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ISM 3004

Computing in the Business Environment

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Reviews 2

Class Ratings

2Bad Class
1Very Boring
3Kinda Useful

Professor Rating

3OK Prof

Prof: Eric Olson / Fall 2024

Oct 27, 2024

Comments on the course

I took this class to fulfill a tech requirement. I though it would be easy because I've taken similar tech classes in the past and the description of the class made me think most of the Excel and Tableau skills would be pretty introductory and basic. Once I started the second Excel section it went downhill. It was way too in-depth and way too tedious. I'm taking 4 courses, two of them are easier but the other one is Macro which I've always struggled with. This class is wayyyy more time consuming than my other classes. Last week was Tableau and we had 3 quizzes on it plus a lengthy assignment. The lectures are unhelpful because they are unorganized. There are like 30 lectures broken up into 2 minute segments that you had to download and individually open and watch. Other than excel and more

Course Content

some weeks easy quizzes, some weeks multiple quizzes that require you to download spreadsheets and carry out problems in excel. assignments - when you start excel and tableau, extremely tedious and time consuming exams - 4 exams. The info u need to know for the exams you would not need to know in a real life work environment. This is stuff someone in IT should know. exams on excel and tableau have u answer questions about the software as well as actually download spreadsheets and carry out problems under a time limit. does offer many extra credit assignments.

Delivery: OnlineWorkload: Very Heavy

Class Ratings

5Amazing Class
5Very Easy

Professor Rating

5Amazing Prof

Prof: Eric Olson / Spring 2022

May 4, 2022

Comments on the course

I found this class to be pretty interesting. The weekly lectures usually range from 1-4 hours long, which isn't bad if you space it out. However, if you are someone who struggles with technology in general, it's probably best you start the lectures early in the week. He does teach you Excel functions and a new program called Tableau. There will be assignments in those programs and will also be on the exam where you will use those. Also, he posts these "scavenger hunts" for each unit in the modules where you follow along the video and write down notes. As long as you fill those out, you can use those to study for the exam and it's an easy A or B. Each week you can expect a quiz on the module, an assignment in Excel or Tableau (which was around 4-5 in total I think?), and scavenger hunts. more

Course Content

It's mainly about business-focused IT. A good way to be exposed to concepts and issues you'll need to be aware of if you plan on going into IT. Also, some general ideas of where technology is heading and what capabilities we're reaching.

Comments on the professor

Olson is great. He has a discussion page for some assignments where he will answer every question if you're having trouble. He'll also host an exam review seminar on the weekends where you can ask questions for an hour and he'll explain it. They are recorded and posted later.

Delivery: OnlineGrade: AWorkload: ModerateTextbook Use: Optional

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