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UCSD Course Reviews

University of California, San Diego

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
BIEB 152Evol of Infectious Diseases00000
BIEB 123Molculr Mthd/Evol & Ecol Lab00000
BIEB 134Intro/Biological Oceanography00000
BIEB 128Insect Diversity00000
BIEB 182Biology of Global Change00000
BIEB 130Marine Conservation Biology00000
BIEB 154Evolutionary Inquiry00000
BIEB 143Comp Modeling in Evol/Ecol00000
BIEB 121Ecology Laboratory00000
BIEB 174Ecosystems and Global Change00000
BIEB 135Aquatic Ecology Lab00000
BIEB 140Biodiversity00000
BIEB 102Intro Eclgy/Organisms&Habitats00000
BIEB 156Population Genetics00000
BIEB 146Genome Diversity and Dynamics00000
BIEB 126Plant Ecology00000
BIEB 194Adv Topics-EBE00000
BIEB 166Animal Behavior&Communication00000
BIEB 150Evolution00000