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UDallas Course Reviews

University of Dallas

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ART 6V77ST/Glaze Calculations00000
ART 1204Basic Drawing II00000
ART 8V74M.F.A. Painting00000
ART 8V72M.F.A. Sculpture00000
ART 8V78M.F.A. Printmaking00000
ART 8V75M.F.A. Painting00000
ART 7V73M.A. Sculpture00000
ART 7V59M.A. Drawing00000
ART 7V78M.A. Printmaking00000
ART 22192-Dimensional Design00000
ART 3V42IR/Art Exhibit00000
ART 8294M.F.A. Seminar00000
ART 7294M.A. Seminar00000
ART 5399Contemporary Art00000
ART 5368Baroque-Neoclassical00000
ART 5356Italian Renaissance00000
ART 4350Sen Studio/Ceramics00000
ART 4151Senior Sem/Art Gallery Prac00000
ART 3344Inter Sculpture II00000
ART 8899M.F.A. Exhibit00000
ART 7495M.A. Exhibit00000
ART 7293M.A. Seminar00000
ART 5398Modern Art00000
ART 5365Medieval Art00000
ART 5354History American Art00000
ART 4349Sen Studio/Printmaking00000
ART 4152Senior Seminar00000
ART 3343Inter Sculpture I00000
ART 3340Inter Ceramics II00000
ART 3335Intermediate Painting II00000
ART 3329Intermediate Figure Drawing00000
ART 3323Intermediate Printmaking I00000
ART 3317Ceramics I00000
ART 3315Printmaking I00000
ART 2311R/Art Arch Rome00000
ART 8V91Grad Prob/Ceramics00000
ART 3V41IR/Ceramics00000
ART 8293M.F.A. Seminar00000
ART 6351Dir Rdgs/Art His00000
ART 5397Nineteenth Cent Art00000
ART 5357ST/Women,Art,Identity00000
ART 5342Ancient Art00000
ART 1312Hist Art Arch II00000
ART 1203Basic Drawing I00000
ART 6V59Graduate Drawing00000
ART 8V79M.F.A. Printmaking00000
ART 8V77M.F.A. Ceramics00000
ART 7V76M.A. Ceramics00000
ART 7V74M.A. Painting00000
ART 7V72M.A. Sculpture00000
ART 7V75M.A. Painting00000
ART 5V59Advanced Drawing00000
ART 1311Hist Art Arch I00000
ART 3339Intermediate Ceramics I00000
ART 3334Intermediate Painting I00000
ART 3324Intermed Printmaking II00000
ART 3318Sculpture I00000
ART 3316Painting I00000
ART 3313The Human Figure00000
ART 22203-D Design00000
ART 2213The Human Figure00000
ART 3V50ST/Glaze Calculations00000
ART 1115Art Gallery Practicum00000
ART 8V73M.F.A. Sculpture00000
ART 8V59M.F.A. Drawing00000
ART 8V76M.F.A. Ceramics00000
ART 7V91Grad Prob/Ceramics00000
ART 7V79M.A. Printmaking00000
ART 7V77M.A. Ceramics00000