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UCSC Course Reviews

University of California, Santa Cruz

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
HIS 10BUS Hist 1877-197745341
HIS 196SAncient History00000
HIS 190FResrch In Americas00000
HIS 190WCivilWarReconstrctn00000
HIS 190UPower, Culture, FBI00000
HIS 190EChicana/o History00000
HIS 194MLiterati, Samurai00000
HIS 194STopic Anc Egypt Hist00000
HIS 194TLabor in Asia00000
HIS 194WSoc Mov Middle East00000
HIS 194ZMemory in China00000
HIS 185OHolocaust&ArabWorld00000
HIS 196EModern Irish Histry00000
HIS 196FEuro Envnmtl Hist00000
HIS 196KEur Intellect Hist00000
HIS 201Dir Research Colloq00000
HIS 204AGender Research Sem00000
HIS 208Digital Humanities00000
HIS 217Native Am History00000
HIS 230ARdgs:Late Imp China00000
HIS 242Readings Mod Japan00000
HIS 251AEnvironment & Tech00000
HIS 163BGenesis00000
HIS 131Women In Latin Amer00000
HIS 137AAfrica To 180000000
HIS 140EWomen in China00000
HIS 143BHis Philp 1815-Present00000
HIS 149Plants, People SE Asia00000
HIS 150AAncient Japan00000
HIS 152BIslam in Eurasia00000
HIS 156BModern Arab Thought00000
HIS 159CTemple and City00000
HIS 160CTopics Greek Hist00000
HIS 185ILatn Am Jewish Hist00000
HIS 167AThe First World War00000
HIS 170C20th-Century France00000
HIS 172AGerman History00000
HIS 173CHis of Soviet Union00000
HIS 174His/Cultr Espionage00000
HIS 178CEurop Intellec Hist00000
HIS 181British Empire00000
HIS 183A19th-C. Italy00000
HIS 260Making Space00000
HIS 196YSaints and Holiness00000
HIS 140DRecent Chinese Hist00000
HIS 141BChina: 6 Cen-16 Cen00000
HIS 146AColonial South Asia00000
HIS 150EOkinawan History00000
HIS 151BDrugs World History00000
HIS 154Post-Col Nor Africa00000
HIS 158AEscapes: D.George00000
HIS 159ACleopatra-Constantine00000
HIS 165AMedieval Hist & Archit00000
HIS 169Dutch History00000
HIS 134BMexico, 1850-Presnt00000
HIS 196HSex and the City00000
HIS 196IFrench Revolution00000
HIS 202Prac World History00000
HIS 204CColonialNatRaceSem00000
HIS 210AReadings US History00000
HIS 230BEngendering China00000
HIS 244Gender/Jpn Hist00000
HIS 252Republicanism00000
HIS 265History of the Body00000
HIS 280ATeaching Pedagogy00000
HIS 76The Holocaust00000
HIS 280BResrch & Grant Writ00000
HIS 2BWorld Since 150000000
HIS 10AU.S. History To 187700000
HIS 12U.S. Latino History00000
HIS 30Making of Mod Africa00000
HIS 41Making Mod Mid East00000
HIS 51Pyramids of Earth00000
HIS 62AClassic Worl: Greec00000
HIS 70BModEurope 1815-pres00000
HIS 74AJewishAfrica&MidEas00000
HIS 129CMemory in the Americas00000
HIS 80XCivil Rights Movmnt00000
HIS 82Glob His CA Gold Rush00000
HIS 101FGlobal Environment His00000
HIS 110DCivil War Era00000
HIS 110GStrange Days00000
HIS 117Wired Nation00000
HIS 120W.E.B. Du Bois00000
HIS 122AJazz & Hist to 194500000
HIS 128Chicana/o History00000
HIS 164BRenaissance Italy00000
HIS 137BAfrica 1800 To Pres00000
HIS 140CRevolutionary China00000
HIS 141AChina:10C Bce-6C Ce00000
HIS 147DSo Asia Intellectual00000
HIS 150FEngendering Empires00000
HIS 151AMed & Body Col Wrld00000
HIS 155Hist Modern Israel00000
HIS 158CSlavery in Atlantic00000
HIS 159BWomen/Gender Egypt00000
HIS 161BTopics in Roman His00000
HIS 130His of Modern Cuba00000
HIS 167BThe 2nd World War00000
HIS 170AFren:OldRegime&Revol00000
HIS 172CPostwar German Film00000
HIS 173BImperial Russia00000
HIS 178EMod Jewish Intellec00000
HIS 178BEurop Intellec Hist00000
HIS 183BFascism/Resist Ital00000
HIS 184BRacism & Antiracism00000
HIS 185CComp Jewish Pol00000
HIS 189Digital History00000
HIS 80CGlobal China00000
HIS 9Intr Native Am His00000
HIS 11AL Amer ColonlPeriod00000
HIS 15US His for NonMajors00000
HIS 40AEarly Mod East Asia00000
HIS 50Pyr/Papt Anc Egypt00000
HIS 59Hist Eng Language00000
HIS 62BClassic World: Rome00000
HIS 70AModEurope1500-181500000
HIS 74Intro Jewish Hist00000
HIS 77Am Jewish History00000
HIS 190ALatn Am Slavry/Race00000
HIS 100His Skills & Methds00000
HIS 104DMuseums:Nat Am Hist00000
HIS 105Nations&Nationalism00000
HIS 110AColonial U S 1500-175000000
HIS 116AUnchained Memory00000
HIS 118Global Cold War00000
HIS 122BJazz & Hist 1945 on00000
HIS 125AIndigenous Cali00000
HIS 129OMemory in the Americas00000
HIS 81Science Colonial World00000
HIS 4History of the Present00000
HIS 13Intro Am Relig Cult00000
HIS 40BModern East Asia00000
HIS 44Modern South Asia00000
HIS 58Hist Mod Mediterranean00000
HIS 60Medical/Sci Term00000
HIS 65AMedieval Europe00000
HIS 74BIntro Jews & Muslims00000
HIS 75Film and Holocaust00000
HIS 78ModernAuthoritarianism00000
HIS 280CJob Market00000
HIS 101DWorld His of Science00000
HIS 104CAm Ind Hist On Film00000
HIS 109AThe Antebellum South00000
HIS 110FWorld War USA00000
HIS 110BUS Revolu:1740-181500000
HIS 118AConspiracy Planet00000
HIS 121BAfrican-Am1877-Pres00000
HIS 124APanama Canal U.S. Emp00000
HIS 2AThe World to 150000000
HIS 196GMod Germany & Europ00000
HIS 190XAtlanticWorld1492-182400000
HIS 190NTopics African Hist00000
HIS 190OAfrican Amercn Hist00000
HIS 194LExile & Jewish Lives00000
HIS 194NUrban Global South00000
HIS 194UCold War East Asia00000
HIS 194CTopics Mod Chinese His00000
HIS 194KTopics His SE Asia00000
HIS 196DCity of Rome00000
HIS 196ORussian Rev 1917-3200000
HIS 129SMemory in the Americas00000
HIS 200Methods & Theories00000
HIS 203GlobalDecolonizaton00000
HIS 204ETransnat Border His00000
HIS 210BReadings US History00000
HIS 230CRdgs: 20Th C China00000
HIS 231Historicizing the PRC00000
HIS 243Transnational Japan00000
HIS 251BEuropean Empire00000
HIS 261New Middle East His00000