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UF Course Reviews

University of Florida

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
STA 2023Introduction to Statistics
STA 3032Engineering Statistics3.
STA 3024Introduction to Statistics
STA 6093Introduction to Applied Statistics for Agricultural and Life...42.534.52
STA 4321Introduction to Probability43451
STA 4241Statistical Learning in R51341
STA 4183Theory of Interest00000
STA 4911Undergraduate Research in Statistics00000
STA 4702Multivariate Statistical Methods00000
STA 4502Nonparametric Statistical Methods00000
STA 4222Sample Survey Design00000
STA 5507Applied Nonparametric Methods00000
STA 4940Internship00000
STA 4905Individual Work00000
STA 4821Stochastic Processes00000
STA 4504Categorical Data Analysis00000
STA 4210Regression Analysis00000
STA 3100Programming With Data in R00000
STA 5325Fundamentals of Probability00000
STA 7466Probability Theory I00000
STA 6167Statistical Methods in Research II00000
STA 6208Basic Design and Analysis of Experiments00000
STA 6327Introduction to Theoretical Statistics II00000
STA 6707Analysis of Multivariate Data00000
STA 6934Special Topics in Statistics: Computing I00000
STA 7249Generalized Linear Models00000
STA 7348Bayesian Theory00000
STA 7828Stochastic Processes00000
STA 7980Research for Doctoral Dissertation00000
STA 6276Statistical Computing II: Monte Carlo Methods00000
STA 3180Statistical Modelling00000
STA 7179Survival Analysis00000
STA 4322Introduction to Statistics Theory00000
STA 5503Categorical Data Methods00000
STA 5856Applied Time Series Methods00000
STA 6166Statistical Methods in Research I00000
STA 6207Regression Analysis00000
STA 6326Introduction to Theoretical Statistics I00000
STA 6505Categorical Data00000
STA 6910Supervised Research00000
STA 6942Internship00000
STA 7334Limit Theory00000
STA 7347Advanced Inference00000
STA 7467Probability Theory II00000
STA 7979Advanced Research00000
STA 4211Design of Experiments00000
STA 7934Special Topics in Statistics: ADVANCED REGRESSION00000
STA 4712Introduction to Survival Analysis00000
STA 4853Introduction to Time Series and Forecasting00000
STA 4930Special Topics00000
STA 5328Fundamentals of Statistical Theory00000
STA 5701Appl Multivar Methods00000
STA 6126Statistical Methods in Social Research I00000
STA 6177Applied Survival Analysis00000
STA 6246Theory of Linear Models00000
STA 6329Matrix Algebra and Statistical Computing00000
STA 6905Individual Work00000
STA 6938Seminar00000
STA 7346Statistical Inference00000
STA 4273Statistical Computing in R00000