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UGA Course Reviews

University of Georgia

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ECHD 9770Doctoral Assessment Practicum00000
ECHD 6040Intervention II00000
ECHD 6015Environmental Psych00000
ECHD 5950App Reseach and Human Services00000
ECHD 4660US Latino/a Mental Health Intr00000
ECHD 4420Working with College Students00000
ECHD 4400Intro to Student Affairs00000
ECHD 4052SChild Fam Vul Sit00000
ECHD 4010Devel Exper of Gender in U.S.00000
ECHD 3170Drug and Alcohol Abuse Issues00000
ECHD 3130Program and Event Management00000
ECHD 3050Career and Life Planning00000
ECHD 3020Intro Couns and HDS00000
ECHD 2050Academic and Career Planning00000
ECHD 9970Educ Rsch Couns Hum Dev Serv00000
ECHD 9860Internship in Counseling Psych00000
ECHD 6660US Latino/a Mental Health Intr00000
ECHD 9730Counslg Supvsn Prac00000
ECHD 9680Counseling Psych Supervision00000
ECHD 9620Assmnt Couns Psych00000
ECHD 9600Fndns Couns Psych00000
ECHD 9470Collab Acad Stu Aff00000
ECHD 9460Issues in Saa00000
ECHD 9430Environ Assessment00000
ECHD 9400Seminar Student Affairs Admin00000
ECHD 9080Adv Group Work Thry00000
ECHD 9050Career Dev And Rsrch00000
ECHD 9000Doctoral Research00000
ECHD 8610Fund Behavioral Neuroscience00000
ECHD 8310Social Justice Assessment00000
ECHD 8170Drug and Alcohol Thry00000
ECHD 8595Survey of Obesity Weight Manag00000
ECHD 8900Psychopharmacology00000
ECHD 9920Res Methods in Couns Psych00000
ECHD 9830Admin Intern Stu Affairs Admin00000
ECHD 9750Intern in Couns Ed and Supervi00000
ECHD 9720Counslng Practicum00000
ECHD 9650Consltn Human Systm00000
ECHD 9610Th of Couns Psych00000
ECHD 9490Csoaa00000
ECHD 9440Ldrshp and Policy Dev00000
ECHD 9410Org Dev and Cnsltn00000
ECHD 9300Doctoral Dissertation00000
ECHD 9060Adv Mltcltrl Cnsl00000
ECHD 9005Doc Grad Stu Sem00000
ECHD 8990Research Seminar in ECHD00000
ECHD 8850Adv Intern Sch Cnsl00000
ECHD 8126Integrated Health00000
ECHD 8290Social Justice00000
ECHD 8150Child and Fam Cnslg00000
ECHD 8125Health Psychology00000
ECHD 8050Couns Child and Adols00000
ECHD 8010History of Psychology00000
ECHD 7940Rsrch Col Stu Aff00000
ECHD 7850Internship School Counseling00000
ECHD 7740Pract College Student Affairs00000
ECHD 7470Equity Diversity Inclusion SA00000
ECHD 7440Admin Col Stu Aff00000
ECHD 7410Col Stu Aff Intrvns00000
ECHD 7090Strctrd Grp Intrvns00000
ECHD 7050Career Dev/thry/prc00000
ECHD 7010Indiv Appraisal00000
ECHD 7005Grad Student Sem00000
ECHD 9070Preparing Students to Teach00000
ECHD 9002ESocial Psychology and Counsel00000
ECHD 8680Edu Cnslg Suprvsn00000
ECHD 8320Legal Issues Student Affairs00000
ECHD 8280Social Justice in Counseling00000
ECHD 8130Exprsv Arts and Cnslg00000
ECHD 8100Developmental Cnslg00000
ECHD 8030Psychodiagnosis00000
ECHD 7990Rsrch Sem in Candhds00000
ECHD 7860Internship Mental Health Couns00000
ECHD 7770Sa Assmt and Eval00000
ECHD 7600Mental Health Counseling00000
ECHD 7430Col Student Ecology00000
ECHD 7350Issues Marriage Family Therapy00000
ECHD 7060Cross-Culturl Cnslg00000
ECHD 9320Teachng and Diversity00000
ECHD 6380Human Devel and Mental Health00000
ECHD 6020Interpersonal Relationships00000
ECHD 5950EApp Reseach and Human Services00000
ECHD 4538SAd Pr Ldr On Campus00000
ECHD 4410EIntentional Prog Devel Assess00000
ECHD 4380Human Devel and Mental Health00000
ECHD 4015Environmental Psych00000
ECHD 3538SLdr in Action00000
ECHD 3130LProgram and Event Manage Lab00000
ECHD 3050ECareer and Life Planning00000
ECHD 3030Diversity Help Skil00000
ECHD 2050EAcademic and Career Planning00000
ECHD 1537Campus Leadership00000
ECHD 9690SCounseling Psychology Supervision Practicum00000
ECHD 5840Student Affairs Internship00000
ECHD 8060Human Development and Games00000
ECHD 8020Seminar in Candhds00000
ECHD 8000Appld Proj Couns Hum Dev Serv00000
ECHD 7920Rsrch in Counslng00000
ECHD 7840Intern College Student Affairs00000
ECHD 7700Individual Counseling Pract00000
ECHD 7460Issues Stud Aff Adm00000
ECHD 7420Theories Col St Dev00000
ECHD 7400Fndns Col Stu Aff00000
ECHD 7080Intro Group Counslg00000
ECHD 7040Couns Thry and Skills00000
ECHD 7000Master's Research00000
ECHD 6050SServ-Learn School Counseling00000
ECHD 6030Intervention I00000
ECHD 6000Spec Prob Couns Hum Dev Serv00000
ECHD 8030EPsychodiagnosis00000
ECHD 4537Peer Ldr On Campus00000
ECHD 4410Intentional Prog Devel Assess00000
ECHD 4400EIntro to Student Affairs00000
ECHD 4020Interpersonal Relationships00000
ECHD 4000Spec Prob Couns Hum Dev Serv00000
ECHD 3170EDrug and Alcohol Abuse Issues00000
ECHD 9930Diversity in Student Affaris00000
ECHD 9850Teaching Internship in CHDS00000
ECHD 9760Practicum in Couns Psychology00000
ECHD 9710Ethics Prof Issues00000
ECHD 9630Adv Psychodiagnosis00000
ECHD 9500Adv Theories CHD00000
ECHD 9450Staffing Practices00000
ECHD 9420Adv Thry Col St Dev00000