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UGA Course Reviews

University of Georgia

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ARST 3160Painting Mtls Andtech00000
ARST 6370Advanced Book Studio00000
ARST 3700Weaving I00000
ARST 1050HDrawing I Honors00000
ARST 4500Advanced Ceramics00000
ARST 2020Ideation and Methodologies00000
ARST 4080Dir Stu in Drawing00000
ARST 4590Sen Ex Show Ceramic00000
ARST 4230Ext Intern In Photo00000
ARST 6170Contemp App Hist Paint Mater00000
ARST 7430Grad Casting Adv00000
ARST 4900Tech Problems00000
ARST 7650Metalwork00000
ARST 2340Digital Printmaking00000
ARST 4285Alternative Photo00000
ARST 3470Wood Sculpture00000
ARST 3315Printmaking: Etching00000
ARST 4780Dir Stu in Fab Dis00000
ARST 3320Intro Book Arts Letterpress00000
ARST 7320Bk Art/letterpres00000
ARST 4820Exit Studio00000
ARST 4370Advanced Book Studio00000
ARST 3498The Object00000
ARST 4710BFA Proj Fab Design00000
ARST 6720Advanced Weaving00000
ARST 7180Dir Stu in Painting00000
ARST 6285Alternative Photo00000
ARST 7420Sculpture Materials00000
ARST 7680Dir Stu in Jewelry00000
ARST 4170Contemp App Hist Paint Mater00000
ARST 2205Intro Photo and Image Culture00000
ARST 9210Grad Exit Studio00000
ARST 2700Textile Foundations00000
ARST 3150Figure Painting00000
ARST 3325Printmaking: Lithography00000
ARST 3145Figure Subj Narrative Impulse00000
ARST 3730Screen-Printing00000
ARST 4410Figure Sculpt III00000
ARST 4225Photography Pract and Theory00000
ARST 3450Metal Casting II00000
ARST 4995Capstone Exhibition00000
ARST 2330Beginning Screen Printing00000
ARST 7030Draw and Comp00000
ARST 4090Sr Exit in Draw00000
ARST 4200Adv Photo Expanded Media00000
ARST 3400Construct I00000
ARST 4310Sr Exit Printmaking00000
ARST 4915Thematic Inquiry00000
ARST 4420Sculpture Space II00000
ARST 2500Introduction to Ceramics00000
ARST 4600Advanced Jewelry00000
ARST 6350Letterpress00000
ARST 4830Digital Video II00000
ARST 3650Material Topics Metalwork00000
ARST 6020Fig Drawing/anat00000
ARST 7000Master's Research00000
ARST 7080Dir Stu in Drawing00000
ARST 6500Advanced Ceramics00000
ARST 7280Dir Stu in Photo00000
ARST 7310Bk Art/papermaking00000
ARST 3870E-Gadgets Exp Media00000
ARST 7530Ind Res Cer00000
ARST 7520Ind Res in Cer00000
ARST 7880Directed Study in Art X00000
ARST 3120Aqueous Media00000
ARST 2010Drawing and Visuality00000
ARST 7800Interstitial Art00000
ARST 2300Intro Printmaking Relief00000
ARST 4220Senior Exit and Folio00000
ARST 2410Portrait And Figure Sculpture00000
ARST 1070Drawing II00000
ARST 3115Paint Color and Application00000
ARST 2230Pinhole Photography00000
ARST 3221Lg Format Photo II00000
ARST 3010Advanced Drawing00000
ARST 3410Construct II00000
ARST 4350Letterpress00000
ARST 3620Jewelry Fabrication and Set00000
ARST 3220Advanced Film and Camera00000
ARST 3800Transmedia00000
ARST 3230Internship in Photography00000
ARST 4180Dir Stu in Painting00000
ARST 3370Adv Book Arts00000
ARST 4300Prtmkg: Internship00000
ARST 4480Sculpture Dir Study00000
ARST 4840Interdisciplinary Art II00000
ARST 3550Intermed Pottery00000
ARST 6225Photography Pract and Theory00000
ARST 2005Sculpt Draw Figure00000
ARST 6810Cad and Fabrication00000
ARST 3810Cad and Fabrication I00000
ARST 7210Special Topics00000
ARST 4700CAD for Textiles00000
ARST 7410Figure Sculpture00000
ARST 4720Advanced Weaving00000
ARST 4215Sound in Art00000
ARST 2400Fundamentals of Sculpture00000
ARST 4280Dir Stu in Photo00000
ARST 4860Video Installation00000
ARST 4345Advanced Print Studio00000
