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UGA Course Reviews

University of Georgia

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ENGL 4080Lg Var Ling Speech00000
ENGL 4825Topics Lit Theory00000
ENGL 4450The Global Eighteenth Century00000
ENGL 8980Workshop in Academic Writing00000
ENGL 4832WWriting for the Web00000
ENGL 3892SLiterature in the Library00000
ENGL 4501Romantic Circles00000
ENGL 6830Theory Topics00000
ENGL 4670Twentieth-Century Brit Novel00000
ENGL 8720African Am Sem00000
ENGL 6892Literature in the Archives00000
ENGL 4896Comics and Graph Narr00000
ENGL 3530Victorian Studies00000
ENGL 3500Jane Austen's World00000
ENGL 6295Celtic Studies00000
ENGL 4331Shakespeare On Film00000
ENGL 4296Lit Med Wales00000
ENGL 4685Postcolonial Literature00000
ENGL 4800WAdvanced Creative Writing00000
ENGL 488421st Century Black Writers00000
ENGL 6920Apprentice College Engl Pedago00000
ENGL 4780Twentieth-Century Amer Novel00000
ENGL 4840Internship in Literary Media00000
ENGL 4866Novel After 190000000
ENGL 1101SEnglish Composition I Sl00000
ENGL 6710Am Writing 1820-6500000
ENGL 6195Celtic Languages00000
ENGL 3230Develop African American Lit00000
ENGL 8550Sem Victorian Lit00000
ENGL 4960RUndergraduate Research I00000
ENGL 3250Latinx Literature00000
ENGL 3800HIntro Creat Writ H00000
ENGL 3850SWriting and Community00000
ENGL 4721Mark Twain00000
ENGL 4270Medieval Romance00000
ENGL 4197Middle Welsh00000
ENGL 4420Early 18th-Cent Lit00000
ENGL 6642Films About South00000
ENGL 4630Afri Amer Fiction00000
ENGL 435017th-Cent Poetry00000
ENGL 4750American Modernism00000
ENGL 3300Women in Literature00000
ENGL 4842Intern Professional Tech Comm00000
ENGL 4540Victorian Poetry00000
ENGL 4640Film as Literature00000
ENGL 4830WAdv Studies Writing00000
ENGL 4695Topics in Postcolonial Lit00000
ENGL 8500Sem Romantic Lit00000
ENGL 4820Literary Theory00000
ENGL 3430Literature and Childhood00000
ENGL 4841Intern Teaching and Pedagogy00000
ENGL 8970Workshop in Academic Reading00000
ENGL 4884W21St Century Black Writers00000
ENGL 4865Novel Before 190000000
ENGL 4995WSenior Seminar00000
ENGL 2310Eng Lit to 170000000
ENGL 6642LFilm Lab00000
ENGL 6300Elizabethan Poetry00000
ENGL 3030World Englishes00000
ENGL 6837WDigital Storytelling00000
ENGL 4892Literature in the Archives00000
ENGL 6999Professionalization00000
ENGL 3420Literature and the Mind00000
ENGL 8750Sem Southern Lit00000
ENGL 3700Writing in the Disciplines00000
ENGL 3010Introduction to Folklore00000
ENGL 3650Introduction to Drama00000
ENGL 3410Literature and Media00000
ENGL 6110English Grammar00000
ENGL 3610HIntroduction to Fiction Honors00000
ENGL 3820WCritical Approaches To Lit00000
ENGL 4001Careers Engl Majors00000
ENGL 3050HIntroduction to Poetry Honors00000
ENGL 4210Old English Lit00000
ENGL 4060Old English00000
ENGL 4300Elizabethan Poetry00000
ENGL 643018Th C Eng Novel00000
ENGL 4370Milton00000
ENGL 4240Chaucer00000
ENGL 4460Women in Eighteenth Century00000
ENGL 4760Contemp Amer Lit00000
ENGL 4525WCharles Dickens00000
ENGL 4330SShakespeare in the Classroom00000
ENGL 4660Twentieth-Century British Poet00000
ENGL 6700Am Writing To 182000000
ENGL 4700American Colonial Voices00000
ENGL 4400Rest 18th-C Drama00000
ENGL 4791American Autobiography00000
ENGL 2320Eng Lit Since 170000000
ENGL 4833WComp Pedagogy00000
ENGL 4505Jane Austen00000
ENGL 4870Folklore Studies00000
ENGL 6890Research Methods00000
ENGL 4886Text Corp Analysis00000
ENGL 6911Teaching Practicum00000
ENGL 4642Films About South00000
ENGL 3400Lit and Evolution00000
ENGL 4680Modern Irish Literature00000
