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UGA Course Reviews

University of Georgia

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ARHI 8910Seminar 19th C Eur00000
ARHI 4002G/R Painting00000
ARHI 3100Asian Art00000
ARHI 3080Contemporary Art00000
ARHI 305619c European Art00000
ARHI 3050American Art00000
ARHI 303516/17c Northern Ar00000
ARHI 3030Baroque Art I00000
ARHI 3020Renaissance Art00000
ARHI 3004Roman Art and Architecture00000
ARHI 3001Ancient Art and Architecture00000
ARHI 2400Art History II00000
ARHI 2300Art History I00000
ARHI 8990Seminar American00000
ARHI 4060Byz Image in Space00000
ARHI 8700Seminar Greco Roman00000
ARHI 8580Seminar Renaissance00000
ARHI 8050Pro Portfolio and Prac00000
ARHI 7000Master's Research00000
ARHI 6920Topics in Modern Art00000
ARHI 6900Topics Ancient Medieval Art00000
ARHI 6570Modern Art and Dance00000
ARHI 653019th C Photography00000
ARHI 6500Real Impressionism00000
ARHI 6440American Modernism00000
ARHI 6310North Baroque Art00000
ARHI 621016th Century Italy00000
ARHI 6160Buddhist Art00000
ARHI 8950Sem in Cont Art00000
ARHI 8872Asian Art Seminar00000
ARHI 865017 Or 18 C Eur Art00000
ARHI 8400Byzantine Art00000
ARHI 8110Special Problems00000
ARHI 7300Master's Thesis00000
ARHI 6950Independent Study00000
ARHI 6910Topics Renaissance Baroque Art00000
ARHI 6580Postmod Visual Cult00000
ARHI 6540Europe:1918-194500000
ARHI 6490Rococo to Reform00000
ARHI 6410Early American Art00000
ARHI 6220North Renaissance00000
ARHI 6150Indian Art00000
ARHI 6120Gothic Art and Archit00000
ARHI 6050Icons in Byzantium00000
ARHI 6000Hell Grk Art00000
ARHI 4920Topics in Modern Art00000
ARHI 4900Topics Ancient Medieval Art00000
ARHI 4570Modern Art and Dance00000
ARHI 453019th C Photography00000
ARHI 4500Real Impressionism00000
ARHI 4420Amer Fin De Sie`cle00000
ARHI 4290Ren Baroque Sculpt00000
ARHI 420015th Century Italy00000
ARHI 4130Late Gothic Italy00000
ARHI 6002G/R Painting00000
ARHI 8600Seminar Ital Bar00000
ARHI 8120DS Art History00000
ARHI 8040Historiography00000
ARHI 6970Art History Field Study00000
ARHI 6916Topics 18th and 19th-Cent Art00000
ARHI 6590Millennial Culture00000
ARHI 6550Art 1940 To 196800000
ARHI 6510Europe: 1886-191800000
ARHI 6420Amer Fin De Sie`cle00000
ARHI 6290Ren Baroque Sculpt00000
ARHI 620015th Century Italy00000
ARHI 6130Late Gothic Italy00000
ARHI 6060Byz Image in Space00000
ARHI 8870Seminar Asian00000
ARHI 4950Independent Study00000
ARHI 4910Topics Renaissance Baroque Art00000
ARHI 4590Millennial Culture00000
ARHI 4550Art 1940 To 196800000
ARHI 4510Europe: 1886-191800000
ARHI 4440American Modernism00000
ARHI 4310North Baroque Art00000
ARHI 421016th Century Italy00000
ARHI 4100Early Medieval Art00000
ARHI 4008Roman Sculpture00000
ARHI 3530Modern Photography00000
ARHI 4990RUndergraduate Research Thesis (or Final Project)00000
ARHI 4050Icons in Byzantium00000
ARHI 6100Early Medieval Art00000
ARHI 6008Roman Sculpture00000
ARHI 4995Museum Internship00000
ARHI 4916Topics 18th and 19th-Cent Art00000
ARHI 4800Senior Seminar00000
ARHI 4580Postmod Visual Cult00000
ARHI 4540Europe:1918-194500000
ARHI 4490Rococo to Reform00000
ARHI 4410Early American Art00000
ARHI 4220North Renaissance00000
ARHI 4160Buddhist Art00000
ARHI 4150Indian Art00000
ARHI 4120Gothic Art and Archit00000
ARHI 3077Latin American Modern Art00000
ARHI 4000Hell Grk Art00000
ARHI 3090Topics in Art Hist00000
ARHI 3065Mod Art00000
ARHI 305418c European Art00000
ARHI 3041African American Art00000
ARHI 3032Russian Art00000
ARHI 3022Byzantine Art00000
ARHI 3010Medieval Art and Architecture00000
ARHI 3002Greek Art and Architecture00000
ARHI 2411HArt History II Honors00000
ARHI 2311HArt History I Honors00000
ARHI 8920Seminar 20th Cen00000