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PSB 3002

Physiological Psychology

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4Good Class

Professor Rating

4Good Prof

Prof: Ryan Mears / Fall 2022

Mar 14, 2023

Comments on the course

This class is extremely fast paced even for a full semester. There are at least 2 quizzes every week, but usually 3, and a lot of that content comes from the readings. There are opportunities for extra credit in reading quizzes though, and those can help a lot. Everything is honorlocked, so you will need the full computer webcam setup for every little quiz. Doing the quizzes and doing well on them for me telegraphed pretty accurately how I was going to do on the exams, and he ended up dropping the lowest one for us as a gatoreval incentive. The online lectures also had pretty good subtitles that you could also search through to find certain terms, which is a *huge* plus for me. If you've taken a couple of psychology and anatomy classes, the difficulty will mostly have to do with the speed more

Course Content

At the end of the day, I really enjoyed this class. It was pretty hard, but I learned a lot of connective information between anatomy and developmental psychology and a ton of new things. I personally came out of this class feeling like I learned a lot for the amount of work I had to put in, so having to do a lot and having that be pretty difficult seemed pretty fair to me.

Comments on the professor

I didn't talk to Ryan at all one-on-one, so don't know much about him. His rate my professor is full of people complaining about the quality of his lectures "performance" wise, but I thought they were fine. It definitely helps if you have subtitles on, but I find that to be true for most online classes that I take.


If you're taking this class (probably 3340 too tbh) having a *strong* anatomy background will be incredibly helpful. Probably a good 40% of the class content (if not more) revolves around anatomy and remembering where things happen in the brain. Just having the basic knowledge of the brain anatomy you get from intro psych probably won't be enough since you have to think about processes throughout the body. The textbook is also $80, but you use it for a lot more than just readings so I feel like it's worth it.

Delivery: OnlineGrade: B+Workload: HeavyTextbook Use: Yes
Quiz HeavyExam Heavy

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