ENGL 7300Master's Thesis00000
ENGL 4730The American Novel to 190000000
ENGL 4834ePortfolio Workshop00000
ENGL 4795Faulkner00000
ENGL 8600Sem Modern Lit00000
ENGL 4826Style Language Genre Cognition00000
ENGL 2340Am Lit Since 186500000
ENGL 4835Environmental Literature00000
ENGL 8850Sem Crit Theory00000
ENGL 4860Multcult Amer Lit00000
ENGL 4844Intern Library or Museum00000
ENGL 4875Aesthetics and Politics00000
ENGL 1060HComp and Multicul Lit Honors00000
ENGL 4890Criticism and Culture00000
ENGL 3460Literature and Utopia00000
ENGL 4913Intern Writ Center Pedagogy00000
ENGL 1102EEnglish Comp II00000
ENGL 6060Old English00000
ENGL 4874Literature and the Civil War00000
ENGL 6240Chaucer00000
ENGL 2330Am Lit to 186500000
ENGL 6600Fem Theory Crit00000
ENGL 6332Shakespeare and Media00000
ENGL 2400Multicult Am Lit00000
ENGL 6680Mod Irish Lit00000
ENGL 4885Intro to Hum Comp00000
ENGL 6800Forms and Craft00000
ENGL 3050Introduction to Poetry00000
ENGL 6885Intro to Hum Comp00000
ENGL 3650HIntroduction to Drama Honors00000
ENGL 6912SWriting Center Theory Practice00000
ENGL 3330Literature and Human Rights00000
ENGL 8300Sem Renaissance00000
ENGL 4897Science Fiction00000
ENGL 8700Sem American Lit00000
ENGL 3450Literature and War00000
ENGL 8900Rhetorical Theory00000
ENGL 3007Spy Fiction00000
ENGL 2380HAm Lit Since 1865 H00000
ENGL 3610Introduction to Fiction00000
ENGL 3055Poetry and Popular Song00000
ENGL 6005Hist Eng Lang00000
ENGL 3330HLit and Human Rights Honors00000
ENGL 3700DWriting in the Disciplines00000
ENGL 3440Literature and Philosophy00000
ENGL 4690Twentieth-Century British Lit00000
ENGL 3600WAdvanced Composition00000
ENGL 3801WIntrmed Cw Topics00000
ENGL 3800WIntro Creative Writ00000
ENGL 6220Beowulf00000
ENGL 3880SCivil Rights Lit and Culture00000
ENGL 3851SWriting for Social Justice00000
ENGL 4010American English00000
ENGL 1103Multi Eng Comp00000
ENGL 4195Celtic Languages00000
ENGL 4005Hist Eng Lang00000
ENGL 4230Medieval Literature00000
ENGL 6330SShakespeare in the Classroom00000
ENGL 4295Celtic Studies00000
ENGL 4110English Grammar00000
ENGL 4330Shakespeare II: Special Topics00000
ENGL 4740Southern Literature00000
ENGL 4340Renaissance Drama00000
ENGL 4220Beowulf00000
ENGL 4390Topics in Renaissance Lit00000
ENGL 652019th C Brit Novel00000
ENGL 4440Age of Johnson00000
ENGL 4290Topics Medieval Lit00000
ENGL 4490Topics 18-Century Literature00000
ENGL 3100Intro to British Culture I00000
ENGL 451019th-Cen Brit Prose00000
ENGL 4320Shakespeare I: Selected Works00000
ENGL 4590Nineteenth-Century British Lit00000
ENGL 667020th C Brit Novel00000
ENGL 4642LFilm Lab00000
ENGL 4332Shakespeare and Media00000
ENGL 4675TwentyFirst Century Brit Fict00000
ENGL 4790Topics in American Literature00000
ENGL 4698James Joyce00000
ENGL 4380City of London, 1590-161000000
ENGL 4710American Renaissance00000
ENGL 6770African Am Topics00000
ENGL 4770Twentieth-Century Amer Poetry00000
ENGL 443018th Cen Eng Novel00000
ENGL 4810Literary Mag Edit and Publish00000
ENGL 1101English Composition I00000
ENGL 4831WCritical Essay00000
ENGL 4500Romantic Literature00000
ENGL 4837WDigital Storytelling00000
ENGL 6880Comp Theory00000
ENGL 4864Hist Theory Novel00000
ENGL 4520Nineteenth-Century Brit Novel00000
ENGL 4876Fantasy Literature00000
ENGL 4821Poetics00000
ENGL 4620African Amer Poetry00000
ENGL 1050HComposition and Lit Honors00000
ENGL 1102English Comp II00000
ENGL 2390HMulticul Am Lit H00000
ENGL 3590WTech and Prof Comm00000
ENGL 4882WStudies in Black Film00000
ENGL 2370HAm Lit To 1865 H00000
ENGL 6451The Global Eighteenth Century00000