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UCSC Course Reviews

University of California, Santa Cruz

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ANTH 100History Biol Anthro42441
ANTH 208CDesign Anthropology00000
ANTH 194ADead Persons00000
ANTH 195ASenior Thesis Seminar00000
ANTH 196QProperty00000
ANTH 196RDesign Anthropology00000
ANTH 196TArch of Technology00000
ANTH 196KSettler Colonialism00000
ANTH 200BCultural Grad Core00000
ANTH 194XWom/Poli:3d Wor Per00000
ANTH 228Grant Writing00000
ANTH 238Cultural Anthropol00000
ANTH 252CulturalAnthTheory00000
ANTH 268ARethink Capitalism00000
ANTH 270AArchaeol Grad Core00000
ANTH 276ANo American Archeol00000
ANTH 280AdvCeramicAnalysis00000
ANTH 194YArch Space/Landscape00000
ANTH 284Tutrl:Zooarchaeolgy00000
ANTH 189Arch Field Methods00000
ANTH 188AArch Practicum A00000
ANTH 187BCultr Resource Mgmt00000
ANTH 180LCeramic Analys Lab00000
ANTH 178Historical Archaeol00000
ANTH 176ANo American Archlgy00000
ANTH 174Origins Complex Soc00000
ANTH 158Feminist Ethnography00000
ANTH 151Ethnography Wrkshop00000
ANTH 140Enviro-Med Intersect00000
ANTH 138Political Anthro00000
ANTH 130AAnth of Africa00000
ANTH 130ICultures of India00000
ANTH 126Contraband00000
ANTH 194UEnvironmental Anth00000
ANTH 294RAdv Read BioAnth00000
ANTH 287Adv Topic Archaeology00000
ANTH 278HistArchaeolTutorial00000
ANTH 272Adv Archeol Research00000
ANTH 268BRethink Capitalism00000
ANTH 246Environmental Anth00000
ANTH 229Constructng Regions00000
ANTH 216Methods in BioAnth00000
ANTH 200ACultural Grad Core00000
ANTH 196UHistorical Anthro00000
ANTH 196JImagining America00000
ANTH 196VRadical Craft00000
ANTH 196DFood and Medicine00000
ANTH 195CSenior Thesis Cap00000
ANTH 194HPaleoanthropology00000
ANTH 110VVirtual Values00000
ANTH 194JHist Forests,Wild00000
ANTH 194KReading Ethnograph00000
ANTH 187Cultural Heritage00000
ANTH 184LZoo Lab00000
ANTH 179Slavery in Atlantic00000
ANTH 176FCal Archaeology00000
ANTH 172Archaeol Res Design00000
ANTH 170His Archaeol Theory00000
ANTH 150Communicating Anth00000
ANTH 145XSocio-Cultural Anth00000
ANTH 134Intro Medical Anthro00000
ANTH 130ECulture/Polit/SE Asia00000
ANTH 125Magic,Sci,Religion00000
ANTH 296NBody&Creative Practice00000
ANTH 292Graduate Colloquim00000
ANTH 130LLatin Amer Ethnogra00000
ANTH 194SAnthroplgy of Sound00000
ANTH 188CArch Practicum C00000
ANTH 188BArch Practicum B00000
ANTH 184Zooarchaeology00000
ANTH 180Ceramic Analysis00000
ANTH 177Environmental Arch00000
ANTH 175African Archaeology00000
ANTH 171Mat/Methods His Arch00000
ANTH 152CulturalAnthTheory00000
ANTH 147Anthropocene00000
ANTH 146Anth & Environment00000
ANTH 139Language & Culture00000
ANTH 131Gender in Culture00000
ANTH 130ONative Feminisms00000
ANTH 130FBlackness In Motion00000
ANTH 194VWho Owns the Past?00000
ANTH 113Tutor Writing Anth00000
ANTH 110CCalifornia Pasts00000
ANTH 110KCultur Through Food00000
ANTH 110SEvolution/Democracy00000
ANTH 110GWestside Stories00000
ANTH 110ISustainbilitySocJust00000
ANTH 110UPiracy00000
ANTH 110JEmerging Humanity00000
ANTH 107CChimp Behavior/Culture00000
ANTH 107DPopulation Genetics00000
ANTH 105Human Paleopathology00000
ANTH 103Forensic Anthro00000
ANTH 101Human Evolution00000
ANTH 97Lab Safety Practice00000
ANTH 3Intro Archaeology00000
ANTH 280LCeramicAnalysisLab00000
ANTH 1Intro Biolog Anth00000
ANTH 110AContemporary Issues00000
ANTH 110PIndia Diaspora Film00000
ANTH 110QBlack Queer Culture00000
ANTH 110YFeeding California00000
ANTH 110FEvolution Human Diet00000
ANTH 110WLand & Waterscapes00000
ANTH 107BStable Isotope Lab00000
ANTH 106Primate Behavior00000
ANTH 104Human Var and Adapt00000
ANTH 102AHuman Skeletal Biol00000
ANTH 89Fdns4Global&CommHealth00000
ANTH 2Intr Culturl Anthro00000
ANTH 295AScientific Method00000
ANTH 290TAnthropology Pedagogy00000
ANTH 110LDecolonizing Method00000
ANTH 276GArch Colonial Lands00000
ANTH 275African Arch Tutorial00000
ANTH 270BCurrent Arch Theory00000
ANTH 267AScience and Justice00000
ANTH 248Finance/Money/Law00000
ANTH 233Politics of Nature00000
ANTH 220Cartography Culture00000
ANTH 208AEthnograph Practice00000
ANTH 196WWeather & Exposure00000
ANTH 196OGender and Politics00000
ANTH 196NBody&Creative Practice00000
ANTH 196GQueer Worlds00000
ANTH 196PDisability00000
ANTH 195BSenior Thesis Res00000
ANTH 194MMedical Anthro00000