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UDelaware Course Reviews

University of Delaware

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ANTH 382The Anthropology of Capitalism00000
ANTH 235Anthropology of Food00000
ANTH 229Indians of North America00000
ANTH 224Race and Racism: Global History and Representation00000
ANTH 216Introduction to Material Culture Studies00000
ANTH 205Anthropology and Human Nature00000
ANTH 201Visualizing Humanity: Ethnographic Film00000
ANTH 106Introduction to Anthropology of Health00000
ANTH 102Human Biology, Behavior and Evolution00000
ANTH 460Race & Inequality in Delaware00000
ANTH 404Human Osteology00000
ANTH 255Public Advocacy in Anthropology00000
ANTH 375Peoples and Cultures of Modern Latin America00000
ANTH 363Women in Cross-Cultural Perspective00000
ANTH 355Culture, Law, and Human Rights00000
ANTH 352Refugees and Forced Migration00000
ANTH 344Anthropology of Clothing and Fashion00000
ANTH 341Issues, Methods Archaeological Rsrch00000
ANTH 330Development and Underdevelopment00000
ANTH 324Old World Archaeology00000
ANTH 316Islam and Gender00000
ANTH 307Nutritional Anthropology00000
ANTH 360American Anabaptists: Amish, Mennonite and Brethren Cultures00000
ANTH 663Historical Archeology and the Public00000
ANTH 640Disaster Anthropology00000
ANTH 604Human Osteology00000
ANTH 488Tutorial in Physical Anthropology00000
ANTH 486Tutorial in Social and Cultural Anthropology00000
ANTH 467Seminar: On Becoming Human00000
ANTH 463Historical Archaeology and the Public00000
ANTH 424Introduction to Archaeological Field Methods00000
ANTH 381Visions of Native Americans00000
ANTH 367Seminar: Czech Food, Cult and Brewing00000
ANTH 303Culture, Society, and Global Health00000
ANTH 354Global Humanitarianism00000
ANTH 351Race and Ethnicity in Latin America00000
ANTH 343Motherhood and Contested Reproduction00000
ANTH 334Peoples and Cultures of Argentina00000
ANTH 326The African Diaspora and the World00000
ANTH 320Prehistory of North America00000
ANTH 311Anthropology of Tourism and Travel00000
ANTH 304Culture, Health & Environment00000
ANTH 302Medical Anthropology00000
ANTH 269Early Civilizations of the Old World00000
ANTH 305The Evolution of Human Sex Roles and Reproduction00000
ANTH 401The Idea of Race00000
ANTH 379Archaeology and Colonialism in North America00000
ANTH 366Independent Study00000
ANTH 356Anthropology of Childhood00000
ANTH 353International Migration00000
ANTH 350Contemporary Topics in Anthropology00000
ANTH 342Issues in American Culture: Archaeological Perspectives00000
ANTH 333Peoples of Africa00000
ANTH 325Anthropology of Europe00000
ANTH 318Tribal Lifeways00000
ANTH 440Disaster Anthropology00000
ANTH 301Evolutionary Medicine00000
ANTH 267Seminar: Prehis Archeol-Japan Ethnicity00000
ANTH 239Arts and Crafts of Native North America00000
ANTH 234Environmental Anthropology: Plants, People and Pigs00000
ANTH 228Peoples and Cultures of the Southwest00000
ANTH 223Food, Gender and Culture00000
ANTH 210Peoples and Cultures of Southeast Asia00000
ANTH 204Introduction to Social Science Research Methods in Anthropol...00000
ANTH 200Introduction to the History of Anthropological Theory00000
ANTH 105Archaeology of Modern World00000
ANTH 167Seminar00000
ANTH 300Primatology00000
ANTH 275Delaware Prehistoric Archaeology00000
ANTH 265High Civilizations of the Americas00000
ANTH 236Anthropology of Sport00000
ANTH 232The Anthropology of Global Youth00000
ANTH 230Peoples of the World00000
ANTH 227American Culture00000
ANTH 218Solving Archaeological Mysteries00000
ANTH 209Contemporary South Asia: An Anthropological Introduction thr...00000
ANTH 202Genes, Bones and Human Evolution00000
ANTH 103Introduction to Prehistoric Archaeology00000
ANTH 104Introduction to Archaeology and Biological Anthropology00000
ANTH 101Introduction to Social and Cultural Anthropology00000
ANTH 666Special Problem00000
ANTH 660Race & Inequality in Delaware00000
ANTH 624Intro Archaeological Field Methods00000
ANTH 489Tutorial in Applied Anthropology00000
ANTH 487Tutorial in Archaeology00000
ANTH 475The Teaching of Anthropology00000
ANTH 466Independent Study00000