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UCSD Course Reviews

University of California, San Diego

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
CHEM 6AGeneral Chemistry I55441
CHEM 105APhysical Chemistry Laboratory00000
CHEM 273Atmospheric Chemistry00000
CHEM 291Molecular Biophysics Seminar00000
CHEM 299Research in Chemistry00000
CHEM 6CHHonors General Chemistry III00000
CHEM 13Chemistry of Life00000
CHEM 40AOrganic Chemistry I00000
CHEM 99Independent Study00000
CHEM 257Bioorganic & Natural Prod Chem00000
CHEM 114CBiosynthesis of Macromolecules00000
CHEM 116Chemical Biology00000
CHEM 126APhys Biochem: Thermodynamics00000
CHEM 132Chem Physics: Stat Thermo II00000
CHEM 143COrganic Chemistry Laboratory00000
CHEM 154Mechanisms/Organic Reactions00000
CHEM 158Applied Spectroscopy00000
CHEM 173Atmospheric Chemistry00000
CHEM 254Mechanisms/Organic Reactions00000
CHEM 242Intro to Glycosciences00000
CHEM 232AStatistical Mechanics I00000
CHEM 226Transition Metal Chemistry00000
CHEM 219ASpecial Topics in Biochemistry00000
CHEM 213BBiophysical Chem of Macromolec00000
CHEM 200BInstrumental Analysis00000
CHEM 199Reading and Research00000
CHEM 195Methods of Teaching Chemistry00000
CHEM 185Quantum Chemistry Lab00000
CHEM 168Drug Synthesis and Design00000
CHEM 157Bioorganic & Natural Prod Chem00000
CHEM 152Synthetic Methods/Organic Chem00000
CHEM 143BOrganic Chemistry Lab II00000
CHEM 135Molecular Spectroscopy00000
CHEM 225Bioinorganic Chemistry00000
CHEM 187Foundn of Teach&Learn Science00000
CHEM 215Genome Editing00000
CHEM 262Inorganic Chemistry & NMR00000
CHEM 1Scope of Chem and Biochem00000
CHEM 40BHHonors Organic Chemistry II00000
CHEM 131Chem Physics: Stat Thermo I00000
CHEM 172Environmental Chemistry II00000
CHEM 213AStruct Biomolecule Assemblies00000
CHEM 134Polymeric Materials00000
CHEM 276Numerical Anlys/MultiScale Bio00000
CHEM 6BHHonors General Chemistry II00000
CHEM 125Bioinorganic Chemistry00000
CHEM 145Biofuels & Renewable Materials00000
CHEM 194Special Topics in Chemistry00000
CHEM 219CSpecial Topics in Biochemistry00000
CHEM 280Applied Bioinformatics00000
CHEM 127Physical Chem: Thermodynamics00000
CHEM 115Genome Editing00000
CHEM 12Molecules and Reactions00000
CHEM 509Teaching Methods in Chemistry00000
CHEM 297Experimental Methods/Chemistry00000
CHEM 290Mathematics for Physical Chem00000
CHEM 285Quantum Chemistry Lab00000
CHEM 256Struct&Properties/Organc Molec00000
CHEM 251Research Conference00000
CHEM 236Chemical Dynamics on Surfaces00000
CHEM 229Special Topics/Inorganic Chem00000
CHEM 223Organometallic Chemistry00000
CHEM 216Chemical Biology00000
CHEM 209Macromolecular Recognition00000
CHEM 197Chemistry Internship00000
CHEM 186Molecular Simulations Lab00000
CHEM 283Supramolecular Struct Determ00000
CHEM 204Intro to X-ray Crystallography00000
CHEM 214Molecular & Cellular Biochem00000
CHEM 222Structure & Analysis of Solids00000
CHEM 227Seminar/Inorganic Chemistry00000
CHEM 235Molecular Spectroscopy00000
CHEM 241Organic Nanomaterials00000
CHEM 250Research Survival Skills00000
CHEM 255Synthesis of Complex Molecules00000
CHEM 196Reading&Research/Chem Ed00000
CHEM 296Chemical Physics Seminar00000
CHEM 298Special Study in Chemistry00000
CHEM 6AHHonors General Chemistry I00000
CHEM 7LGeneral Chemistry Laboratory00000
CHEM 40BOrganic Chemistry II00000
CHEM 43AMOrganic Chem Lab - Majors00000
CHEM 99HIndependent Study00000
CHEM 108Protein Biochemistry Lab00000
CHEM 190Mathematics for Physical Chem00000
CHEM 182Biological Databases00000
CHEM 171Environmental Chemistry I00000
CHEM 156Struct&Properties/Organc Molec00000
CHEM 151Molecules That Changed World00000
CHEM 142Intro to Glycosciences00000
CHEM 130Chem Physics: Quantum Mech00000
CHEM 120BInorganic Chemistry II00000
CHEM 114ABiochemical Structure&Function00000
CHEM 113Biophysical Chem of Macromolec00000
CHEM 100BInstrumental Chemistry Lab00000
CHEM 96Introductn to Teaching Science00000
CHEM 87Freshman Seminar00000
CHEM 40CHHonors Organic Chemistry III00000
CHEM 11The Periodic Table00000
CHEM 252Synthetic Methods/Organic Chem00000
CHEM 123Advanced Inorganic Chem Lab00000
CHEM 118Pharmacology and Toxicology00000
CHEM 114DMolecular & Cellular Biochem00000
CHEM 109Recombinant DNA Laboratory00000
CHEM 100AAnalytical Chemistry Lab00000
CHEM 93Cancer Therapeutic/Diagnostic00000
CHEM 43AOrganic Chemistry Laboratory00000
CHEM 40COrganic Chemistry III00000
CHEM 7LMGeneral Chemistry Lab - Majors00000
CHEM 6BGeneral Chemistry II00000
CHEM 4Chemical Thinking00000
CHEM 500Apprentice Teaching00000
CHEM 294Organic Chemistry Seminar00000
CHEM 286Molecular Simulations Lab00000
CHEM 258Applied Spectroscopy00000
CHEM 6CGeneral Chemistry III00000
CHEM 237Advanced Glycobiology00000
CHEM 230AQuantum Mechanics I00000
CHEM 224Spectroscopic Tech/Organmetalc00000
CHEM 217RNA Structure, Function & Biol00000
CHEM 212Biochem&Biophys Cell Membranes00000
CHEM 198Directed Group Study00000
CHEM 188Capstone Sem in Science Eductn00000
CHEM 174Chem Prin of Marine Systems00000
CHEM 167Medicinal Chemistry00000
CHEM 155Synthesis of Complex Molecules00000
CHEM 143DMolecular Design & Synthesis00000
CHEM 126BPhys Biochem: Quantum Mech00000
CHEM 126Physical Chem: Quantum Mech00000
CHEM 120AInorganic Chemistry I00000
CHEM 114BBiochem Energetics&Metabolism00000