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UF Course Reviews

University of Florida

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
EML 2023Computer Aided Graphics and Design4.
EML 3100Thermodynamics42.53.84.54
EML 4507Finite Element Analysis and Design43331
EML 3301CMechanics of Materials Laboratory32421
EML 6451Energy Conversion52541
EML 6323Nontraditional Manufacturing44431
EML 3005Mechanical Engineering Design 152551
EML 4314CDynamics and Controls System Design Laboratory00000
EML 4501Mechanical Engineering Design 200000
EML 4220Vibrations00000
EML 4738Hydraulic and Mechanical Power Transmission00000
EML 4722Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics00000
EML 4905Individual Study in Mechanical Engineering00000
EML 4140Heat Transfer00000
EML 4926Mechanical Consulting Practice00000
EML 4949Co-op Work Experience00000
EML 2920Department and Professional Orientation00000
EML 4312Control of Mechanical Engineering Systems00000
EML 4410Combustion Engineering00000
EML 4450Energy Conversion00000
EML 4601Heating and Air Conditioning System Design00000
EML 6905Individual Projects in Mechanical Engineering: INDV PROJ MEC...00000
EML 4913Integrated Product and Process Design 2: Mechanical Engineering00000
EML 4945Practical Work in Mechanical Engineering00000
EML 3007Elements of Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer00000
EML 5215Analytical Dynamics I00000
EML 5318Compu Control Machine00000
EML 5516Design of Thermal Systems00000
EML 5605Advanced Refrigeration00000
EML 6155Convective Heat Transfer I00000
EML 6267Advanced Manufacturing Processed and Analysis00000
EML 6351Nonlinear Control II: Adaptive Control00000
EML 6606Advanced Air Conditioning00000
EML 6971Research for Master's Thesis00000
EML 5045Computational Methods for Design and Manufacturing00000
EML 4600Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Fundamentals00000
EML 5311Control System Theory00000
EML 5515Gas Turbines and Jet Engines00000
EML 5598Orthopedic Biomech00000
EML 6154Conduction Heat Transfer00000
EML 6157Radiation Heat Transfer00000
EML 6282Geometry of Mechanisms and Robots II00000
EML 6350Introduction to Nonlinear Control00000
EML 6934Special Topics in Mechanical Engineering: Modeling & Cntrl B...00000
EML 7980Research for Doctoral Dissertation00000
EML 2322LDesign and Manufacturing Laboratory00000
EML 4147CThermal Sciences Design and Laboratory00000
EML 4304CThermo/Fluid Design and Laboratory00000
EML 4321Manufacturing Engineering00000
EML 4500CReengineering Historic Machinery00000
EML 4502Mechanical Engineering Design 300000
EML 7979Advanced Research00000
EML 4737Hydronics and Pneumatics for Building Systems00000
EML 4912Integrated Product and Process Design 1: Mechanical Engineering00000
EML 4930Special Topics in Mechanical Engineering00000
EML 5104Classical and Statistical Thermodynamics00000
EML 5224Acoustics00000
EML 5233Failure of Materials in Mechanical Design00000
EML 5465Energy Management for Mechanical Engineers00000
EML 5526Finite Element Analysis and Application00000
EML 5714Introduction to Compressible Flow00000
EML 6156Multiph Convect Heat00000
EML 6281Geometry of Mechanisms and Robots I00000
EML 6324Fundamentals of Production Engineering00000
EML 6352Opt Estim Kalman Fltr00000
EML 6417Solar Energy Utilization00000
EML 5131Combustion00000