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UDallas Course Reviews

University of Dallas

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
CLG 4V51IR/Thucydides00000
CLG 1301First-Year Greek I00000
CLG 2315Second-Year Greek00000
CLG 3325R/Greek Historians00000
CLG 3327Homer00000
CLG 3334Biblical Greek Readings00000
CLG 5301ST/Greek Poetry00000
CLG 5303ST/Plato: Phaedrus00000
CLG 3V50ST/Greek Poetry00000
CLG 5V50ST/Plato: Symposium00000
CLG 1302First-Year Greek II00000
CLG 3324Adv Grammar & Comp00000
CLG 3326Greek Tragedy: Antigone00000
CLG 3328Plato: Phaedrus00000
CLG 4342Senior Project00000
CLG 5302ST/Xenophon, Hiero00000