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UCSC Course Reviews

University of California, Santa Cruz

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ART 137Outdoor Paint Proj00000
ART 175Taking Art to Streets00000
ART 182Materiality of Color00000
ART 1853D ArtDesign Print00000
ART 190AWriting for Artists00000
ART 210BPracBasedRsrch:Systems00000
ART 230Theory and Practice00000
ART 10D2D Foundation00000
ART 20KIntro New Media00000
ART 20LIntro to Drawing00000
ART 80DFundamentals of Photo00000
ART 80FIntro Digital Media00000
ART 106O2D Animation00000
ART 106CStopMotionAnimation00000
ART 119Spec Topics Drawing00000
ART 130Interm/Adv Painting00000
ART 168Photo-Based Print00000
ART 139Spec Topcs Painting00000
ART 150Darkroom Practices00000
ART 153Still to Moving00000
ART 154BPhoto, Place, Environ00000
ART 158Adv Photography00000
ART 159Spec Topics Photo00000
ART 166Art of Bookmaking00000
ART 172Public Art00000
ART 181Art Power & Politics00000
ART 1843D ArtDesign:LaserCNC00000
ART 189SpecialTopicsSculpture00000
ART 194Forms and Ideas00000
ART 220Methods and Histories00000
ART 240ArtPedagogies00000
ART 80EEnviro Art Expanded00000
ART 20JIntro Draw/Paint00000
ART 20HIntro Sculpt/Public00000
ART 161BRelief Mix Med Print00000
ART 163CMagnified Imagination00000
ART 165Print Med Vis Comm00000
ART 169Spec Topic Printmak00000
ART 180BSculpture II00000
ART 183Metal Fabrication00000
ART 188Int/Adv Sclpt/Fndry00000
ART 190BSenior Project00000
ART 210APractBasedRsrch:Sites00000
ART 10E3D Foundation00000
ART 20IIntro Photography00000
ART 20GIntro Print/Draw00000
ART 10F4D Foundation00000
ART 80TDigital Tools Art00000
ART 101Computer Prog Arts00000
ART 106E3D Model Animation00000
ART 108Activate Media!00000
ART 125Enviro Art Studio00000
ART 133Abstract Painting00000
ART 138Facture and Meaning00000
ART 147TDesign Studio:Costume00000
ART 152APhotographic Book00000
ART 154CAfter Archive: Pho/Res00000
ART 156Project Devlop Photo00000
ART 162AIntaglio I00000
ART 163ALithography I00000
ART 164AScreenprinting00000