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UGA Course Reviews

University of Georgia

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
EDSE 6000Directed Study in Special Ed00000
EDSE 9930Intern College Teach Spec Ed00000
EDSE 9000Doctoral Research00000
EDSE 7650Applied Project in Special Ed00000
EDSE 7300Master's Thesis00000
EDSE 7220Instr Student High Incidence00000
EDSE 7120EDyslexia and Other Learn Disab00000
EDSE 7020EAST of Dyslexia and Other LD00000
EDSE 6030Students Special Needs Gr 6-1200000
EDSE 3040Contemporary Issues in Special Education00000
EDSE 5400Collabor Among Fam and Prof00000
EDSE 5120EDyslexia and Other Learn Disab00000
EDSE 4230EAdv Instr Method Mild Disabil00000
EDSE 4120Instr Ind with Mod to Sev Disa00000
EDSE 4020Students Special Needs PreK-500000
EDSE 3050EClass Behav Mgmt for Ind Disab00000
EDSE 2000ESurvey of Special Education00000
EDSE 9940Intern Supervis Spec Ed Teach00000
EDSE 5160ECommunication and Language Development in Young Children00000
EDSE 5250EAssessment and Intervention for Struggling Writers00000
EDSE 7050EPositive Behavior Supports00000
EDSE 7200Methods and Curriculum in Early Childhood Special Education00000
EDSE 8370Single-Subject Research Methodology in Special Education00000
EDSE 3030Introduction to Assessing Individuals with Disabilities00000
EDSE 3040EContemporary Issues in Special Education00000
EDSE 5200Methods in Teaching Infants and Young Children with Developm...00000
EDSE 7010Clinical Assessment in Special Education00000
EDSE 7130EBehavioral Disorders00000
EDSE 7210Behavioral Methods of Instruction00000
EDSE 4000Directed Study in Special Education00000
EDSE 6050Managing Severe Aggressive Behavior in the Classroom and Com...00000
EDSE 7160ECommunication and Language Development in Young Children00000
EDSE 7250EAssessment and Intervention for Struggling Writers00000
EDSE 6020Students Special Needs PreK-500000
EDSE 3020EChar of Indiv with Mild Disab00000
EDSE 9600Issues and Trends Special Ed00000
EDSE 8000Directed Study in Special Ed00000
EDSE 7460Internship in Special Ed00000
EDSE 7230Adv Applied Behavior Analysis00000
EDSE 7180Develop Curricul for Child 3-500000
EDSE 7110ESeminar ID and DD00000
EDSE 7000Master's Research00000
EDSE 4010EInstructing Children with ASD00000
EDSE 5400ECollabor Among Fam and Prof00000
EDSE 5150ERead Interven for Special Ed00000
EDSE 4440EPracticum in Special Education00000
EDSE 4220EInstr Student High Incidence00000
EDSE 4050Managing Severe Behavior00000
EDSE 4030Students Special Needs Gr 6-1200000
EDSE 3050Class Behav Mgmt for Ind Disab00000
EDSE 2000Survey of Special Education00000
EDSE 4030EStudents Special Needs Gr 6-1200000
EDSE 4220Instr Student High Incidence00000
EDSE 4440Practicum in Special Education00000
EDSE 5020EAST of Dyslexia and Other LD00000
EDSE 5180Develop Curricul for Child 3-500000
EDSE 5460Student Teaching in Special Ed00000
EDSE 6010EInstructing Children with ASD00000
EDSE 6030EStudents Special Needs Gr 6-1200000
EDSE 7100Found Assess ECSE00000
EDSE 7150ERead Interven for Special Ed00000
EDSE 7220EInstr Student High Incidence00000
EDSE 7440Practicum in Special Education00000
EDSE 7610Sem Autism Spectrum Disorders00000
EDSE 7810Phil Concepts Behav Analysis00000
EDSE 9300Doctoral Dissertation00000