ARST 3460Figure Sculpture II00000
ARST 4400Metal Casting III00000
ARST 4990Professional Practices in Art00000
ARST 4450Studio Art Capstone00000
ARST 2100Intro Painting and Visuality00000
ARST 4580Dir Stu in Ceramics00000
ARST 6250Constructed Image00000
ARST 4620BFA Proj Jwly Mtlwk00000
ARST 3610Jewelry Movement00000
ARST 4800Special Topics in Art and Tech00000
ARST 6420Sculpture Space II00000
ARST 4880Dir Stu in Dig Med00000
ARST 2600Intro Jewelry and Metals00000
ARST 4930Internship in Art00000
ARST 6915Thematic Inquiry00000
ARST 6215Sound in Art00000
ARST 3710Advanced Weaving00000
ARST 6345Advanced Print Studio00000
ARST 7040Draw and Comp00000
ARST 7020Draw and Comp00000
ARST 6800Special Topics in Art and Tech00000
ARST 7230Grad Photography I00000
ARST 7110Painting00000
ARST 3830Digital Video I00000
ARST 7235Graduate Critique00000
ARST 7330Graduate Prtmkg00000
ARST 7380Dir Stu in Prtmkg00000
ARST 2810Hypermedia00000
ARST 7500Ceramics00000
ARST 7480Sculpture Dir Study00000
ARST 7630Jewelry00000
ARST 4100Painting Dir Stu00000
ARST 7760Adv Studiopractices00000
ARST 7620Jewelry and Metalwork00000
ARST 8010General Art00000
ARST 2205LIntro Photo Image Culture Lab00000
ARST 1080Three-Dimensional Design00000
ARST 7710Surface Design00000
ARST 2110Interm Painting00000
ARST 4201Adv Photo Expanded Media II00000
ARST 2210Intro Photo and Image Culture00000
ARST 7980Dr St Maj Std Area00000
ARST 2320Intro Prtmkg Litho00000
ARST 3140Painting Studio Concepts00000
ARST 2350Introduction to Printmaking00000
ARST 1050Drawing I00000
ARST 2550Ceramics Introductory Pottery00000
ARST 4250Constructed Image00000
ARST 2800Intro Digi Imaging00000
ARST 2000Introduction to Figure Drawing00000
ARST 3144Advanced Painting: Hybrids00000
ARST 1060Color/Composition00000
ARST 3200Black and White Photography00000
ARST 2115Intermed Paint Strat and Abstr00000
ARST 3310Introduction to Book Arts00000
ARST 4315Introduction to Book Arts00000
ARST 3345Digital Printmaking00000
ARST 3130Intro to Figure Painting00000
ARST 3440Metal Casting I00000
ARST 3205Video Concepts and Practice00000
ARST 3500Intermed Ceramics00000
ARST 3210Color Photography00000
ARST 3670Material Topics Enameling00000
ARST 4380Dir Stu in Print00000
ARST 3780Material Futures00000
ARST 3250Constructed Image Photography00000
ARST 3860Net Art00000
ARST 2310Intro Printmaking Intaglio00000
ARST 4110Sr Exit Painting00000
ARST 3335Printmaking: Screen Printing00000
ARST 4210Special Topics in Photography00000
ARST 4440Construct III00000
ARST 4251Construct Image in Photo II00000
ARST 3422Sculpture-Space I00000
ARST 4680Dir Stu in Jew/met00000
ARST 3305Printmaking: Relief00000
ARST 4810Cad and Fabrication00000
ARST 3493Installation00000
ARST 4920IDEA Seminar00000
ARST 4510Kiln Construction00000
ARST 6160Painting Mtls Andtech00000
ARST 3640Jewelry Hist and Trad Tech00000
ARST 6315Introduction to Book Arts00000
ARST 3630Jewelry: The Multiple00000
ARST 6510Kiln Construction00000
ARST 3760Advanced Studio Practices00000
ARST 6980Directed Study Art and Design00000
ARST 4610Advanced Metalwork00000
ARST 7120Painting00000
ARST 4020Figure Drawing Anatomy00000
ARST 7240Grad Photo II00000
ARST 3340Advanced Printmaking00000
ARST 4140Advanced Studio Concepts00000
ARST 3660Material Topics: Hand and the Machine00000
ARST 1040Proseminar in Art00000
ARST 2120Intermed Paint Color and Appl00000
ARST 2710Surface Design00000
ARST 3770Design for Industry00000
ARST 7130Painting00000
ARST 6920IDEA Seminar00000