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UGA Course Reviews

University of Georgia

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
CMLT 3020The Swahili and the World II44431
CMLT 8290Literary Crit II00000
CMLT 3250Children's Literature00000
CMLT 3220Women and Writing in East Asia00000
CMLT 3200Contemporary World Literature00000
CMLT 3150Intro to Modern African Lit00000
CMLT 3100Science Fiction and Fantasy00000
CMLT 3030Afr Lang and Cult00000
CMLT 2800Literature and Medicine00000
CMLT 2510HEthnic American Literature Hon00000
CMLT 2410HAsian-American Lit00000
CMLT 2212World Lit Early Mod to Present00000
CMLT 2100Introduction to Africa00000
CMLT 9300Doct Dissertation00000
CMLT 8980Readings in CMLT00000
CMLT 4010Approaches in CMLT00000
CMLT 8130Special Topics00000
CMLT 7300Master's Thesis00000
CMLT 7000Master's Research00000
CMLT 6680Law and Culture in East Asia00000
CMLT 6620East Asian Novel00000
CMLT 6545Comp Postcolonial Studies00000
CMLT 6300Modernism and Postmodernism00000
CMLT 6245Oral Literature in Africa00000
CMLT 6210Literature and Cinema00000
CMLT 6160Bible in Literature00000
CMLT 6070Science and Lit in Renaissance00000
CMLT 4870Language Gender Sexuality00000
CMLT 6220East Asian Cinema00000
CMLT 4640War in East Asian Film and Literature00000
CMLT 9005Doc Grad Stu Sem00000
CMLT 8500Lit and Philosophy00000
CMLT 8300Contemporary Theory00000
CMLT 8250Transnational Literatures00000
CMLT 8030Literary Genres00000
CMLT 7005Grad Student Sem00000
CMLT 6740Discourse Analysis00000
CMLT 6630Holocaust Lit/ Film00000
CMLT 6600East Asian Lit I00000
CMLT 6350Industrial Age Literature00000
CMLT 6260The Black and Green Atlantic00000
CMLT 4660Politics-Film-Lit00000
CMLT 6170Literature Conflict in Israel00000
CMLT 6100Philosophy and Lit 17th Cent00000
CMLT 6030Intercultural Studies00000
CMLT 4680Law and Culture in East Asia00000
CMLT 4630Holocaust Lit/ Film00000
CMLT 4600Survey of East Asian Lit I00000
CMLT 4444Lit and Medicine00000
CMLT 4270Transnational Literatures00000
CMLT 4230African Cinema00000
CMLT 4200Literature and the Visual Arts00000
CMLT 4150Global Encounters Through Fict00000
CMLT 4040Jewish Literature00000
CMLT 4260The Black and Green Atlantic00000
CMLT 6670Chinese Cinema00000
CMLT 6610Survey of East Asian Lit II00000
CMLT 6444Lit and Medicine00000
CMLT 6270Transnational Literatures00000
CMLT 6230African Cinema00000
CMLT 6200Literature and the Visual Arts00000
CMLT 6150Global Encounters Through Fict00000
CMLT 6040Jewish Literature00000
CMLT 4740Discourse Analysis00000
CMLT 4670Chinese Cinema00000
CMLT 4610Survey of East Asian Lit II00000
CMLT 4350Industrial Age Literature00000
CMLT 6870Language Gender Sexuality00000
CMLT 4210Literature and Cinema00000
CMLT 4160Bible in Literature00000
CMLT 4070Science and Lit in Renaissance00000
CMLT 4020Senior Seminar in CMLT00000
CMLT 3650East Asian Civilization II00000
CMLT 3245World History and Fiction00000
CMLT 3190Myth in Culture00000
CMLT 3110Literature of the Self00000
CMLT 2600Black Diaspora Lit00000
CMLT 2400Asian-American Lit00000
CMLT 2220Western Lit Mod to Present00000
CMLT 2111World Lit Ancient to Modern00000
CMLT 3130Korean Culture00000
CMLT 4620East Asian Novel00000
CMLT 4545Comp Postcolonial Studies00000
CMLT 4300Modernism and Postmodernism00000
CMLT 4245Oral Literature in Africa00000
CMLT 4220East Asian Cinema00000
CMLT 4170Israel or Palestine00000
CMLT 4100Philosophy and Lit 17th Cent00000
CMLT 4030Intercultural Studies00000
CMLT 3990Directed Study in CMLT00000
CMLT 3250EChildren's Literature00000
CMLT 3210Ecocriticism00000
CMLT 3170Detective Fiction00000
CMLT 6640War in East Asian Film and Literature00000
CMLT 3080Playing with Robots00000
CMLT 3001The Swahili and the World I00000
CMLT 2610HBlack Diaspora Lit00000
CMLT 2500Comparative Ethnic Amer Lit00000
CMLT 2280HWorld Lit Mod to Present Hon00000
CMLT 2210Western Lit Ancient to Modern00000
CMLT 2030Yoruba Culture Civilization00000
CMLT 9000Doctoral Research00000
CMLT 8400Literature/science00000
CMLT 8280Problems in Literary Criticism00000
CMLT Literary Tr00000
CMLT 7010Language Pedagogy Lctl00000