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UCSC Course Reviews

University of California, Santa Cruz

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ASTR 112Physics of Stars00000
ASTR 212Dynamical Astronomy00000
ASTR 222Stars and Planets II00000
ASTR 226General Relativity00000
ASTR 234StatisTechniquesAstro00000
ASTR 257Observational Astro00000
ASTR 292Seminar00000
ASTR 3Planetary Systems00000
ASTR 9BIntro Research Phys00000
ASTR 202Astrophysics I00000
ASTR 119Intro Sci Computing00000
ASTR 135AAstrophys Adv Lab00000
ASTR 204Astrophysics II00000
ASTR 214SpcTpcs:Gal/Exgal Astr00000
ASTR 223Planetary Physics00000
ASTR 230Diffuse Matter00000
ASTR 240AGalaxies & Cosmo II00000
ASTR 289Adaptive Optics00000
ASTR 233Galaxies & Cosmology I00000
ASTR 8Astro Data00000
ASTR 111Order of Magnitude00000
ASTR 118Planetary Systems00000
ASTR 135BAstrophys Adv Lab00000
ASTR 171Genl Relativity00000
ASTR 205Intr Astro Research00000
ASTR 220AStars and Planets I00000
ASTR 224PartclAstro&Cosmolgy00000
ASTR 2Overview Universe00000
ASTR 260Instrument for Astr00000
ASTR 1The Cosmos00000
ASTR 6Space-Age Solr Sysm00000
ASTR 16Astrobio/Life/Universe00000
ASTR 113Intro Cosmology00000
ASTR 135Astrophys Adv Lab00000
ASTR 136Adv Astro Lab00000