FRE 2220
Intermediate French 1
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Prof: Ziad Ghanimi / Spring 2022
Apr 5, 2022
The class was fun, he really made us feel comfortable and forced us to connect with everyone in the class. He was average at explaining but the topics were not super hard.
A lot of grammar and culture. Vocab wasn't very big and grammar took the most attention.
He was a really nice professor, who cares about his students and doesn't seem to believe in grading a lot since he gave extra credit for random things all the time. He is not the best at explaining but is willing to help you understand.
To get more vocab and sentence structure down before taking the class. He makes you participate a lot and wants you to speak in French as much as possible.
Class Ratings
Prof: Ziad Ghanimi / Spring 2021
Oct 11, 2021
It was great.
I learned more verb tenses, as well as a significant amount of vocab and grammar. I also learned about French culture in France, French-speaking African countries, or other places around the world.
Professor Ghanimi is awesome at his job. He really cares about students understanding the material. He doesn't make you stress about how good or bad your speaking ability is.
I liked Professor Ghanimi. He's great.
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