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UF Course Reviews

University of Florida

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
FOR 3153CForest Ecology544.542
FOR 3162CSilviculture53551
FOR 2662Forests for the Future45221
FOR 4664Sustainable Ecotourism Development45331
FOR 4905Individual Study in Natural Resources00000
FOR 7979Advanced Research00000
FOR 3004Forests, Conservation and People00000
FOR 3200CFoundations of Natural Resources and Conservation00000
FOR 3214LFire Ecology and Management Laboratory00000
FOR 3342CTree Biology00000
FOR 4020Seminar in Contemporary Issues in Forest Resources and Conse...00000
FOR 4090CUrban Forestry00000
FOR 4621Forest Economics and Management00000
FOR 6934Topics in Forest Resources and Conservation00000
FOR 6910Supervised Research00000
FOR 4915Honors Thesis Research00000
FOR 4941Internship in Natural Resources00000
FOR 5159Ecology and Restoration of Longleaf Pine Ecosystems00000
FOR 6005Conservation Behavior00000
FOR 6154Analysis of Forest Ecosystems00000
FOR 6156Simulation Analysis of Forest Ecosystems00000
FOR 6215Fire Paradigms00000
FOR 6543Nat Res Econ and Value00000
FOR 6665Landscape Planning for Ecotourism00000
FOR 5626Forest Resource Manag00000
FOR 3202Society and Natural Resources00000
FOR 3214Fire Ecology and Management00000
FOR 3430CForest Mensuration00000
FOR 4060Global Forests00000
FOR 4110Ecology and Restoration of Longleaf Pine Ecosystems00000
FOR 4624CForest Health Management00000
FOR 4900Supervised Extension Experience in Forest Resources and Cons...00000
FOR 4911Supervised Research in Forest Resources and Conservation: SU...00000
FOR 4934Topics in Natural Resources: Foundations in NR00000
FOR 5157Ecosystem Restoration Principles and Practice00000
FOR 7980Research for Doctoral Dissertation00000
FOR 6151Forest Ecosystem Health00000
FOR 6155Forest Ecosystem Resilience00000
FOR 6164Silviculture: Concepts and Application00000
FOR 6340Physiology of Forest Trees00000
FOR 6628Community Forest Management00000
FOR 6905Research Problems in Forest Resources and Conservation00000
FOR 6933Seminar00000
FOR 6940Supervised Teaching00000
FOR 6971Research for Master's Thesis00000