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UCSC Course Reviews

University of California, Santa Cruz

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
CSE 13SComp Sys and C Prog3.
CSE 101Data Structs & Algs4.33.744.73
CSE 20Beginning Python43451
CSE 12Com Sys/Assmbly Lan13111
CSE 276Optimization Theory00000
CSE 112Compar Prog Lang00000
CSE 280XDistributed Systems00000
CSE 280ZNatural Lang Process00000
CSE 280DSeminar Databases00000
CSE 280VSeminar:ComputrVision00000
CSE 290TComputingForSociety00000
CSE 290QTopics in ProgLang00000
CSE 290AAlgorthm & Complex00000
CSE 13EEmbedded Systems&C00000
CSE 16Appl Discrete Math00000
CSE 30Prog Abs Python00000
CSE 80CStarting New Tech00000
CSE 100LLogic Design Lab00000
CSE 103Computational Models00000
CSE 108Found of Cryptogrphy00000
CSE 180Database Systems I00000
CSE 222BVLSI Chip Design00000
CSE 290CAdv Machin Learning00000
CSE 183Web Applications00000
CSE 185ETech Writ Comp Engs00000
CSE 201Analysis Algorithms00000
CSE 208Intro InformtnTheory00000
CSE 210AProgramming Languag00000
CSE 214Principles:Data Sys00000
CSE 220Comp Architecture00000
CSE 270BMgmt of Tech II00000
CSE 231Adv Operating Systm00000
CSE 234Understanding Crypto00000
CSE 242Machine Learning00000
CSE 244Machine Learning NLP00000
CSE 246Resp. Data Science00000
CSE 250BComputer Communication00000
CSE 259Sensor Networks00000
CSE 264Computer Vision00000
CSE 261Adv Visualization00000
CSE 216Formal Methods00000
CSE 225Asic Systems Design00000
CSE 233Adv Comp Security00000
CSE 240Artif Intelligence00000
CSE 244BMachine Learning NLP00000
CSE 245ComputModelsDiscours00000
CSE 250AComputer Networks00000
CSE 253Network Security00000
CSE 212ASoftware Engineering00000
CSE 270AManagement Tech I00000
CSE 277Random Proc Models00000
CSE 280MML Seminar00000
CSE 280GVLSI/CAD Seminar00000
CSE 280JSem Comp Graphics00000
CSE 285Tech Writ Engr Grad00000
CSE 290KAdv Topics in NLP00000
CSE 3Personal Computers00000
CSE 160Intro Comp Graphics00000
CSE 115AIntro Software Eng00000
CSE 120Computer Architect00000
CSE 123BEngr Design Proj II00000
CSE 130Prin Comp Sys Dsgn00000
CSE 138Distributed Systems00000
CSE 143Natural Lang Process00000
CSE 150Intro Comp Networks00000
CSE 151LAdv Computer Net Lab00000
CSE 115BSoftware Design Pro00000
CSE 166AGame Theory /Apps I00000
CSE 171BIntro Mgmt of Tech II00000
CSE 174Decision Analysis00000
CSE 181Database Systems II00000
CSE 184Data & Web Scraping00000
CSE 194Group Tutorial00000
CSE 202Combinatorial Algor00000
CSE 209Evolutnry Game Theo00000
CSE 210BAdvanced Prog Langs00000
CSE 163Data Prog & Viz00000
CSE 167Mobile S.I.00000
CSE 171AIntro Mgmt of Tech I00000
CSE 175Bus Strat/Info Syst00000
CSE 182Intro Database Mgmt00000
CSE 185STech Writ Comp Engs00000
CSE 200Research & Teaching00000
CSE 205Logic In Comp Sci00000
CSE 156LNetwork Progrm Lab00000
CSE 211Compiler Design00000
CSE 215Design Data Systems00000
CSE 222AAdvanced VLSI00000
CSE 226AdvParallelProcess00000
CSE 232Distributed Systems00000
CSE 235CPS Security00000
CSE 243Data Mining00000
CSE 244AFoundations of DL00000
CSE 116Intro Func Prog00000
CSE 15LData Structures Lab00000
CSE 40ML Basics00000
CSE 58Analysis And Design00000
CSE 80AUniversal Access00000
CSE 104Computability00000
CSE 110AFund Compiler Des 100000
CSE 113Parallel Programing00000
CSE 115CSoftware Design II00000
CSE 247Projects in AI00000
CSE 121LMicro Sys Desgn Lab00000
CSE 122Intro to VLSI00000
CSE 125Log Desgn W/Verilog00000
CSE 132Computer Security00000
CSE 140Artif Intelligence00000
CSE 144Applied ML00000
CSE 146Ethics & Algorithms00000
CSE 151Adv Computer Net00000
CSE 125LVerilog Laboratory00000
CSE 102Intro Algorthm Anyl00000
CSE 107Probability/Stats00000
CSE 111Adv Programming00000
CSE 114AFound of Program Lang00000
CSE 115DSoftware Design Accel00000
CSE 118Mobile Applications00000
CSE 121Embedded System Design00000
CSE 123AEngr Design Proj I00000
CSE 100Logic Design00000
CSE 134Embedded OS00000
CSE 142Machine Learning00000
CSE 145Intro to Data Mining00000
CSE 150LInt Comp Net Lab00000
CSE 156Network Programming00000
CSE 160LComp Graphics Lab00000
CSE 166BGame Theory /App II00000
CSE 170Mgmt Of Tech Seminr00000
CSE 290DNeural Computation00000
CSE 257Wireless/Mobile Net00000
CSE 260Computer Graphics00000
CSE 266AIntroduction to R00000
CSE 272Information Retrieval00000
CSE 280OAPL Seminar00000
CSE 280PParallel Processing00000
CSE 280SSeminar Comp Syst00000
CSE 280NSeminar On Networks00000
CSE 173Financial Eng00000
CSE 290XCryptgraph/Security00000
CSE 290SAdv Topics:Comp Sys00000
CSE 293Adv Topics in CSE00000
CSE 12LComp Sys/Lang Lab00000
CSE 15Intro Data Structur00000
CSE 50Business Inf System00000
CSE 80NIntro to Networking00000