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COP 4020

Programming Language Concepts

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2Bad Class
3Kinda Useful

Professor Rating

2Bad Prof

Prof: Beverly Sanders / Spring 2023

May 15, 2023

Comments on the course

It had a very heavy workload in my opinion. The whole class you're working on a project with "milestones" due every 2 weeks. You can work alone or with a partner but having a partner was a huge help for me. Unless you're a genius coder/copy from your friends the projects will take like 15-20 hours. Sometimes less sometimes more depending on the week.

Course Content

The content was somewhat interesting but when we got to the final part of the project it felt like all of our work was leading to nothing. Everyone says "this course is cool because you create your own programming language" but we don't create our own language we create the professor's language. Also we eventually just translate everything to java so it's like what even was the point of doing all of this when someone could just code in java in the first place. Maybe I just didn't understand the class that well but ...

Comments on the professor

One of my least favorite professors at UF. She is clearly a very smart person and I don't want to be mean but that doesn't make someone good at running a class. We had quizzes on canvas every 2 weeks that were literally select all that apply/multiple choice, meaning they are autograded by canvas. You would expect to have your grade back in a few days right? Wrong, it would be minimum 10 days before getting your results and sometimes multiple weeks. (For reference the incredible TAs would manually grade hundreds of projects in mere hours and we sometimes got our scores back the same day they were due, wish the professor had the same sense of urgency). Also the quizzes usually had averages that were around a low D, they were often just unreasonably tricky. The project averages were usually more


Take it with a different professor

Delivery: HybridGrade: AWorkload: HeavyTextbook Use: Optional

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