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UGA Course Reviews

University of Georgia

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
CSCI 1100Topics in Computing00000
CSCI 8350Enterprise Integra00000
CSCI 8380Adv Info Sys00000
CSCI 8730Adv Topics in OS00000
CSCI 8795Advanced Topics in Cloud Compu00000
CSCI 8850Adv Bio Image Analy00000
CSCI 8945Advanced Representation Learn00000
CSCI 8965Internet of Things Security00000
CSCI 9005Doc Grad Stu Sem00000
CSCI 8220Parallel Simulation00000
CSCI 1300Intro to Python Programming00000
CSCI 1301Intro Computing and Program00000
CSCI 1360Informatics and Data Analytics00000
CSCI 2150LLab Scientif Comp00000
CSCI 2670Intro to Theory of Computing00000
CSCI 3030Computing Ethics and Society00000
CSCI 4050Software Engineering00000
CSCI 4150Num Simu Sci and Eng00000
CSCI 8000Adv Special Topics in CSCI00000
CSCI 7100Technical Report00000
CSCI 7000Master's Research00000
CSCI 6850Biomed Image Analy00000
CSCI 6830Virtual Reality00000
CSCI 6795Cloud Computing00000
CSCI 6730Operating Systems00000
CSCI 6670Combinatorics00000
CSCI 6560Evolutionary Computation Apps00000
CSCI 6540Symbolic Prog00000
CSCI 6470Algorithms00000
CSCI 6370Database Management00000
CSCI 6350Global Information Systems00000
CSCI 6250Cyber Security00000
CSCI 6150Num Simu Sci and Eng00000
CSCI 8950Machine Learning00000
CSCI 7200Master's Project00000
CSCI 8050Knowledge Based Sys00000
CSCI 8240Software Secur Cyber Forensics00000
CSCI 8360Data Science Practicum00000
CSCI 8535Multi Robot Systems00000
CSCI 8780Adv Distributed Sys00000
CSCI 8810Image Processing00000
CSCI 8860Biomed Info00000
CSCI 7005Grad Student Sem00000
CSCI 8960Privacy-Preserving Data Analys00000
CSCI 9000Doctoral Research00000
CSCI 8245Secure Programming00000
CSCI 8650Logic and Logic Programming00000
CSCI 8265Trustworthy Machine Learning00000
CSCI 4990Data Science Capstone Course00000
CSCI 8470Advanced Algorithms00000
CSCI 6060Mobile Software Development00000
CSCI 6900Special Topics00000
CSCI 6840Signal Processing00000
CSCI 6800Human-Comp Interact00000
CSCI 6780Distr Comp Systems00000
CSCI 6690Graph Theory00000
CSCI 6570Compilers00000
CSCI 4840Signal Processing00000
CSCI 4810Computer Graphics00000
CSCI 4780Distr Comp Systems00000
CSCI 4720Computer Architecture Organiza00000
CSCI 4600Reinforcement Learning00000
CSCI 4550Artif Intelligence00000
CSCI 4470Algorithms00000
CSCI 4360Data Science II00000
CSCI 4260Data Security and Privacy00000
CSCI 6530Introduction to Robotics00000
CSCI 4950Directed Study00000
CSCI 4960RUndergraduate Research I00000
CSCI 6050Software Engineering00000
CSCI 6070Game Programming00000
CSCI 6210Simulation and Modeling00000
CSCI 6260Data Security and Privacy00000
CSCI 6360Data Science II00000
CSCI 6380Data Mining00000
CSCI 4850Biomed Image Analy00000
CSCI 6550Artif Intelligence00000
CSCI 6600Reinforcement Learning00000
CSCI 6720Comp Sys Architect00000
CSCI 6760Computer Networks00000
CSCI 6810Computer Graphics00000
CSCI 6835Intro Computational Biology00000
CSCI 6950Directed Study00000
CSCI 7007Intern Comp Sci Busi Indus00000
CSCI 4830Virtual Reality00000
CSCI 4795Cloud Computing00000
CSCI 4730Operating Systems00000
CSCI 4670Combinatorics00000
CSCI 4560Evolutionary Computation Apps00000
CSCI 4530Introduction to Robotics00000
CSCI 4370Database Management00000
CSCI 4300Web Programming00000
CSCI 4210Simulation and Modeling00000
CSCI 4060Mobile Software Development00000
CSCI 2725Data Structures Data Science00000
CSCI 2611Discrete Mathematics for Engr00000
CSCI 2150Intro Scientif Comp00000
CSCI 1360EFoundations of Informatics00000
CSCI 1301LIntro Computing Program Lab00000
CSCI 2610Discrete Mathematics for CSCI00000
CSCI 5007Intern Comp Sci Busi Indus00000
CSCI 4960Faculty Mentored Research00000
CSCI 4900Special Topics00000
CSCI 4835Intro Computational Biology00000
CSCI 4800Human-Comp Interact00000
CSCI 4760Computer Networks00000
CSCI 4690Graph Theory00000
CSCI 4570Compilers00000
CSCI 4540Symbolic Prog00000
CSCI 4380Data Mining00000
CSCI 4350Global Information Systems00000
CSCI 4250Cyber Security00000
CSCI 4070Game Programming00000
CSCI 3360Data Science I00000
CSCI 2720Data Structures00000
CSCI 1210Comp Modeling and Sci00000
CSCI 1730Systems Programming00000
CSCI 1302Software Development00000
CSCI 1300LIntro Python Programming Lab00000
CSCI 1100LTopics in Computing Lab00000
CSCI 9300Doct Dissertation00000
CSCI 8990Research Seminar00000
CSCI 8955Advanced Data Analytics00000
CSCI 8920Decision Making00000
CSCI 8820Computer Vision00000
CSCI 8790Adv Data Intsv Comp00000
CSCI 8610Topics Theoretic Cs00000
CSCI 8370Advanced Database00000
CSCI 8250Advanced Cyber Security00000
CSCI 8060Adv Soft Eng00000
CSCI 7300Master's Thesis00000