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UD Course Reviews

University of Dayton

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
BIO 310LEcology Lab00000
BIO 415LNeurobiology Laboratory00000
BIO 412Genetics Human Dis00000
BIO 411General Microbiology00000
BIO 409LEcological Restoration Laboratory00000
BIO 404Physiology II00000
BIO 403Physiology I00000
BIO 402Vertebrate Zoology00000
BIO 359Sustainable Biosphre00000
BIO 314LPlant Biology Laboratory00000
BIO 312LGenetics Lab00000
BIO 442LDevlpmntl Bio Lab00000
BIO 309Comp Anat Vertebrts00000
BIO 301Evolution00000
BIO 300Research Experience in Biology00000
BIO 152LConcepts Bio II-Lab00000
BIO 151LConcepts Bio I-Lab00000
BIO 101LLife,Environ&Soc Lab00000
BIO 699Dissertation00000
BIO 599Thesis00000
BIO 566Bio-Infectious Dis00000
BIO 499Env Bio Internship00000
BIO 601ST:Biomedical00000
BIO 596Darwin Then & Now00000
BIO 554Scientific Practice00000
BIO 552Research Mthd Biomed00000
BIO 550Biometrics00000
BIO 540Cell Biology00000
BIO 521General Microbiology00000
BIO 511Ecosytem Dynamics00000
BIO 503College Teach Sem00000
BIO 553Rsrch Meth in Ecol00000
BIO 489Mycology00000
BIO 478Honors Thesis00000
BIO 475LHuman Anatomy Lab00000
BIO 470Cancer Biology00000
BIO 462Molecular Biology00000
BIO 461Invertebrate Zoology00000
BIO 459LEnvirnmtl Eco Lab00000
BIO 452Bio Rivers & Lakes00000
BIO 445Evolution&Devlpmnt00000
BIO 395GlobalEnvironmentalBio00000
BIO 427Immunology00000
BIO 421Biological Problems00000
BIO 420Biology Capstone Sem00000
BIO 416Neuroscience Seminar00000
BIO 415Neurobiology00000
BIO 411LGen Microbiology Lab00000
BIO 409Ecological Restoration00000
BIO 407Plant Diversity & Ecology00000
BIO 403LPhysiology Lab00000
BIO 402LVertebrate Zoology Laboratory00000
BIO 435Microbial Ecology00000
BIO 314Plant Biology00000
BIO 312General Genetics00000
BIO 311Intro Entomology00000
BIO 310Ecology00000
BIO 309LComp Anatomy Lab00000
BIO 301LEvolution Lab00000
BIO 299Biology Seminar00000
BIO 152Concepts of Bio II00000
BIO 151Concepts of Bio I00000
BIO 475Human Anatomy00000
BIO 551Lab Skills BIO Sci00000
BIO 545Evolution & Develop00000
BIO 522Immunology00000
BIO 512Genetics of Human Disease00000
BIO 509Ecological Restoration00000
BIO 501Seminar00000
BIO 496Marine Biology00000
BIO 479LEnvir Instr Lab00000
BIO 477Honors Thesis00000
BIO 101Life,Environ&Society00000
BIO 466Bio-Infectious Dis00000
BIO 461LInvertbrt Zoology Lab00000
BIO 459Envirnmntl Ecology00000
BIO 452LBio River&Lake Lab00000
BIO 450Comparative Animal Physiology00000
BIO 442Developmental Bio00000
BIO 440LCell Bio Lab00000
BIO 440Cell Biology00000
BIO 439Analysis Biol Data00000