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UCSB Course Reviews

University of California, Santa Barbara

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
THTR 195Principles of Stage Management45441
THTR 95Introduction to Stage Management00000
THTR 151DAdvanced Acting: Modern Trends00000
THTR 151AAdvanced Acting00000
THTR 151CAdvanced Acting00000
THTR 149Theatre Workshop00000
THTR 142I.V. Live00000
THTR 133BHistory of Costume II00000
THTR 130History of Design and Production00000
THTR 125Advanced Costume Design00000
THTR 122Advanced Scenic Design00000
THTR 111AAdvanced Voice Laboratory00000
THTR 111BAdvanced Voice Laboratory00000
THTR 110BAdvanced Movement For The Stage00000
THTR 110EStage Combat for Actors00000
THTR 104BAdvanced Playwriting Workshop00000
THTR 104DNew Works Lab00000
THTR 152AIntroduction to Stage Directing00000
THTR 49Theater Workshop00000
THTR 29DRun Crew Practicum00000
THTR 29BLighting Practicum00000
THTR 27ATheater Graphics and Figure Drawing00000
THTR 23DDance Lighting Design00000
THTR 22Scenic Design00000
THTR 15BFundamentals of Acting00000
THTR 15CFundamentals of Acting00000
THTR 11AVoice Laboratory00000
THTR 10CMovement For The Stage00000
THTR 10AMovement For The Stage00000
THTR 5Introduction To Acting00000
THTR 2BPerformance in Global Contexts, Asia00000
THTR 193HSenior Honors Project00000
THTR 598Master's Thesis Project, Research and Creative00000
THTR 500Teaching: Methods and Practice00000
THTR 266Practice in Theatre and Dance00000
THTR 264Practice in Directing00000
THTR 262Practice in Design00000
THTR 256Dancing the Diaspora: Tracing the Africanist Presence in Afr...00000
THTR 251Performance Studies00000
THTR 250SKTopics in Dramatic Literature, Theatre History, and Performa...00000
THTR 232Modern and Contemporary Theory00000
THTR 210HHistoriography00000
THTR 199RAIndependent Research Assistance in Theater00000
THTR 196Dance Production00000
THTR 194DGroup Studies in Design00000
THTR 193HASenior Honors Project00000
THTR 1Play Analysis00000
THTR 192Upper-Division Seminar00000
THTR 188DHistory of Directing00000
THTR 187MUCreating Experimental Performance: Memory, History, Process...00000
THTR 184CAComparative African Theater and Performance00000
THTR 183EAEast Asian Theater Performance00000
THTR 182RNRenaissance Theater and Drama00000
THTR 182MModern Theater and Drama00000
THTR 180GRace, Gender, and Performance00000
THTR 180FAsian American Theater00000
THTR 180ECulture Clash: Studies in U.S. Latino Theater00000
THTR 160CApplied Theater/The Artist as Activist - Basics00000
THTR 152CAdvanced Directing00000
THTR 152DDirectorial Production00000
THTR 104CCollaboration & Ensemble Devising00000
THTR 151FSenior Auditions00000
THTR 151GAlternate Acting Styles00000
THTR 151BAdvanced Acting00000
THTR 151SSenior One-Person Shows00000
THTR 143The People's Voice00000
THTR 140AAdvanced Acting Workshop I00000
THTR 132History of Decorative Styles00000
THTR 127Theatre Rendering Techniques00000
THTR 123Advanced Stage Lighting Design00000
THTR 112Senior Voice Laboratory00000
THTR 111CAdvanced Voice Laboratory00000
THTR 110CAdvanced Movement For The Stage00000
THTR 110AAdvanced Movement for the Stage00000
THTR 110DAdvanced Performance Projects00000
THTR 152BTechniques of Directing00000
THTR 104APlaywriting Workshop00000
THTR 94Group Studies For Lower-Division Students00000
THTR 42I.V. Live00000
THTR 29CCostume Practicum00000
THTR 29AScenic Practicum00000
THTR 25Costume Design00000
THTR 23Stage Lighting Design00000
THTR 19Design Fundamentals for Dance and Theater00000
THTR 15AFundamentals of Acting00000
THTR 11CVoice Laboratory00000
THTR 11BVoice Laboratory00000
THTR 10BMovement For The Stage00000
THTR 9Introduction to Dramatic Writing00000
THTR 2APerformance in Global Contexts: Africa and the Caribbean00000
THTR 194LGroup Studies in Literature00000
THTR 599Dissertation Research and Preparation00000
THTR 596Directed Reading and Research00000
THTR 273CTheatre and Drama of the United States00000
THTR 265APractice in Playwriting00000
THTR 263Practice in Dramaturgy00000
THTR 261Directing for Graduate Students00000
THTR 255Race, Immigration, and the Cold War Politics of Contemporary...00000
THTR 251AFSpecial Topics in Performance Studies00000
THTR 250Topics in Dramatic Literature and Theatre History00000
THTR 211EDTheories of the Everyday and Performance00000
THTR 210AResearch Methods: Ethnography and Performance00000
THTR 199Independent Studies in Theater00000
THTR 195PStage Management Practicum00000
THTR 194AGroup Studies in Acting and Directing00000
THTR 2CPerformance in Global Contexts: EUROPE00000
THTR 193HBSenior Honors Project00000
THTR 193HCSenior Honors Project00000
THTR 190Production Administration00000
THTR 188SShakespeare on Film and Stage00000
THTR 187TATeatro as a Tool for Teaching I00000
THTR 184AAAfrican American Performance00000
THTR 182MCModern Contemporary00000
THTR 182AAncient Theater and Drama00000
THTR 180DLatin American Theater and Performance00000
THTR 180AAmerican Drama to 194000000
THTR 180BAmerican Drama 1940 to Present00000
THTR 170BShakespeare in the Schools00000
THTR 153PProjects in Design and Production00000
THTR 152EProjects in Directing00000