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CIS 4301

Information and Database Systems 1

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2Bad Class
3Kinda Interesting
3Kinda Useful

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2Bad Prof

Prof: Markus Schneider / Fall 2022

Jan 2, 2023

Comments on the course

The name of this class should be changed to 'Teach Yourself How to Build a Full-Stack Web Application While Prof. Schneider Watches (DB Edition)'. The bulk of the class is spent doing a group project which has almost nothing to do with databases. Unfortunately, if you are in UF Online Schneider is your only option for this class.

Course Content

HW: 5 homework assignments, each one can take +20 hours to complete. He gives 3 weeks for each assignment, but key information you need to complete the homework is given in lectures a few days before the HW is due. Exams: 3 exams. He gives 2-3 hours for each exam and you will absolutely need this amount of time. Many students do not even finish any of the exams. Project: 1 semester-long group project. You build a full-stack web application to do trend analysis on a dataset. Exams and HW are heavy on Relational Algebra.

Comments on the professor

Professor Schneider is a really nice guy, he is almost always available and responds quickly to emails. He is a very lenient grader and curves the final grade. It's almost impossible to get an A, but you have to bomb multiple homeworks and exams to fail.


I wish I knew how to build a full-stack web application so that I wouldn't have wasted a whole semester bumbling around in the dark.

Delivery: OnlineGrade: A-Workload: Very HeavyTextbook Use: Yes
Assignment HeavyQuiz HeavyProject HeavyExam Heavy

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