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UDallas Course Reviews

University of Dallas

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
CLL 3331Roman Elegy00000
CLL 5303ST/Roman Historians:Tacitus00000
CLL 5301ST/Adv Grammar & Comp00000
CLL 3334St. Augustine00000
CLL 3329Roman Satire00000
CLL 3326Roman Lyric00000
CLL 2312Second-Year Latin II00000
CLL 1305Grammar Review00000
CLL 5V50ST/Latn Lettrs(Cicero,Pliny)00000
CLL 3V50ST/Vergil,Eclogues&Georgics00000
CLL 4342Senior Project00000
CLL 4V51IR/Senior Project00000
CLL 3327Roman Drama: Plautus00000
CLL 3324Adv Grammar/Comp00000
CLL 1302First-Year Latin II00000
CLL 5302ST/Vergil,Eclogues&Georgics00000
CLL 4351IR/Sel Rndgs:Luther & Erasmus00000
CLL 3332Cicero, Philippics00000
CLL 3328Roman Historians:Tacitus00000
CLL 3325Cicero, De Officiis00000
CLL 2311Second-Year Latin I00000
CLL 1301First-Year Latin I00000