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GLY 2030C

Environmental and Engineering Geology

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Reviews 1

Class Ratings

5Amazing Class
5Very Easy
5Very Interesting
5Very Useful

Professor Rating

5Amazing Prof

Prof: Daniele Thallner / Fall 2022

Apr 12, 2023

Comments on the course

The course overall was very helpful. I've used quite a bit of the information in my other geology classes. I wouldn't say the course is too difficult, just make sure to stay on top of the lectures and assignments.

Course Content

If you're a geology major, this is one of the required introductory courses you can choose from and has a lot of needed information in it for future geology courses, such as geologic processes, identifying rocks and minerals, etc. The content on natural hazards and the environment is also really interesting if you're into that kind of stuff.

Comments on the professor

Dr. Thallner is really nice. He's very straightforward with what he expects from you and is a fair grader.


There's one project in the course that I would suggest starting a little bit before near when it's due. It's not a hard project, but does take up some time.

Delivery: OnlineGrade: AWorkload: LightTextbook Use: Optional

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