Science Fiction00000
RGST 12Religious Approaches to Death00000
RGST 111Religion, Politics and Marriage in the Middle East00000
RGST 167AReligion in Japanese Culture00000
RGST 115MPThe Minor Prophets00000
RGST 112Trickster Tales, Religion, and the Body00000
RGST 118Readings in Mormon Studies00000
RGST 177Religion and Law00000
RGST 119CJihad and Just War Theory00000
RGST 58BIntensive Elementary Persian II00000
RGST 131DJudaism in Modern Times00000
RGST 185Food, Religion, and Culture in the Middle East00000
RGST 132DJewish Magic, the Occult, and Western Esotericism00000
RGST 115GThe Dead Sea Scrolls and Their Community00000
RGST 133CStudies in Jewish Law00000
RGST 190JFImage of Jews in Film00000
RGST 133FImage of Jews in Film00000
RGST 3Introduction to Asian Religious Traditions00000
RGST 133BFrom Superman to Spiegelman: The Jewish Graphic Novel00000
RGST 190MDMoby-Dick and the Hunt for Modern Meaning00000
RGST 138BGlobal Catholicism00000
RGST 119BThe Qur'an and Its Interpretations00000
RGST 140CIslamic Mysticism and Religious Thought00000
RGST 190NVStudies of Non-Violence00000
RGST 142AReligious Literature in Hebrew00000
RGST 61African Religions of the Americas00000
RGST 190RLAmerican Religious Lives00000
RGST 1Introduction to the Study of Religion00000
RGST 5Introduction to Judaism, Christianity, and Islam00000
RGST 10EIntermediate Arabic V00000
RGST 21Zen Buddhism00000
RGST 71Introduction to Asian American Religions00000
RGST 140AIslamic Traditions00000
RGST 292MTMateriality00000